Het WASPS only? Pacific Travel Mews, the official publication of the Pacific Asia Travel Association, in its Ju n e 1986 issue, ran an ad for Turtle Island, Fiji. "Chosen by prestigious Harpers and Queen as one of the 300 best Hotels in the World and by Columbia Pictures for the movie ‘Blue Lagoon’ with Brooke Shields. 12 beach cottages for m axim um of 24 guests (English speaking mixed Adult Couples only.) T h e agent listed in the ad is C.C. Marketing, Inc., of Vancouver, WA. W hat's going on here? by Jay Brown The case of the missing spoons Ju n k seems to be so popular with non-gay singles that now few, if any, downtown bars D ride with Radi© Cab U O U 'i #/ c h o ic e 227 1212 Q__ P MEDIA. T INC. ORINT MEDIA BUYING * Based on your annual advertising schedule, w e’ll work directly with the right publications to insure you get in before deadline. and restaurants include spoons in their table settings — even for the lunch trade. Reports are that hypodermic syringes are still being left daily in restroom wastebaskets. A suggestion that educational materials noting the connection between needles and A ID S be made available to restaurant patrons went over like a lead balloon. A representative response: "Th e owners would never allow it; because then they would have to admit it was happening." Shadbume recall petitions filling up fast After six weeks of meetings, a committee of East County citizens filed a petition to recall M ultnom ah County Comm issioner Gordon S hadbum e on Ju ly 15. In a prepared statement, Committee to Re­ call G ordon Shadbum e spokesperson Jan Shearer listed some of the reasons for the recall: ‘‘He has not been a good steward of public funds. He has used county m oney and prop­ erty for the benefit of himself and his associates. He has utterly failed to appreciate the need to cooperate with other elected officials in providing meaningful representation for Dis­ trict 5. He displays an arrogant and careless at­ titude toward his responsibilities by his shameful attendance record and by his lack of political skills. He shows indifferent and unresponsive at­ titudes in representing large portions of his district He often takes an adversarial role with the cities in District 5." T h e petitioners must gather 6514 valid sig­ natures by September 15 to place the mea­ sure on the November general election ballot “People are finding it easy to get signa­ tures," said Franklin Jenkins, an East County resident who is actively working with the re­ call committee. “People just don’t like Shad- b u m e ’s hypocrisy.” S o what’s going on here is that maybe we’re finally winning one. G ordon Shadbum e has been an enemy of hum an rights for longer than m ost of us like to remember. If we can, PRODUCTION * Well execute your artwork and copy to fit your tastes, not ours. Business cards, brochures, flyers, logos, etc., at affordable prices; camera work, typesetting, layout or original art and photography. Sick joke for the '80s In what must be the sick joke of the year, a m ove seems to be afoot to afford Ronbo the opportunity of a third term in the White House. G u y Vander J a g t a Republican Congress­ m an from Michigan and chairman of the National Republican Cam paign Committee, urged supporters to sign a petition asking Congress to repeal the 22nd Am endm ent which limits presidents to two terms. T h e 22nd Am endm ent was passed by a Republican controlled Congress in 1947; Re­ publicans had endured the four-term presi­ dency of Democrat Franklin Roosevelt (1 9 3 2 -4 5 ) and never wanted to face such a prospect again. Vander Ja gt’s letter, mailed to 300,000 other Republican reactionaries, said in part, “T h e 22nd Am endm ent is an absolute insult to you and me and every other voter in this country and it should be repealed.” Back in 1947,1 remember thinking that the 22nd Am endm ent was indeed an insult, but since history has thrown both Nixon and Reagan at us, repeal of the 22nd Am endm ent is hardly in our best interests. W Y2000 conference nears W om en designing the future is the focus of a W om en in the Year 2000 conference to be held in Portland on September 19-21. Th e conference agenda will include sixty work­ shop», panel discussions and other presenta­ tions covering a wide range of topics includ­ ing politics, social and econom ic policy, wo­ m en's history, health and fitness, educational and career opportunities, family and parenting. T h e Lesbian Com m unity Project, Th e Na­ tional Abortion Rights Action League (N A R A L ), Native W om en's Caucus, North­ west W o m e n s Spirituality Network and Plan­ ned Parenthood are some of the groups m aking presentations at the conference. Th e registration fee for the 3-day conference is $35. Jo a n Perez Little, W Y2000 Executive Coordinator, has announced two concerts to be held in conjunction with the conference. O n Friday, September 19, Holly Near will ap­ pear at Benson High School Auditorium and on the following Sunday, September 21, Sweet Honey in the Rock will appear in the same auditorium at 3 3 0 p.m. Ticket prices (Holly Near: $ 10 and Sweet Honey in the Roclc $ 15) rise after September 5. Tickets are available at A W o m a n’s Place Bookstore, 1431 N E Broadway. F o r further information call the W Y2000 hotline, 235-0439. Ken Kesey on his gay friends “I believe if you put a polygraph on people and asked them, ‘Are you happy with life?’ the homosexuals 1 know would say, ‘Yes, of course I am! and the machine would say, ‘Y o u ’re lying.’ “ ‘Are you proud of your life?’ “ ‘Yes, we’re proud.’ “But the polygraph would say, Y o u ’re lying.’ “I d o n ’t have any way of knowing for sure, because we only know what we see on each other’s surface. But I’ll bet you water in hell that when we tally up our beans at the end of the game, our good beans and our bad beans, that I’ve got m ore good beans than they do. I mean, why not go down the road that gives the m ost good beans?" From Blows to the Spirit A dialogue between Ken Kesey and Robert Stone; Esquire, lb/. 105 No. 6, Ju n e 1986. AIDS legal pam phlet available National G ay Rights Advocates, the San Francisco-based public interest law firm re­ cently announced its publication of the na­ tion’s first pamphlet on A ID S and the law. Entitled "A ID S and Your Legal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know ," the pamphlet will be distributed free of charge as a public ser­ vice. T h e 8-page pamphlet is geared specifi­ cally towards non-lawyers, and is written in clear, simple language. It covers a broad range of legal issues involving wills, estate planning, medical treatment, public benefits, insurance, employment, the military, quaran­ tine, HTLV-III antibody testing, and other matters. A ID S a nd Your Legal Rights can be ob­ tained by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to N G R A, 5 4 0 Castro S t, San Fran­ cisco, C A 94114. P R OMOTION/PUBUCITY We know who to contact tc give you the most effective exposure. Press releases, letters, photos, flyers — many times hand delivered in Portland + follow-up. Publishers of Ju st Out 1 1 3 5 S E S a l m o n , S u it e 2 4 0 • P o r t la n d , O R 9 7 2 1 4 • ( 5 0 3 ) 2 3 6 - 1 2 5 2 6 with Shadbum e as an example, convince others like him that they cannot get away with it any more they will not see gays and lesbians as easy targets for slander. T o be a part of the Gordon Shadbume recall effort call 252-7886. O ne need not be a resident of District 5 to circulate a petition, but signers must be residents of the district Families and Couples • P A TR IC IA I. C H A N C E , MSW THERAPIST Hours opon Thursday 10 p m -2 am Friday 10 p m -4 am Saturday 10 p m -4:30a Sunday Depression • Relationship Issues Personal Transitions • Incest Survivors Coming Out Concerns Sliding Fee Scale 10 p m -2 am Just O ut, August. 1986 f* o o r, .liu y u H . Vv/u