Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, May 01, 1986, Page 15, Image 15

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    SlsterS pJrtt is women sharing sp iritu a l­
ity. We are women of different spiritual
paths and traditions, b uild ing brid ges be­
tween our d ivisio ns and seeking the com­
mon ground we share. We welcom e a ll
women to jo in us in our celebrations and
d iscussions.
meet starts at 1 p m -3:30 pm. Ballard Pool,
1471NW 67th, Seattle. Entry info: Rick
Peterson, 206-725-1866. Deadline for en­
trie s May 17th. Or entry form s available in
Portland at Just Out, 236-1252.
2 :3 0 PM , 2804 NE 42nd. Topic: Past Lives.
Sun. M ay 11 at 6:00 PM, Echo Theatre, 1515
SE 37th.
May Forest Group Events
Friday, May 2: Forest Group Potluck. 6:30
2 :3 0 PM , 2804 NE 42nd.
potluck, 7:30 meeting. Bring ideas for
June and July events. C a ll Pat at 249-8767
for info. A ll women welcome.
SlsterSpIrtt Celebration: Sun. May 25 at
Sunday, May 4: Forest Group hike up
SlsterSpIrtt Discussion: Sun May 18 at
6 :0 0 PM , Echo Theatre, 1515 SE 37th.
The Gay Bridge Club, a rap and so­
cia l group for young adults 18 and up,
meets every W ednesday at the First Con­
gregationa l Church on SW M adison and
Park at 7 :30 PM. Use sid e entrance on
M adison. C a ll 244-3225 for more
inform ation.
Gay College Students (GCS), is a
so c ia l support group in Klam ath Falls. For
further inform ation, send SASE to GCS. PO
Box 43, Klam ath Fa lls, OR 97601.
___________ SPORTS
Emerald Orca Invitational Gay and
Lesbian Swimming Time Trials.
Saturday, M ay 24, registration 12:30 pm.
Dog Mountain. Seven m iles round trip.
C lim b up involves 2,900 feet elevation
gain. C a ll Jeannie at 248-0748. A ll wo­
men welcome.
Saturday and Sunday, May 10 and H :
O vernight raft trip on the M ackenzie River.
C ost is $20 per person. Women interested
in learning rafting sk ills, and then helping
to instruct others on future Forest Group
trip s, are esp ec ia lly encouraged to
come. C a ll Sherry at 288-9510 for more
inform ation.
Saturday, May 17: Forest Group walk in
the Japanese G ardens in Washington
Park. Probably start early afternoon. Meet
fo r tea after walk. C a ll Sara at 232-8237
for more information. A ll women welcome.
Memorial Day Weekend: Second
Annual Forest Group M em orial Day b ike /
ski/c a m p in g trip. Cam p out by lake if
We give good food.
Incomparable regional foods.
From appetizers, including our
fresh pates, to complete meals
and skillfully constructed desserts
Enjoy everything in our cafe or
to take home with you
1438 N W 23rd
Portland, O R 97210
Friday night tapas.
Little dishes" in the Spanish tradition:
spicy shrimp, stuffed calamari. crostini.
and an abundance of savory delights.
Served with wines and sherry by the
glass or bottle 4 to 7 pm every Fridav.
at Everett St. Market
NW 23rd & Everett
Now open til 11 P.M. Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Just Out, May 1986
*i:C ieul
M ay 15 is the d eadline for entries for
Portland Gay Games. For inform ation
c a ll Dan at 777-8309.
SlsterSpIrtt Discussion: Sun. May 4 at
SlsterSpIrtt Mother's Day Celebration:
p ossib le. A ll women welcome. C a ll Ruth
at 2 3 3 -2 6 5 2 for more information.
Graystone Gallery, 3279 S.E. Haw­
thorne Blvd., Portland, presents works by
two local artists Molly Blanding,
C era m icist and David Delamare,
p a inte r/illustra to r. A reception for the
A rtists w ill be held 5-8 pm, Thursday, May
W ould you like to join an Art Associa­
tion of Gay and Lesbian People, in­
volving: art appreciation, workshops, so­
c ia l get-togethers, lectures, etc. Perhaps,
eventually, our own gallery? For further in­
form ation, please c a ll Allen, 642-2747 af­
ter 5 pm.
The Augen Galleries, Inc. is pleased to
present the o rig ina l monotypes, paintings
and w atercolors of Royal Nebeker, at
619 SW 10th.
A m asterful colorist and an exhuberant
optim ist, Nebeker paints with a welcome
freshness and sureness. Nebeker's power
re sid e s p rim a rily in his skille d handling of
his m ateria ls, and his a b ility to imbue
those m ateria ls with expression and mo­
tion. Nebeker uses thin transparent color­
ing s and elongated, slender form s to pro­
vid e a sort of stage for spirit. His work
seem s to say that reality lies in the realm of
the sp iritu a l. . . somewhere in the hidden
parts of the m ind and experience that
now and then surface to the conscious­
ness and enrich us with a m agico-
re lig io u s experience.
2 2 4 -C IT Y
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 25
for Governor
Ed Fadeley has consistently fought
to protect the individual’s right
to choose in all areas.
Read your
Voter’s pamphlet—
Make an informed
Fadeley lor Governor
777 High St.. No. 350
Eugene. OK 97401 • 485-4903