Defend rights in unison To the editor: O n January 24,1986, the C om m unity C linic Defense C oalition (CCDC) organized an abortion rights rally at Portland State U ni­ versity w hich m obilized 340 abortion rights defenders. The rally was inspiring to those w ho got in to hear the rousing panel o f speak­ ers. B ut it was m arred by a lockout o f 140 pro-choicers, who were left alone to face 60 rightw ing bible-thum pers and hostile police. CCDC organizers allowed the lockout to hap­ pen o u t o f fear o f confrontation with the right w ing and intim idation by police and PSU sec­ urity. And CCDC security enforced the cops' line rather than putting up a fight fo r control over ou r own rally. At post-rally evaluation meetings, Radical W om en, a m em ber o f the CCDC, raised our criticism o f the lockout policy and urged the com m ittee to adm it their m istake to the com ­ m unity and pledge that a lockout would never happen again. However, CCDC's de­ fense o f its actions in a March 1986 letter to the com m un ity requires a response. Radical W omen is glad that the C oalition is com m itted to preventing sim ilar situations in the future. But we disagree w ith CCDC's statem ent that the large turnou t o f abortion Kicking homophobes in the 1-800's by Rhia Weinhaus F o r the past few years, Jerry Falwell and his obedient cu lt follow ing have delivered heavy blow s to the civil rights o f lesbians and gays. O ur attem pts at fighting back have often left us frustrated and e m p ty— we have struggled fo r so long and seen so little m ovem ent But recently, Jerry Falwell’s em pire o f hom o­ phobia has begun to show signs o f cracking. In a six-page, hand-w ritten fundraising let­ ter to his follow ing, Falwell announced that lesbians and gays are putting him out o f busi­ ness: “The m ilitant gay com m unity have en­ couraged their people to jam our to ll free counseling lines. They have ordered thousands o f Bibles, books and materials — and we are to ld that they have burned them." Falwell closes his letter with the best news o f all: “ We are in trouble. We do not have enough regular m onthly support to continue m uch longer.” Falwell says he has been forced into clos­ ing dow n his toll-free num ber, no other choice, explaining that “ gays have made over a m illio n phone calls, at a dollar a call. They’re breaking us." Falwell says he has to lay o ff staff people at his Liberty University, and m any o f his other so-called "m inistries." He says his debt has becom e so heavy that m any cable com panies are drop­ ping his broadcasts. Some cable com panies have refused to run Falwell’s program s be­ cause the com panies have been boycotted by lesbians and gays. How encouraging it is to see that our efforts againt hom ophobia are w orking, but it is still a long way from seeing our enem ies cru m ­ ble. We m ust continue to pound away at the pow er structures that institutionalize Hour The Old Time Gospel rights defenders “ necessitated” blocking ac­ cess to the rally. A llow ing our supporters to be excluded was an abdication o f CCDC’s responsibility to those who cam e at our invi­ tation. Instead o f running away from a fight w ith PSU and the police, CCDC should have led the dem ands fo r entry and protested the outrageous violtion o f our right to assemble. They should have insisted that PSU unlock an adjoining room . And they should now be protesting the tram pling o f pro-choicers' rights o f free speech and assembly that occurred. The spirited crow d that gathered on January 24th, eager to rally against right wing violence, shows a strong m ovem ent is de­ veloping in Portland. By w orking together, the C oalition organized the largest abortion rally held in this city since the right launched its ugly assault. But the m ovem ent will be tru n ­ cated if fear o f rig h t wing violence and refusal to con fron t the authorities causes the C oali­ tion to abdicate its responsibility to defend ou r supporters and their constitutional rights to freedom o f assem bly and free speech. . “ Pro-life,’ ” as Sandy Nelson o f Tacoma Radical W om en said from the rally podium , “ is a fascist m ovem ent, and abortion is only the first step in the ir program .” They aim at the total destruction o f the rights o f women, lesbians and gays, people o f color, workers, radicals and the poor — all those whose de­ m ands fo r equality challenge the capitalist hom ophobia. We m ust also broaden ou r at­ tack on hom ophobia to include all those others w ho are attem pting to restrict lesbians and gays from fu ll citizenship in this nation. There are m any other "C hristian" televi­ sion m inistries besides Falwell’s, and they, too, regularly preach hatred fo r our co m ­ m unity. Three o f the m ost rabidly hom o- phobic are: Praise the Lord Network, 1-800-435-0435 (toll-free); The 700 Club, 1-800-446-0700 (toll-free); Trinity B roadcasting Network, 1-714-731-1000 (not to ll free). Falw ell’s new phone num ber is 1 -804-847-2000, but it is not toll-free. C hief hom ophobe on the 700 Club is Pat R obertson, w ho is being touted as a presi­ dential candidate in 1988. Robertson has been receiving quite a bit o f m ainstream m edia coverage recently. So give him a call and let him know how feel about his candidacy. you G a y /L e s b ia n rights on the m ove by Jay Brown A b ill allow ing certain kinds o f em ployers to discrim inate against lesbians and gays was narrow ly defeated in the W isconsin legisla­ ture this session, reports The W indy City Tim es. A sim ilar bill is expected to be in tro ­ duced in the 1987 session. The b ill w ould pe rm it religions or non­ p ro fit organizations w hich w ork with youth to require adherence to certain religious beliefs concerning m arital status o r sexual orienta­ tio n by em ployees. W isconsin’s law prohibiting discrim ination on the basis o f sexual orientation in em ploy­ m ent, housing, and public accom m odation