by Michael Helquist (MEW YORK) The A m erican response to the AIDS epidem ic has m oved into a new phase of awareness and concern, according to speak­ ers at a conference held in Mew York last m onth, and governm ent officials m ust assum e m ore responsibility in AIDS public policy issues. Several health experts targeted the expense o f AIDS m edical care as the m ost vexing problem ; they advised that only the federal governm ent can bring about the changes required to provide adequate health care. Gay com m entators at the two-day forum charged that lesbians and gay men have failed to hold the Reagan adm inistration account­ able fo r its am bivalent approach to funding AIDS research and patient care services. “ In 1986 there is no m ore pressing an issue fo r the governm ent to face than AIDS public policy,” claim ed Philip Lee, MD, director o f the Institute o f Health Policy Studies at the Universty o f C alifornia/S an Francisco. Lee said AIDS appeared at a tim e when the federal governm ent had forced the states to assume new responsibilities and in­ creased costs in health care. Yet the states are ill prepared to m eet the m edical expenses and to develop the necessary AIDS preven­ tio n program s. Lee allowed that hom ophobia kept m any state health departm ents and legislatures from m eeting the needs of people w ith AIDS. “ Cost containm ent has becom e the national public health policy,” Lee com m ented. "The discussion about AIDS policies occurs w ithin the context of econom ic issues rather than one o f hum an services' needs.” Lee asserted that the failure o f the federal governm ent to assume its re­ sponsibilities fo r funding AIDS program s sim ply shifts the burden to states, cities, and to people with AIDS themselves. "A strong federal role is required," Lee noted, “ and the m ost pressing issue is health care financing." Lee, president o f the San Francisco Health C om m ission and a form er assistant secretary fo r the federal Health, E ducation and Welfare D epartm ent (HEW ) — since reorganized and nam ed Health and H um an Services — said it is critical that the issue o f funding AIDS expenses be faced openly at all governm ent levels. Under the curren t "hodgepodge o f financing m echa­ nism s," Lee suggested that Mew York and other cities w ill soon be hard pressed to meet AIDS costs. “ W here w ill the m oney com e from to meet these future expenses?" Lee asked. "If it com es at all, it w ill likely com e from the hides o f other poor people.” He added, "Mo other cou ntry w ith people with AIDS has the same problem s that the United States does because other countries have a m ore rational system o f health care.” M ore than 250 public health officials, hos­ pital adm inistrators, and representatives fro m m ajor foundations attended the "AIDS and Public Policy” forum held in Mew York C ity January 16-18. The forum was spon­ sored by Dr. Lee’s Institute fo r Health Policy Studies and by the United Hospital Fund, an influential organization involved in public pol­ icy questions facing Mew York City. M ichael Grieco, MD, JD , an im m unologist and infectious disease expert at S t Luke’s- Roosevelt Hospital Center in Mew York City, to ld the audience that his hospital had al­ ready begun to experience severe financial constraints with its treatm ent o f AIDS patients. The Mew York hospital has treated 552 poeople with AIDS since the onset o f the epidem ic. “ We have 60 AIDS patients hospitalized rig h t now, but we do n 't have enough private 10 “White gay males affected by AIDS were taken by surprise “ Westmoreland observed. “Somehow they thought that an administration that cuts back on nutri­ tion services for children and that forces elderly patients out o f the hospital before they are well would embrace adequate health care for gay men with AIDS.” room s fo r them even now,” com m ented G rieco, “ and we expect to have 100 patients by 1987.” G rieco said that a recent study o f AIDS patient care at S t Luke’s-Roosevelt revealed that only 61 o f 552 patients had been seen by a social worker, and there was proportion­ ately less use o f dietary services and dis­ charge planning by the AIDS patients. Grieco also noted that one quarter o f their AIDS patients had neurological problem s, and four o u t o f five exhibited behavior problem s; yet only 14 patients had received a psychiatric consultation with a m ental health profes­ sional. G rieco observed that m any o f these service problem s resulted frorri lack of re im bu rsem ent “ We need Mew York State to reim burse us not only fo r what we are providing but also for what we should be providing," Grieco asserted. He concluded, “ The responsibility to provide care is not the hospital’s alone; the co m m itm e n t m ust com e from the city and state also. The state essentially controls the ability o f hospitals to function." B ruce C. Vladeck, PhD, President o f the U nited H ospital Fund, noted that AIDS public policy questions tend to “ get shoved aside" by new advances in m edicine and research. However, Peter W. A. Mansell, MD, cancer specialist at M.D. Anderson Hospital in H ouston, suggested that the hospital adm in­ istrators and health officials at the conference had been slow to respond to the problem s broug ht on by AIDS. “ I’m distressed that it’s taken this am ount o f tim e fo r a group like this to get