STOPPING KADOAFh REAGAN'S OPTIONS Newsweek Growing Up Gay T « M c it r o M a n u m e n m rs ousts had wanted things that way, d o n ’t you think he w ould have created Adam and Bruce?") In the week following publication, Kelly C hronister says there have been co m m u n i­ cations from all over the US and Canada. The sentiments of one caller speak for many: "You are helping more people," he said, "than you can possibly imagine." K Falls educator thwarts education by Scott Michaels Chronisters getting used to notoriety The courage and understanding of a local fam ily made it to Newsweek last month. The story o f Paul and Joan Chronister and their acceptance of their son Kelly, made the cover o f the weekly news magazine January 13. Kelly Chronister and his Vancouver, WA fam ­ ily were featured in the story "G rowing Up Gay,” a generally sensitive and intelligent arti­ cle w hich placed gayness in a journalistically innovative environm ent — not in a clinic, not in a bar, but in a family. The Chronisters, a close-knit, traditional family, agreed to go public with their experiences of com ing to term s with their gay child and with Kelly's co m in g out and realization o f gayness, when Newsweek contacted them last June. News­ week wanted to do a positive “ supportive" story about gayness, says Kelly’s m other Joan, and contacted a hew York City branch o f Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. The magazine, though, wanted to feature a fam ily with a gay son in a smaller m etropoli­ tan city, and due to the national visibility of Portland’s ParentsFLAG group Portland was selected. The Chronisters were subsequently selected because they are more “ o u t’ than som e other families in ParentsFLAG, says Joan Chronister, and they have a gay son (Newsweek specifically wanted a fam ily with a gay son, not a gay daughter). W hen contacted, the Chronisters and Kelly agreed readily. W hile m ost response from the Newsweek article and the parallel article in the Vancouver Columbian has been positive, there have been adverse reactions, particularly locally in the Columbian. (One letter queried, "If God In the past, I have blasted Klamath Falls for being so restrictive in its beliefs, and its popu­ lation for being society-m olded zombies. I reserve these statements as being true, but with a m ore open m ind to change, which has occurred. Recently, I was asked by a student from one o f the local high schools to com e to her C ontem porary Family Living class and speak on the subject o f Homosexuality and AIDS. I was, needless to say, thrilled. I have spo­ ken before to large numbers of people on various subjects, but this would be a first. After speaking with the instructor, I was in­ form ed that the school administration would not allow me to speak to those students on those particular subjects. He said, “ I do n’t feel the school is ready for that." In m y opinion, I feel he is, in essence, say­ ing the students should be kept from the facts. The students, to coin a phrase, should be kept in the closet about homosexuality. I am close friends with a couple of those students, and I have been asked questions that they were curious about. They had asked me, for the simple reason, that there wasn’t anyone else who could answer them. I feel this kind of repression is unnecessary and especially in this case, stupid. These stu­ dents are obviously mature enough to under­ stand, and cope with these subjects. Why else w ould they be in the class? There are enough “ closet cases” in every city and town in this vast country and world. W ith people like the principal of the high school, so closed-m inded about this subject, no w onder there aren't more "closet cases" still w ondering about their sexuality. As the lyrics of Depech M ode’s song "People are People" so elegantly put it, "help me understand... takes another man to help me understand." Shadburne "stronghold of Satan"? by W. C. McRae In Decem ber 1985, M ultnom ah County C om m issioner Gordon Shadburne, in a letter on county stationery to "Christian Leaders," characterized the Portland gay and lesbian co m m u n ity as a “ stronghold of Satan." How­ ever, in the February 13 Willamette Week Shadburne was him self accused of being a m em ber in that same stronghold. In a strongly-worded editorial, WW editor Mark Zussman condem ns Shadburne's hypocfisy, and points out that Shadburne’s wife alleged that Shadburne, a fundamentalist Christian and bitter opponent o f gay rights, himself has had affairs with other men. G ordon Shadburne has suddenly found him self at the axis of contending stories in­ volving homosexuality. Richard Levy, who briefly served as County Com m issioner in late 1984, spearheaded efforts behind the county gay rights ordinance that was passed during his tenure, with Shadburne’s being the sole dissenting vote. When his term was com pleted, Levy next surfaced as Shad­ burne’s staff assistant Levy was a form er m em ber o f the political lobby of Portland Town Council, and has always been openly gay. His presence on the Christian hom o­ phobe S hadburne’s staff raised eyebrows, and fueled speculation about Shadburne’s intentions. Even political opponents voiced concern when Shadburne “ com prom ised h im s e lf' by appearing in gay bars and other gay establishments. S hadburne is still involved in a bitter d i­ vorce s u it In the divorce papers filed in September, 1984, his wife, Linda, accuses him o f physically assaulting her in the pre­ sence o f their three children. She registered apprehension that Shadburne would take the children and move them to Napa Valley, where Shadburne has invested in real estate. This has resulted in an acrim onious custody battle for the children involving allegations of hom osexuality on both sides. Linda Shadburne has a relationship with another woman. Shadburne finds that living arrangem ent unsuitable for his children. Linda Shadburne has in her turn alleged that Shadburne him self has had affairs with men, the names of w hom she w ouldn’t reveal since they were “ fam ily men." They are rum ored to be m en linked politically to Shadburne. Shadburne has characterized the allega­ tions against him as “ lies." He refused to return calls to Just Out. W hen contacted by Just Out. Levy claim ed that he is looking for a new job, but Shadburne says he will stand behind Levi in his present position. Levi also said that the C om m issioner is not contem plating any legal action against Willamette Week. BOOKSTORE G R A N D O P E N IN G SIDESADDLE f r o m San J o s s . C a l i f o r n i a SATURDAY MARCH 15th 11 am-3 pm COOKBOOKS AND MORE! CAKE, COOKIES AND COFFEE Now Serving Lunch (11-2) with Sandwiches on our World-Famous Bread Baked Daily. Hours M-F 7:30-5:30 B l u e g r a s s . C & W. I r i s h . S w i n g . C a j u n FRIDAY, MARCH 21 at 8:00 PM at the WORLD FORESTRY CENTER ( n e x t t o W a s h i n g t o n Pa r k Z o o / OMSI ) T i c k e t s $7 at G. I . J o e s . W o r l d F o r e s t r y C e n t e r Just O ut, M arch , 1986 Sat 10-4 & Boogie 224-7940 • 911 S.W. Tenth, Portland, OR 97205