was passed fou r years ago and is still the only such law to be passed by any state. In New York City, Mayor Ed Koch has system. Local and federal power structures refuse to stop this vicious m inority, as abor­ tion clinicians can testify. So it is up to us to build a bold and organized m ovem ent o f the m ajority to defend ourselves. We can t do that if we collapse into fear and trem bling at the m ere threat o f a confrontation with the rig h t The right wing thrives on intim idation and fear, but withers when faced with determ ined resistance. We m ust let the right know that they w ill never again see the abortion rights m ovem ent divided and leaderless as they did at PSU. W hen we defend our rights in unison, these anti-life terrorists are vastly out­ num bered and easily out-organized. In struggle, Adrienne Weller for Portland Radical Women Careless Love not careless, says author To the editor: I’m w riting in response to Sandra De Helen’s review o f m y play in the M arch '86 issue o f The play is not intended to be, as Ms. De Helen asserts, “ a subtle political piece." It’s a personal and hum an story about two volatile individuals Careless Love, Just Out. sought support for two am endm ents clarify­ ing what the recently-passed gay rights bill, know n as Intro. 2, can and cannot do. One am endm ent does not require public or pri­ vate schools to teach the nature o f hom o­ sexuality. Another am endm ent would explain that the bill does not require or perm it af­ firm ative action goals or tim etables for hiring gays and lesbians. A ttacks against Intro 2 have com e from m any quarters, including an attem pt at a referendum which, according to New York C ity C orporation Counsel F A O . Schwartz Jr. m aintains that referendum s can only be held on am endm ents to the city charter. In W ashington state, Initiative 490, “ The D obbs Initiative” would prohibit em ploym ent o f gays and lesbians in positions which deal directly o r indirectly with children, the elderly, and disabled persons. A petition for judicial review o f the anti-gay Initiative 490 has been filed in Thurston C ounty C o u rt The suit questions whether the w ording o f the initiative is neutral or prejudi­ cial in its contents. The initiative reads: “ Shall know ingly em ploy, in certain jobs, persons w ho have preferences for or orientation to ­ ward conduct defind as sexually deviant be prohibited.” Say, what? LCP to host homophobia workshop The Lesbian C om m unity Project is pleased to announce two related workshops for les­ bians on internalized hom ophobia and build­ ing a lesbian com m unity, presented by Suzanne Pharr, a national organizer from the Arkansas W om en’s P roject The first workshop w ill explore the ways suddenly dealing with the problem s of un­ planned pregnancy and parenthood. The play is certainly not pro-life “ propaganda.” R ight-to-lifers w ould, as we all know, take away a w om an’s right to con trol what hap­ pens insider her body and, in m y opinion, Ms. De Helen has perm itted her understandably passionate feelings about this to blind her to the hum an dram a o f the play. It is a mistake to interpret things a character says in em otion­ ally charged m om ents as “ the author’s message.” U nfortunately, though, in her review, Ms. De Helen goes beyond sim ple interpretation. In fa c t she deliberately m isrepresents the play’s c o n te n t A t no point does the text of the play state, as the review says it does, that “rape o r incest victim s should not have abor­ tions.” O r that “ w hite people should not have abortions because there are so many lovely w hite folks w ho want to adopt these little unexpected babies." To attribute such offen­ sive statem ents to m y play is irresponsible and slim y jo urna lism . The issues dealt with in the p la y— pregnancy, parental responsibility, abortion, the a rtist’s life in contem porary A m erica — are im p o rta n t These issues, the play and the artists at the O regon Stage C om pany deserve a m ore honest treatment than that given them by Sandra De Helen. Sincerley, John Olive internalized hom ophobia affects our lives and the connection between hom ophobia and the con trol o f w om en. The second will focus on developing strategies for the Port­ land lesbian co m m u n ity to use to com bat hom ophobia, organize p o litica lly and im prove the quality o f lesbian lives. To m axim ize both the num ber o f women able to participate and the quality o f inter­ action, the w orkshop on internalized hom o­ phobia w ill be lim ited to 20 participants and offered tw o tim es. Participants from both ses­ sions o f the w orkshop w ill com e together for the second strategizing w orkshop. The w orkshops are scheduled fo r May 15- 17 at the C entral N ortheast N eighborhood C enter at 5540 N E Sandy in Portland. The Internalized H om ophobia W orkshop w ill be offered fro m 7 p.m . to 10 p.m . on Thursday and Friday, May 15 and May 16. The C om ­ m u nity B uilding W orkshop (strategizing ses­ sion) w ill be 1 p.m . to 5 p.m . on Saturday, May 17. Rem em ber, the Inem alized Hom ophobia W orkshop is repeated, choose only one of the days to attend. R egistration is open to any Portland les­ bian and w ill operate on a first-com e-first- served basis. To register call 233-9079. A lthough Ms. Pharr’s w ork has been funded on a grant we request a $2-$3 dona­ tion to cover printin g and rental space. No w om an w ill be refused because o f inability to pay. C hildcare w ill be provided with advanced notice, please contact us by May 12 to reserve space. P ortland’s lesbian com m u n ity faces many challenges in the com ing years — attacks fro m the R ig h t a backlash fro m th e AIDS crisis, dim inished hum an services designed to assist wom en. Now is the tim e to com e together, to better ou r lives and to w ork for ou r safe future. We look forw ard to diverse participation in this eyent Just O ut, May. 1986