Monday, A p ril 21 12:00-1:00 SMC 323 PSU cam pus. Fear of Being Fat: An intro­ ductory lecture on bulem ia, anorexia, and com pulsive eating. Lecture given by Jam ie Lavm, MA and doctoral student in c lin ic a l psychology who has worked in the fie ld six years. There is the p o ssib ility of starting up a group or groups which meet reg ula rly after this meeting. PUBLIC INTEREST laughs, and d ealing with problem s and experiences that confront gay, b i. and heterosexual men. Pa re n ts Flag meets the fourth W ednes­ day of each month at the Justice Build ing, 1111SW 2nd Ave.. at 7 :30 pm. Frid a y, May 2 12 00-1:30 SM C 323 PSU cam pus. Oregon Law s of Special Interest to Women. A lecture given by Elaine Englstad of Legal Services, PSU. Fo r Lesb ia ns w ith life-threatening illn e ss, an on-going weekly peer support Monday, May 12 12:00-1:00 SMC 323 PSU cam pus. W ho's at risk: G uidelines for mam m ography. Lecture given by Anne G ardner, R.N., a cancer nurse sp e c ia list at St. Vincent Hospital and M edical Center. She w ill d iscuss breast cancer prevention and detection. group m eeting on Thursday nights at 7 pm. For more inform ation ca ll Za ne/ 236-3449. The Bisexua l Com m unity Forum meets the second and fourth Monday of each month, at O ld W ives Tales at 8 pm in the Banquet Room. Exploration, rap, and so c ia l group open to women and men. The Gay Bridge Club, a rap and so­ c ia l group for young adults 18 and up, m eets every W ednesday at the First Con­ gregationa l Church on SW M adison and Park at 7:30 PM. Use sid e entrance on M adison. C a ll 244-3225 for more inform ation. Fe m inist Gay Men: Here's a chance to meet men like yourself and to d iscuss is­ sues relating to the gay m ale experience from a fem inist perspective. O ur potluck and d iscussion group meets every third Frid a y at 7 pm. C a ll 233-4148 or 284-2134 for location information. hoenix rising foundation • lesoian/gjv service cemer 223-8299 408 SW 2nd, Ste.412 Portland. OR 97204 Drawing at 1986 Lesbian and Gay Pride Celebration GIFTS: • 1st — Airfare & 2 nights for 2 at the Desert Palms Hotel in Palm Springs, courtesy Van Nuys Travel Service. Contact Roger Bullis — 225-0064. • • 2n8 dinner for Four at the Pettygrove House Restaurant, 2287 NW Pettygrove — 221-4254.* • 3rd — $25 Gift Certificates at: Habromania, Nob Hill Shoe Repair.* • 4th — $10 Gift Certificate at: Mark’s Tonsorial Parlor, Artichoke Music.* Christine Jorgensen, Lee Grant, and Steven in What Sex Am I, a film playing at the Northwest Film and Video Center. The Lesb ia n and Gay Prid e Steering C om m ittee meets every W ednesday at the M ain Multnomah County Library on SW 10th and Taylor at 7 pm. If you are planning an event for the week of June 2 0 -29, please inform the committee, if you would like to participate in the planning or if you can play a sm all part by perform ­ ing even one task, ca ll 233-1169, write Les­ bian and Gay Pride '86 at P.O. Box 6611, Portland, OR 97228, or come to a meet­ ing W ednesdays at 7 pm at the Main Library. at 7 :30 and on Thursday evening there is a _esoian 3a v meeting also a t7 3/ 3ot*~ m eetings are neid an the second floor of toe Live and ^et Jv e Club an 2403 5E Ankeny c O' information contactkav 236-671C y Tom. 222-5194 Tuesda y, A p ril 1 5 1 pm -3 pm SMC 333 O ve re a te r’s Anonym ous (O.A.), a se lf-he lp program for people with eating d isord ers, now has two meetings oriented tow ards the Lesbian/G ay community. On Tuesday evening there is a M en's meeting PSU cam pus. Transform ing Body Image: A group for women who hate their bodies. G roup A meets Tuesdays, 1-3. Group B m eets Thursd ays, 7-9 (pm). M ake friends with your body through a delightful com­ bina tion of im agery, relaxation, music, art, movement, discussion and just plain fun. For more inform ation a nd /or to reg is­ ter, c a ll Lind a Moore, M.A. at the Eating D isord ers C ounseling and Education C enter at 221-4276. H O M E O P A T H Y • H Y D R O T H E R A P Y • N U T R IT IO N • B y A p p o in tm e n t D R. T O R I H U D SO N N A TU RO PA TH IC PH YSICIAN S p e c ia liz in g in N a tu ra l, D ru g le ss T h e ra p ie s P o rtla n d N a tu ro p a th ic C lin ic 1 1231 S . E . M a rke t S tre e t • H o u se C a lls A v a ila b le 2 5 5 -7 3 5 5 SANDRA K. PINCHES, Ph.D. '^ ^ 5 5 = Socia l networking for intellectually- oriented, w ell-educated (many have ad­ vanced degrees) lesb ia ns ages 30 to 50. Com m on interests include c la ssica l m usic, ethnic restaurants, foreign film s. Get acquainted at sm a ll group Sunday brunches. No organization to join! Infor­ m al gatherings. W rite to P.O. Box 12410 for date & location of next brunch. Sm oking volcanoes, pools of blue wa­ ter, pine covered m ountains, rainforests. These view s of Nicaragua from the a ir are in sharp contrast to the reality of this Central Am erican nation from the ground. Pesticide pollution, deforestation and in­ d ustria l contai nination are legacies from the Som oza dictatorship, which not only terrorized the people of Nicaragua, but a lso the environment. Sin c e 1979the Nicaraguan government has initiated bold new program s to com­ bat these decades of ecological destruc­ tion. A m bitious pesticide p o lic ies, ra in­ forest and w ild life conservation measures, and alternative energy program s a ll illu s­ trate a governm ent com m itm ent to envi­ ronm ental protection rarely seen anywhere. The Po rtla n d Contrail Am erica S o li­ d a rity Com m lttoo is pleased to announce the opportunity to leam about these new program s first-ha nd by p a rti­ cip a ting in the Environm ental Brigades this summer. By living and w orking for 4 w eeks in Nicaragua this summ er, you will be helping these program s and seeing the real Nicaragua for yourself. Join us in the Environm ental Brigade! M ay 31- June 28, or A ugust 2-30. Approxim te cost: $900. for more inform ation contact the Port­ land C entral Am erican So lid a rity Com m ittee at P.O. Box 6 4 43, Portland 97228, or at (503) 227-5102. Counseling and Psychotherapy •Restrictions Apply. 1.00 $ Special: Buy 5 get one free!! Donation Requested Tax Deductible Contact your Phoenix Rising volunteer to buy your drawing ticket. Specializing in issues of: • Lesbian and Gay Couples • Co-dependency • Intimate Relationships • Partners of Alcoholics • Sustaining Relationships • Adult Children of Alcoholics ^ C O U N S E L I N G / Adults and Children / Families and Couples • PATRICIA I. CHANCE, MSW THERAPIST Depression • Relationship Issues Personal Transitions • Incest Survivors Coming Out Concerns 1809 N.W. Johnson, Ste. 7«Portland, O R 97209• (503)227-7558 Ju st Out, May. 1986