Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, May 01, 1986, Page 12, Image 12

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perform ers Tonight, Obo Addy, the w ell-
known African rhythm m aster and
7-piece troupe are the se rie s' ethnic ja zz
highlight. Free of charge. New M arket V il­
lage is located at 50 SW 2nd, Portland.
The New Ro se Thea tre 's current C lassic
Season production is John M illington
Syng e 's The Playboy of the Western
World, w idely recognized as a twentieth
century masterpiece.
Playboy o f the Western World plays
W ednesdays through Saturdays at 8:00
pm and Sundays at 2 :00 pm through May
24th. Ticket prices are $10.00. with student,
senior, and group discounts available.
Reservations are advised and may be
m ade by c a llin g The New Rose Theatre's
box office at 222-2487.
W ha t Se x Am I? is the third docu­
m entary from O scar and Emm y-award
w inning actress/d irector Lee Grant. Here
she b ring s her sensitivity and candor to the
w orlds of transsexualism and transvestism
in Am erica, giving us revealing and mov­
ing portraits of people fighting the battle
of the se xe s. . . w ithin them selves.
G rant introduces us to her characters,
not as freaks but as people caught in a
gender c risis. She explores the transition of
m ale-to-fem ale and fem ale-to-m ale
transsexuals. She takes us into the private
w orld of heterosexual transvestites and
visits the public haunts of a new
phenomenon, the She-M ale.
A lso playing is an e a rlier Lee Grant
documentary, W hy Women Kill. These
film s are part of the NWFVC’s
Taken in Marriage, a witty and
illu m ina ting play set during a wedding
rehea rsal, prem ieres tonight in Portland in
the Blue Room at Po rtla nd C ivic
Th e a tre and runs through May 24.
Tic ke ts, $9 for adults and $8 for students
and seniors are a va ila b le by ca lling the
PC T box office, 226-3048. Taken in Mar­
ria ge p la ys Thursdays through Saturdays
at 8 p.m ., and Sundays at 7 p.m.
N orthw est A rtists W orkshop is happy
to announce the Mobius Performing
Group from Boston w ill appear in Portland
as part of their spring tour of the Pacific
Northwest. On May 2 and 3, at 8:00 p.m.,
M obius w ill present Persephone and
Hades at the Northwest Artists Workshop.
Tic ke ts are $5.00 general and $4.00 for
NWAW members.
Persephone and Hades is based on
the myth of Persephone's yearly descent
to the Underworld. Th is audience-
interactive perform ance, presented
annua lly by the M obius Group since 1980,
exp lores concepts of tim e and issues of
pow er between women and men, audi­
ence and performers. It is performed in a
slow , reflective style, creating a dream like
sense of eternal time. The theme of the use
of pow er is further explored in the experi­
ence of the audience, as they direct the
actions of Persephone and determ ine the
length of the evening.
In Persephone and Hades, as with
m any of M obius Perform ing Group
p ieces, the perform ance is structured and
shaped by the choices and w ishes of the
audience. Audience members do not
perform in the piece, but they do have a
c le a rly defined role, in non-verbally guid ­
ing the choices made by the performers,
the degree of their interaction, and even
the lengh of the entire performance. In this
way. each perform ance of Persephone
and Hades is a com pletely unique ex­
p ression of the group assem bled that
NW A rtists W orkshop is located at 522
NW 12th, Portland.
The O regon School o f Ads and
C ra fts’ annual benefit, Designed to
Wear, w ill be held at 7:30 p.m. in the
M asonic Tem ple Ballroom , 1119 SW Park,
Portland. The fashion extravaganza is a
show and sa le of one-of-a-kind garments
and a ccessories created by local and
nationa l artists. Tickets for the event are
$15 per person and are tax deductible,
with a ll proceeds going to the Oregon
School of Arts and C rafts, a non-profit or­
Adam Nathan as Peter and Steve Busceni as Nick in Parting Glances
playing at 5th Avenue Cinema.
ganization. Patron tickets, at $35, include
dessert and reserved seating.
Men o f A ll C o lo rs Together (MACT), a
gay m ulti-interracial support group for
couples and sing les, w ill hold its first meet­
ing 7 :00 p.m. at M etropolitan Community
Church, N.E. 24th & Broadway.
M A C T w as established because of the
need for a positive space free from the
ra c ia l discrim ination experienced in
m any gay and lesbian business
establishm ents.
The Portland meeting w ill feature
personal introductions, poetry readings,
and the a iring of a rap record about AIDS.
The record, entitled Respect Yourself,
w as created in large part by BW M T/
Phila d e lp hia and was funded by the U.S.
