Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, June 01, 1986, Page 11, Image 11

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    The Life & Times of Harvey Milk and
Before Stonewall play at Cinema 21 in
honor of Lesbian Gay Pride Week. C all
theatre for showtim es, 223-4722. NW 21st
& Hoyt. Through June 14.
1 5 _______ SUNDAY
Jane Siberry performs tonight at Sta rry
Night, 8 NW 6th. Tickets are $9, and are
a va ila b le at G.l. Joe's, G a lleria Jean
M achine, and Everybody's Records.
Let's bow l over convention expenses at
the Father's Day Bow ling party benefit for
this fa ll's Pa re nts FLAG convention, 1:00
at Pro -300 Lanes, 3031 SE Powell Tickets
are $10, and entitle me nolders to tnree
gam es of bow ling and a fun afternoon. To
sa y nothing of the p rize s.. . .
Le sb ia ns and gay-positive women are
invited to celebrate Lesbian and Gay
Pride by attending a discussion on "Sexu­
a lity " during the Lesbian Forum, 7:30
p.m. at W estm inster Presbyterian Church,
1624 NE Hancock. The Lesbian Forum was
begun in M ay 1981 as an open, supportive
pla ce for women to d iscuss topics of in­
terest. Services provided at the Forum
include w heelchair access at the 16th
Street entrance (door is attended from
7:00 to 7:25), supervised childcare and
inform ation tables for flyers, business
ca rds, etc. To help defray costs, the sug­
gested donation is $2 (more or less is O.K.).
Look fo r the Lesbian Forum Voter Registra­
tion Booth at the Lesbian and Gay Pride
'86 Ra lly, Saturday, June 21! The Forum
Pla nning Comm ittee needs interpreters
for the deaf and hearing impaired. Please
see C la ssifie d A ds for details.
The fina l play of the IFCC Theatre's
m ulti-cultural theatre season w ill be Star­
ing Back, opening at 8 p.m. at the Inter­
state Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N,
Interstate Avenue and continuing through
July 20.
The IFCC presents the Oregon Premiere
of this unique comedy revue, which was
o rig ina lly produced by C hicago's Second
City and the Schwab Rehabilitation Clinic.
W ritten by Susan Nussbaum and Law­
rence Perkins, this hila rious and zany re­
vue stars both d isab led and able-bodied
actors who m anage through comedy to
turn a ll the cliches concerning d isa b ilitie s
upsid e down. Reviews of the Chicago
production called the play "everything a
good revue should be: smart, funny, sharp­
ly pointed and fast m oving" and "fille d
with wonderful moments, a special
evening of comedy that w ill keep you
laughing ."
Staring Back plays at 8 p.m. Thursday.
Frid a y and Saturday, and at 2 p.m. Sun­
day. Tic ke ts are $8 on Thursday and Sun­
day, and $9 on Frid ay and Saturday. To
m ake reservations, please call the IFCC
at 2 4 3 -7930 (voice or TTY).
com m unity can successfully organize tor
an A ID S cure, despite government and
m edical obstruction and right wing-
insp ired panic w ill be discussed by trade
unionist and gay activist Jonathan Foe,
2 :30 p.m ., at the M usicia n's Union Hall, 325
NE 20th. Door donation $2.00, low-income
$1.00. A d elicious brunch w ill be served for
$5.00 at 1:00 p.m. and a social w ill follow
the discussion. Sponsored by Radical
Wom en and the Freedom So c ia list
Party. For inform ation ca ll 249-8067 or
249-1710. W heelchair accessible.
We re Not Going To Take It. Video
chronicling em battled local P-9's strike
ag a inst Hormel is presented at the next
Ra d ic a l Women meeting Can P-9's
m ilita nt orga nizing galvanize the labor
movement and reverse the trend of give-
back contracts nationwide? Join us at
6 :3 0 p.m. at the Multnomah County Cent-
Zonnie J. Bauer and Dancers perform
Woven Cultures, a dance concert of
row night at 8:00 at the First Congrega­
tiona l Church, 1126 SW Park Ave. Tickets
are $10.00.
A Woman’s Place Bookstore is now
open at 1431 NE Broadway. They are
celebrating their new location a ll through
the month of June. Today, a sp a rkling re­
ception from 5-8 p.m. at the new store,
stop in and say hi!
