Your governm ent loves you, and wishes you well by Eleemor Malin A d ru n k wakes up one afternoon to news on the tube that there is trouble going on in El Salvador. He goes to a pay phone and begs fo r a press pass and passage to the fracas. He is a debauched and failed m em ber o f that battered branch o f the th ird estate — the param ilitary paparazzi. • CINEMA Jam es W oods plays real-life stringer, Richard Boyle (w ho co-authored the script) in the film Shrunken, long down on his luck, Boyle operates, nevertheless by means o f experience. C onfrontational by nature, he asks everyone fo r favors, money. He doesn’t get m uch, but he gets along. In one tig h t spot, his life is spared, and that o f his friend, Doc (Jim Belushi, fo r com edy relief), because he once w rote a good story about an unpopular m ilita ry man. B ut Boyle can’t get m uch from the people he asks because they hold him in such low esteem. The inference is that he has been trivialized by the political hierarchy (o f both sides), and the rest o f the m em bers o f the in form atio n m edia because he dares to speak the truth. El Salvador in the raw is not the sort o f reality we Am ericans want to deal with. W oods is so com pelling in his role as the sleazy stringer, you feel as if you are with him in his trials. The cum ulative effect o f the ac­ tio n shots and situations o f terror and hysteri­ cal abandon absolutely w ill grip you. The characters are in a country where hum an rights co u n t fo r nothing. The fate o f the in d i­ vidual m ig h t well rest on the least significant detail — the w him o f any dogface soldier or drunken partisan. Boyle watches the other reporters having to swallow gigantic untruths to m aintain their access to governm ent types, and we sense he feels a m oral superiority. S till, he acts like a jerk, and looks m alnourished, as though he m ust be struggling very hard to keep him self fro m being dissolved in a barrel o f Tick-Tack cheap booze). You feel sorry for this m an; he’s not a bad guy, really, ju st a hyper sleazeball in an im possible situation. Because o f his outspoken past work Boyle is with CIS personnel, and can’t even get a fo r his g irl friend. She could be killed if she gets in the way o f a random sweep, ju st fo r not having the docu­ m e n t She could get one if she could get back to her hom etow n, but w ithout i t she would m ost likely be killed on a trip hom e. So Boyle schem es to m arry her, although he is already Salvador. (real persona non grata cedula fORlETTTALRUG -- ------------------- * m arried. W hen he tells his schem e to his friend, Cathy, a C atholic lay worker, she is shocked. A m aster o f situational ethics, he tells her the m arriage doesn’t c o u n t as his wife has left him . At som e p o in t Boyle does do a little report­ ing. He goes out on a death patrol with photo­ grapher (John Savage), another very good actor. Som e really horrible scenes are revealed. We see what looks like a m ountain o f dead and m angled bodies. The newsmen photograph the dead to give to hospital personnel, so people whose loved ones are m issing can go through them to look fo r the disappeared. Another tim e, Boyle is detained. As he argues energetically, no m ention is m ade o f a head sitting on a table. It's business as usual in El Salvador. Boyle com es right out and says that Reagan was deploying troops and m aking moves in C entral Am erica before he was even inau­ gurated. He claim s Reagan forces hired Salvadorans to rape and m urder three nuns and Cathy, in order to drum up sym pathy for th e ir p ro je c t (I still rem em ber the clip o f Al Haig, squirm ing, explaining how if it was friends o f the adm inistration, it m ust have been an a ccid e n t and later, W alter Cronkite scoffing that this would surely be the first accidental rape and execution in history.). Boyle gets to the site o f the m urders and sees Cathy, w ho’s been partially decapitated by a shotgun b la st W hen he gets back to tow n, a yuppie reporter, played by Valerie W ildm an, tells him that the perpetrators did the m urders fo r som e absurdly low sum and a bottle o f Tick-Tack each. Then she tells him the Am ericans claim the nuns were C om ­ m u nist sympathizers and asks Boyle what he thinks. The look on his face says it all. G rim y, slippery, unsanitary, this movie m akes you want to go take a bath. We see people struggle to survive, all sides be­ com e hysterical, death begets death. We see no sense to it at all. We see a lo t o f really fine acting. The urgency, the spectacle, the cu t­ tin g loose fro m thought processes that m u s t o f necessity accom pany w ar-m ongering — it’s all there, and it’s tru ly fascinating. long As W arrant O fficer Ripley, Sigourney W eaver again makes an indelible statem ent fo r w om anhood. Finally picked up, after 57 years o f driftin g in a deep sleep on the N ostrom o’s em ergency shuttle, technically, she shouldn’t have aged at all. B ut there are real-life w rinkles now around her m outh, and she looks older, w hich works w onderfully well, since it is the case that in her deep sleep, Ripley has gathered strength, and becom e even better. B ut she’s having nightm ares. She’s given a low ly jo b to pay back the Company, which blam es her fo r the loss o f the N ostrom o, and w ould like to pin the deaths o f the crew m em ­ bers on her, as well. They interrogate her, refusing to accept her data, getting her to repeat the story, hop­ ing she w ill m ake a mistake, or give up in exhaustion. A com pany m an tells her they have popu- - lated the planet where she first encountered the aliens. The crew was to w ork on an atm osphere production cham ber, w hich they erected and m aintained fo r 20 years. But radio com m unications from the site have ceased Ripley is h o rrified The com pany man asks her to go on a m ission to investigate. She turns him down, but again, has night­ mares. She calls him to ask how many people are involved in the disappearance. He tells