Conference of Mayors. Inform ation about
the National Association w ill be d istrib ­
uted, and if tim e perm its, there w ill be
sm a ll group discussions.
W ashington Park ZooKeepers want the
p ub lic to Boogie, too at the Pine Stre e t
Thea tre. Dancing begins at 8 p.m. with
m usic by the Sw ingline Cubs. Tickets are
$5.00 in advance, $6.00 at the door. Con­
tact La urie Baker-Dobson, 636-8780 for
advance tickets. There w ill be tons of
p rize s given away during the evening, in­
c lud ing a night at the Heathman Hotel,
season passes to the Northwest Film Study
Center, great food from great places in
Portland, stuffed anim als. ZooDoo and
m ore___
The ZooKeepers Boogie II is a less than
serious way to let the public know that
May 20th b a llo t m easure 26-11 sez Zoo.
too. M easure 26-11 a sks the public for a 3.4
m illio n d o lla r tax base for the Washington
Park Zoo and 9 7 5 thousand d o lla r tax
base for the W ashington Park Zoo and
the M etropolitan Service District. The bal-
lot m easure doesn't even mention the
Zoo. We thought people would like to
know what Measure 26-11 really accom­
p lish e s and have fun, too.
Proceeds go to the Zoo/M etro
cam paign.
5 _________MONDAY
M ass in Tim© o f A IDS, a weekly liturgy
on M onday evenings — to pray for those
with A ID S and their loved ones. Also, to
pray for those who work for a cure, 6 p.m.
Cam pus Ministry, at the corner, on SW
Broadw ay and Montgomery, 226-7807.
6 ________ TUESDAY
San Francisco-based poet Karen
Brodine's w idely published work
hig hlig hts the tria ls and tribulations of
w orking women and political radicals.
She reads at 7:30 p.m., at the Reed C ol­
lege Vollum Lounge, 3203 SE Wood-
stock Blvd., Portland. Co-sponsored by
the M en's Anti-sexism Reading Group
and Rad ical Women. Fee: $1.00 for stu­
dents; $2.00 for general public. Everyone
is welcom e. For more information, call
249-8067 or 774-1036.
O utdoor Recreation offers a whale
w atching day trip to Depoe Bay. Fee is
$16.50 (plus a $5.00 fee for a 45-m inute
boat trip). Tour leaves at 8 a.m. from Lloyd
C enter and returns a tó p.m. C all 796-5132
for reservations and details.
M ay is Ja zz Month at the New Market
Village. Featured every Thursday even­
ing at 7:30 p.m. are Portland area ja zz
Contem porary Women Directors
series, which continues this month. 8 p.m.,
Northwest Film 8c V ideo Center. 1219 SW
Park Ave.
The Fabulous Dyketones, a '50s rock
'n ro ll band, w ill perform at 8 p.m., at Starry
N ight, 8 NW 6th. O rig in a lly from Portland
and now based in San Francisco, the
Dyketones are an o ld ie s m usic and
theatre review — 50 percent m usic and
50 percent theatre — strutting, harm oniz­
ing, changing costum es and roles.
Recreating the '50s (Dyke High style), the
Dyketones, aka the Education of America,
w ill perform one night only. $5.
Tonight's Eugene Gay Prid e event is
Pat Bond, nationally acclaim ed theatri­
cal artist. She perform s her one-woman
show “Beloved H ic k" at 8 p.m. in the
Forum Room in the E.M.U. Tickets $4.00;
interpreted for the hearing im paired;
childcare available.
In tum -of-the-century Yonkers, if you're
bored, adventuresome — and sing le —
a ll roads lead to New York City. Enter Mrs.
D olly Levi, and suddenly a ll roads lead to
matrimony. It's The Matchmaker, Sumus
Theatre Ensemble's production of Thorn­
ton W ild e r's com edy c la ssic, on which the
m usical Hello Dolly! is based. Dolly Levi
prom ises a little "a d venture" as she
schem es to bring old and new lovers to­
gether, but not first without m istaken
identity, m isunderstood intentions, and
m isjudged gender. It's an evening of m is­
hap, m ischief, and hila rity with Mrs. Dolly
Levi as the matchmaker. Sum us Theatre is
located at 13 NW 13th. Curtain is 8 p.m.
Thursday, Frid ay & Saturdays through
June 14.
A W om an's Place Bookstore and
Lesb ia n and Gay Prid e 1986 are
sponsoring an Auction/Dance Benefit with
the Blues Sisters, Portland's only a ll-
Ju st O ut. May. 1986