The Double Epidemic: AIDS And
Anti-Gay Hysteria How the gay
a ca ppella ensem ble, w ill perform folk
songs of Eastern Europe at 7 30 p.m. at the
Balkan Restaurant/C afe Inernational on
NW Broadway and G lisan. A dm ission is
$3 or 2 for $5. Authentically prepared and
d elicious dinners are priced from about
$4 to $8. Doors open at 6 30 p.m. For reser­
vations, phone 224-5014. For more infor­
m ation, phone 246-7935.
The Prim a ry Dom ain hosts a Summer
Solstice Party to kick off Lesbian and
G ay Prid e Week. No-holds-barred party
tim e introducing, from Eugene, The
Transistors, a rock and rhythm dance
group. Long Island Iced Tea Specials.
After Hours plus. $4 at the door
Friends of Multnomah County Library
and W illam ette Week present Virginia
Woolf: A Spark of Fire tonight and tomor­
Sla vic Voices a four-woman
2 0 ________ FRIDAY
o rig in a l w orks based on South America
featuring Bra zilia n m asters perform ing the
m a rtia l art/dance C apoeira, June 20,21,
22, and 2 7 ,2 8 at 8 p.m. (Echo) and July
2 4 ,2 5 ,2 6 at 9 p.m. (PSU). June perform ­
ances at Echo Theater, 1515 SE 37th &
Hawthorne. C a ll 231-1232 for reservations.
July perform ances at Shattuck Studio The­
ater, Portland State University, SW C ollege
and Broadway. C a ll 229-3131 for inform a­
tion. $6.00 for adults, $5.00 seniors, PSU
students at PSU. Both locations are wheel­
c h a ir accessible. For more information
c a ll 231-1232 or 238-1366.
rig hts protection in em ploym ent, housing,
and p ub lic accom m odations), the ACLU
is d eveloping strategy for a sim ila r victory
here in Oregon.
Learn about the lobbying process and
how a b ill becom es law. What does an
om nibus Lesbian/G ay rights b ill really
m ean? How would it affect our lives?
W hat are our chances9 How can we get
Com e and listen to C om m issioner
Kafoury and Ms. Remington address
these issues and d ialogue with the Le s­
bian Community. There w ill be tim e for
your questions.
Follow ing the presentation w ill be an
inform al reception for Gretchen and
Stevie. Refreshm ents and conversation
w ill be served Please plan to attend this
exciting evening in conjunction with
Lesb ia n/G a y Pride Week
Jane Siberry at Starry Night June 15.
ra l Library, 801 SW 10th Avenue. Everyone is
welcome. For more inform ation call
249-8067. W heelchair accessible.
2 7 ________ FRIDAY
County C om m issioner Gretchen
Kafoury, a long-tim e supporter of
Le sb ia n/G a y Rights, and Stevie Rem­
ington, Executive Director of the Am eri­
can C ivil Liberties Union (ACLU) w ill speak
to the Lesbian Comm unity and its friends
at 8:00 p.m. at the M etropolitan Com ­
m unity Church (MCC). The evening,
hosted by the Lesb ia n Com m unity Pro ­
je c t w ill be devoted to d iscussion of the
new Lesb ia n/G a y rights b ill targeted for
Based on recent success in W isconsin
(the only state to have Lesbian/G ay c ivil
At 8 p.m. at Arlene Schnitzer C onceit
Ha ll, SW Broadway at M ain Street, The
Po rtla n d Gay Men’s C horus with con­
ductor David York jo ins The San Fra n­
cisco Gay Men’s Chorus with conductor
G regg Tollm an.
Topping off the C horus' sixth season, we
w ill sing with the gay chorus that started
the entire gay choral movement. The San
Francisco Gay M en's Chorus m akes its first
Portland appearance at the Arlene
Schnitzer Concert Hall.
Each chorus w ill sing a variety of songs
includ ing show tunes, pop and cla ssica l.
Then the com bined forces of more than
150 voices w ill fill the hall with thrilling
sounds and the sp irit w ill be irre sistib le ' $8
m ain floor and balcony tickets. $12 dress
c irc le and m ezzanine. Tickets a vailable
at C.C. Slaughter's, Forward Gear.
Sta rke y's 3. The Prim ary Dom ain, Dugan's,
Turntable M ary's, The Abbey, The Store.
Ham burger M ary's and C ivic Auditorium
Box Office.
A ffirm a tio n , an educational, social,
and fe llo w ship group serving lesbian and
gay Latter-D ay Saints since 1977, is once
a g a in an active and via b le organization
in the Portland area. For inform ation con­
tact A ffirm ation, PO Box 400200. Portland,
O R 97240-0200. O r c a ll 648-4218 or
.1 I
Just Out. June 1986