her 60 o r 7 0 — fam ilies. She says she w ill go. W hen Ripley finds o u t the D octor (Bishop) in the crew is an android, she is furious. The com pany m an rem em bers that there “ was som e tro u b le ” with the last android. That one had been program m ed to assure the success o f the m ission (bringing back an alien for study and possible m ilitary application) even to the p o in t o f sacrificing all the crew m em ­ bers. Dirty. A t any rate, Ripley can do nothing about it A nother m acho m arine is in charge o f the m ission, under the supervisory eye o f the com pany m an, and between the m indless obedience and the blatant greed, the m ission forges relentlessly on. T he com pany m an gave the order fo r the little population to go to the caverns where the alien eggs were located, ju st before radio silence. The landing party locates a survivor, a young girl, N ew t Severely traum atized, she eludes the crew. Ripley crawls through a little d u ct and captures Newt in a dirty hiding place, where she had apparently been surviv­ ing on ju n k food and adrenalin. A t one p o in t Ripley and Newt are menaced by the alien Queen. In a m ovie m arked by go o d acting on all parts, this pantom im e scene is the be st As sequels go, m uch praise m ust be given here. Those in charge have follow ed the success pattern o f the series o f books. T hat was the popular series wherein the o ld Yaqui Indian sorcerer proved defini­ tively th a t a sociology student never outgrow s nerdhood. The first one was a runaway hit, and the au tho r proceeded to regroup the ideas and sell another, then regroup them again and sell another. was not so m u ch rew ritten, as rearranged. A ll the elem ents are in ta c t The old rusty tra ctors and copter parts m ay look m ore m odem , bu t they are still w orn and grubby. Jones appears in the beginning o f the film , bu t is superseded later by N ew t the young in noce nt w ho m ust be rescued in the film ’s clim ax. The cham ber w ith eggs in it is back as a really big, explosively treacherous cham ber w ith lots o f eggs and hum an coccoons in it T here’s Ripley in her skivvies again, and just as she donned a space suit to vanquish the first alien, she dons a technologically m arvel­ ous “ su it” to vanquish the Queen. There’s even the same silly sm all talk at the dinner table. The treacherous “ com pany” is there, bu t now personified by a schem ing oppor­ tu n is t A nd as we had te rro r and suspense in we have the same brand o f and Don Juan Alien Alien, terror suspense in Aliens. Just as the only change in the title is one added letter, you could say th a t it’s the same great m ovie, only plural. You take the high road, and I'll take your w allet by W.C. McRae Restless natives, a film shot in E dinburgh and the Highlands, follow s the antics o f two young "underem ployed" Scots who invent a unique but lucrative career by com bining thievery and scenery. The pair decide to em u­ late Rob Roy, a Scottish outlaw w ho robbed fro m the medieval rich to give to the poor. However, in m odem day Scotland the rich are A m erican tourists w ho cross the hills and m oors in buses, and the poor are, well, ju st about everyone else. The tw o young daring- doers use hum or, ingenuity, a m otorcycle, and a “ puffer gun” which distributes curry pow der into the eyes o f the resistant to gain th e ir ends, but soon becom e tourist-attrac­ tio n s in th e ir own rig h t Am ericans are so taken by being robbed by highwaym en, that they brandish the ir Am erican Express cards in hopes o f being thieved. Tourism in S cotland soars. However, the fun may be over, fo r Yanks and Scots alike, when law and order threatens in the form o f a recently- robbed CIA ag ent The im probability o f the film ’s premises doesn’t detract from the strength o f the com ­ edy. W hile is heavy on whim sy, it is enaetd before the m ore dire realities o f Scottish life: unem ploym ent crim e, and poverty. The gratuity o f the film ’s ending was studio enforced, explained producer Rick Stevenson at the film ’s opening — apparently, the idea th a t the youths m ig h t not be punished, how­ ever m arginally, fo r their deeds rankled corporate tastes. W ho needs the CIA when we have such high m otion picture standards? Stevenson sees as p ri­ m arily a story o f friendship. The central roles o f W ill and Ronnie, the tw o youths whose determ ination to win fam e and fortune by fair m eans o r foul makes them national heroes, are played by Vincent Friell and Joe Mullaney, S cottish television actors. The love interest, a fetching to u r guide, is played by Terri Lally, another Scottish TV personality. Veteran A m erican actor Ned Beatty plays the CIA agent caught up in the Scottish intrigue. Tw enty-four-year-old E dinburgh native N inian D unnett, wrote the script fo r w hich won a Britain-w ide w riting c o n te s t Film m akers Stevenson, a native o f Seattle, and M ichael Hoffm an, o f Payette, Idaho, were post-graduate students together at O xford University. After taking their degrees, they settled in O xford and form ed the O xford R im Foundation. is the team ’s second film . real Restless natives Restless natives Restless natives, Restless natives f’OKTL'\hi) s rinr.sT cou.rcnopi f'KOM PERSIA, TURKEY. AFGHANISTAN. F’AKISTAPI INDIA. CHINA, • Decorative Expert: K ilim s D h u rrie s • Ku> Trad«* >eu Used R ugs • • • • ft Appraisal C le a n in g Kepair Restoration A friendly place to shop, your neighborhood coop. VI'S Ut I. C .C . (U S A ) LT D . 2 20 SVi First Avenue (S O T ) 248-951 I FREE RUG PAD WITH PURCHASE 1 « 1 ROAN nil WORLD FOR Veil HIM OUR TRADITION O f QUALI Hr SERVICE ANI) Af IO K D A R IU TA Nf V I K STRAYS I AK I KON MOM I • • Fresh produce, mostly organically grown Natural groceries • • Herbs , vitamins, body care Northwest wines and imported beers • Monday Bulk foods, wholesale buying for members - Saturday 10-8, Sunday 12-7 3029 S.E. 21st (One block north of Powell)/Bus #9, 232-9051 Just O ut. August. 1986