The case, H a rd w ick u. Bow ers, involves a gay m an who was arrested in his own home by a policem an who observed the man en­ gaging in a consensual sexual coupling with another man. The charges against the man, Michael Hardwick, were dropped, but he challenged the law on the basis that it violated his right to privacy. H ardw ick’s case was dism issed by a district court, but the 11th C ircuit C ourt of Appeals in Atlanta, ruled in May that the Georgia statute “infringes” upon the funda­ m ental rights o f the hom osexual and that the statute is “beyond the proper reach of state regulation.” The opinion, w ritten by C ircuit Court Judge Frank M. Johnson, also states that "the state m ust prove in order to prevail that it has a com pelling interest in regulating this behavior.” In appealing Johnson’s ruling, the Georgia attorney general’s office argued that sodomy statutes have been em bodied in Ü.S. laws since the Am erican Revolution and that a rig h t to engage in sodom y was never con­ tem plated by the C onstitution. Many courts have endorsed that rationale. In O ctober, fo r example, the sodom y law in Texas was upheld by a federal appeals court, w hich referred to “ the strong objection to hom osexual conduct w hich has prevailed in W estern culture fo r the past seven centuries." Expectations are that a petition w ill be filed by the end o f the m onth to consolidate the Georgia and Texas cases. Legal argum ents in both cases involve the co n flict between the lim its o f regulating private behavior and in­ terests o f the state in enforcing traditional m orality. Native Americans fa ce relocation disaster b y Roseinne K in g In less than eight m onths, 14,000 Native A m erican people will be forced from their ancestral hom eland. The Navajo Hopi Land Settlem ent A c t (P .L 93-581) passed in 1974, was the result o f an alleged land dispute between Navajos and Hopis over 1.8 m illion acres known as the J o in t Use Area. The measure partitiond the land, ordered a construction freeze and a 90 percent reduction in livestock herds. It also form ed a com m ission to relocate all Navajos and Hopis living in the area by July 1986. Pro-developm ent forces favor the reloca­ tion, w hich is strongly opposed by traditional people in both tribes. The area in question, near the Big M ountain area o f northeastern Arizona, is rich in coal, uranium , oil and water. Congress earm arked $85.5 m illion to con­ tinue the reolocation in Septem ber despite testim ony that the program is an ‘‘unprece­ dented disaster.” Leon Berger, executive director o f the Re­ location C om m ission, resigned in January 1982. He aid the program is disastrous and “ w ould not work.” Roger Lewis, one o f three federally appointed relocation com m ission­ ers, resigned five m onths later. He described the C om m ission as being “as bad as the people w ho ran the concentration cam ps in W orld W ar II.” The relocation will mean m any people will be forced into nearby cities. A ccording to Jane Kelly o f the Northwest Big M ountain S upport G roup, if those people disposed for relocation do not apply for relocation aid by Decem ber, they w ill be forced to relocate with no assistance from the Bureau o f Indian Affairs. O pponents o f relocation are intensifying th e ir efforts to repeal the Settlem ent A c t Videos and cassettes are in production and Kelly said “ m illions o f people” on m ailing lists w ill be contacted. An east coast confer­ ence is in the planning stage and a W itness fo r Peace is also underway. W omen’s m edia netw orking is being emphasized. The D em ocratic Part o f King County, Wash., has endorsed repeal and supporters are urged to contact th e ir congressional rep­ resentatives to urge repeal o f the a c t Rep. Les A uC oin, a m em ber o f the House A ppropria­ tio n s C om m ittee, is a good contact and co r­ respondence should be sent to him in Program Raytheon taken to trial over AIDS discrimination W ashington, D.C., 20515. Relief supplies o f food, tools and clothing are also needed. In the words o f Pauline Whitesinger. Navajo elder fro m Big M ountain, "In our traditional tongue, there is no word fo r relocation. To m ove away means to disappear.” If you can help, please contact the N orth­ west Big M ountain S upport G roup at 236-0399, P.O. Box 42640, Portland, OR 97242. Supreme Court to rule on right to privacy The Suprem e C ourt agreed on November 4 to decide whether the state o f Georgia has a “com pelling interest" in enforcing an anti­ sodom y statute which makes it a crim e to participate in “any sexual act involving the sex organs o f one person and the m outh or anus o f another. SAN FRANCISCO — Raytheon Company, a m ajor Defense D epartm ent contractor, will have to defend itself this week against charges o f discrim inating against an em ­ ployee w ho had AIDS. This is the first such case to go to trial in the United States. Jean O ’Leary, NGRA Executive Director, said: “ We are putting em ployer^ on notice in this state. They cannot m istreat someone w ith AIDS and then get away with it because the em ployee dies." O ’Leary com m ented further that C hadboum e’s claim s accrue to his estate and when Raytheon is forced to pay that w ill set a new legal precedent which will act as a deterrent to other em ployers. Mens Resource Center Counseling Service GAY THERAPISTS • • • • • Professional Counseling Low Fees — Sliding Scale Individuals, Couples, Groups Hypnotherapy Evening & Weekend 235-3433 Problem s ................W« C u Work OQtt It 4 Financial Services TAX SHELTERS • MONEY MARKET FUNDS • OIL/GAS INVESTMENT PROGRAMS • MONEY ACCUMULATION PLANS • COMPUTERIZED FINANCIAL PLANNING • COMMON STOCK FUNDS • MUNICIPAL BOND INVESTMENTS • KEOGH/IRA PLANS • REAL ESTATE INVEST­ MENT PROGRAM S • L IF E IN SU R A N C E • PEN SIO N P LA N S David M a lc o lm 5319 S.W. W e s tg a te Dr. # 1 6 2 • (503) 297-5651 P ortland, OR 97221 J u s t O ut. Decem ber, 1985