together and discuss the issues," Mansell said. "We should have been looking at these problem s three years ago." A lthough representatives from such m ajor corporations as D uP ont the Rand C orpora­ tion, the March of Dimes, Travelers Insurance, and E quitable Life Insurance attended the conference, a few o f them noted in private that the ir participation was somewhat per­ functory. Conference organizer Lee has been critical in the past o f the failure o f American foundations and corporations to finance needed AIDS research. W hile the politics o f AIDS and acute m edi­ cal services attracted the m ost attention from the participants at the conference, other ses­ sions dealt with com m unity care services, public school policies, and the im pact of AIDS on the blood system. Challenge to the Gay C om m unity "T he federal governm ent refuses to recog­ nize the gay com m unity as legitim ate, and yet it expects gay people to take care o f AIDS them selves,” charged gay political com ­ m entator and author Dennis Altman. Altm an called the Reagan adm inistration’s response to AIDS "a patchwork o f neglect and panic.” "A lm ost nobody in governm ent is pre­ pared to deal with education," Altm an noted. "T hey are far too scared to be seen as sup­ po rtin g hom osexuality and drug use." A ltm an, who is Australian, noted that the problem extended beyond the federal gov­ ernm ent to state and local officials as well. “ There is less inform ation about transm is­ sion o f AIDS in Mew York than there is in my hom e city o f Melbourne, which has only 19 cases o f AIDS.” A ltm an especially criticized Mayor Edward Koch, w ho had opened the forum with an aggressive denial that San Francisco had done m ore about AIDS than had Mew York. “ D o n 't let the Mayor’s lies fool you," warned A ltm an, "AIDS program s in this city have flourished in spite o f the abject failure o f City Hall." Given the governm ent’s tardy and inade­ quate response, Altm an questioned why the m edia and the gay com m unity found it so d iffic u lt to criticize the governm ent’s track record. A ltm an, whose book about AIDS has ju s t been published (AIDS in the Mind of America, Doubleday), noted that the media has undertaken few in-depth reports on the ad m inistration’s funding o f AIDS program s. T im oth y W estm oreland, aide to Represen­ tative Henry W axman (D -C A) and assistant counsel to the subcom m ittee on Health and the E n viro n m e n t echoed sim ilar com plaints about the media. "W e are losing the war against AIDS be­ cause the Reagan adm inistration is allowing us to lose and because the m edia has al­ lowed the governm ent to get away w ith it” W estm oreland charged. He noted that the m edia failed to even ask President Reagan anything about AIDS until 1985. W estm oreland added that the efforts to deal w ith AIDS are ham pered by “ the politics o f the b u d g e t The epidem ic w ill go up as the dollars go down,” he explained. B oth A ltm an and W estm oreland charged th a t the gay com m un ity had allowed the Reagan A dm inistration to fail to respond. W estm oreland cited “ a failure o f synthesis of th o u g h t” am ong gay people. "W hite gay males affected by AIDS were taken by surprise,” W estm oreland observed. “ S om ehow they tho ug ht that an adm inistra­ tio n that cuts back on nu trition services for childre n and that forces elderly patients out o f the hospital before they are well w ould em brace adequate health care fo r gay men w ith AIDS.” W estm oreland further noted that gay people who continue to call fo r AIDS funding w hile supporting Reagan’s m ilitary spending “ are not paying attention.” A ltm an stated the case m ore bluntly: “ It is tim e to say th t there is no longer room in the gay political m ove­ m ent fo r rig h t w ing gay people.” W hile A ltm an questioned the lack o f p o liti­ cal leadership in the gay com m unity, he noted th a t AIDS organizations in m ajor Am erican cities have assum ed the m ost prom inent leadership role. “And yet these organizations have m oved m ore into the m ainstream ; they have becom e m ore bureaucratic, and their leaders have fewer insights into m ovem ent politics.” C ongressional aide W estm oreland con­ cluded, “ The m edical M cCarthyites are already gearing up; the politics will only get worse.” David Rothm an, PhD, professor o f social m edicine at C olum bia University, called for coa litio n building am ong groups w ho are disenfranchised” from adequate health care. R othm an said that the hom eless, the elderly, and ex-m ental patients as well as people w ith AIDS are not receiving adequate pu blic health care. “ M oving across boundaries is now very im portant,” R othm an advised. A lthough discouraged by the current realities o f the A m erican public health system , Dr. Lee said he found som e hope in the exam ples set by people w ith AIDS and the thousands o f volunteers across the country w ho w ork in AIDS program s. Lee suggested th a t “ they represent a rebirth o f the concept o f ou r com m unity responsibilities as citizens." Michael Helquist recently received a spe­ cial Board of Directors Cable Car Award for Outstanding Journalist o f the Year. Mr. Hel­ quist lives in San Francisco; his articles appear regularly in C om ing Up! and The Advocate. The above article originally eippeared in Coming (Jp! Just O ut, April. 1986