Cascade AIDS Network urges Frost Watch Cascade AIDS Network, the newest m em ber of Portland’s service organizations family, is joining with AIDS service organiza­ tions nationwide in organizing a “Frost W atch" to encourage viewing “An Early F rost" on Monday, November 11, on local NBC affiliates. "An Early Frost" is a movie about the AIDS crisis starring Aidan Quinn, Ben Gazzara and Gena Rowlands. The film is a m oving portrait o f how an American fam ily responds when they learn that their son is ill with AIDS. Praised nationally by AIDS service organiza­ tions as an excellent vehicle for dramatizing the health crisis, “An Early Frost" is expected to reach an audience of at least 75 m illion viewers. On the local level, Cascade AIDS Network is asking that people in the com m unity host a “Frost W atch” in their homes, and ask their guests to contribute at least $ 10 to Cascade AIDS Network, the fundraising com m ittee for both Cascade AIDS Project and C om m unity Health Support Services/PAL Project. “O ur goal is to have at least 100 hosted “ Frost W atch" gatherings with ten guests each," said Brown McDonald of Cascade AIDS Network. “And by including those people whose consciousness is low about AIDS-related issues, we can make the most of this opportunity by raising desperately needed funds and consciousness at the same time." Thus far, CAP has distributed over 20,000 brochures on AIDS risk education inform a­ tion and the HTLV-III antibody test, as well as a book for persons with AIDS, entitled “Living W ith AIDS." CAP has also made presenta­ tions to over 15,000 individuals in high risk groups as well as to such groups as the H em ophilia Foundation, Blue Cross of Ore­ gon, and Visiting Nurse Association/Hospice Program. We have also helped develop em ployee guidelines for employers who have persons with AIDS in the workplace. The PAL Project provides one-to-one peer counseling for persons with AIDS and their loved ones, upon request, as well as assist­ ance with day-to-day chores and transporta­ tion. All PAL project volunteers go through extensive training to deal with special issues around lifestyles, health concerns, and death and dying. In PAL's four m onths of operation, they have trained over 80 volunteers to be m atched with clients. Anyone wishing to host a “ Frost Watch" should call CAP and CHSS/PAL Project at 223-5907, for further information. “We will be more than grateful for your support," McDonald adds. Mary Rose brutally beaten by M arcella Box O n September 20th, at 2:30 in the m orn­ ing, tw o men broke a living room window and entered someone’s home. They encountered a 50-year-old woman holding a chair for pro­ tection. They grabbed her and repeatedly hit her in the face. They overpowered her with their blows long enough to dispose of her as a threat to their mission: thievery. The take, a 19-inch color T.V. The musical instruments left behind, apparently not valuable in their eyes. They escaped with the blood of Mary Rose’s face on their fists. Did they know the extent of the damage to this woman when they left her? Could they purposely have bro­ ken her jaw, her cheekbones, her nose, the m any fragile bones that house her beautiful blue eyes? Whether these two people feel remorse over their actions or glee that they scored big, something is vitally wrong that this happened to my friend. W omen living alone are targets of many form s of assault, as are old people. In Mary Rose’s neighborhood, there have been 53 robberies since June, all involving this target population. Including Mary Rose, two women have been brutally beaten. The remaining cases involve 70, 80 and even one 95-year- old person. It doesn’t take much to very seri­ ously disable an older person. A broken hip or arm is often the beginning of declining health for our elders. All 53 of these assaults occurred in the victim ’s home. The psycho­ logical im plications o f this are obvious. To further confound the issue, there are racial overtones to the 53 robberies in ques­ tion. All victim s were white (except one, which m ay be unrelated) and all suspects are black. In addition, all suspects are men. F orm ing neighborhood coalitions, net­ w orking with friends, taking self-defense classes, calling on elders, installing alarm systems in homes are all appropriate re­ sponses. Addressing the reasons why such measures are necessary is frustrating and heartbreaking. Mary Rose is a feminist singer/songwriter respected by many for her inspired music. She is now beginning the slow road to recov­ ery. It appears that she has lost the vision in one of her eyes. Her jaw will remain wired shut through mid-November. She will undergo further reconstructive surgery as necessary. In true Mary Rose style, her con­ stitution is forthright, and her focus is on healing. Her gracious spirit is shining. She wears a Susan B. Anthony pin given to her by one of many loving friends that reads, “Failure is Impossible." Contributions may be sent to: Mary Rose Fund, Portland Teacher’s Credit Union, P.O. Box 12526, Portland, OR 97212. O r call 255-5308. Organizing Poject underway The Lesbian C om m unity Organizing Pro­ ject is underway. The quest is on to gather inform ation about lesbians’ pet peeves, or pet projects. LCOP is conducting a survey, interviewing individuals and holding house meetings to assess the needs of Portland’s lesbian com m unity. The inform ation is being treated confiden­ tially and will be presented as a report at a conference during the fall of 1986. To raise funds for the p ro je ct a free draw­ ing is being held to give away a weekend at Jacqueline’s See-Vue m otel in Yachats, a massage by Annie Dudley and a haircut by Anita Lacy at Open Hands. A suggested do­ nation of $ 1 per ticket is requested, or you may purchase six tickets for $5.00. The LCOP will be present at upcom ing co m ­ m unity events or you may purchase tickets by calling 223-9079. The drawing will be held Novem ber 19th at the Lesbian Forum. If you are interested in receiving a survey, holding a house m eeting or volunteering support contact LCOP at PO Box 2212, Port­ land, O regon 97228. Lesbian & Gay Pride '86: Forward Together Portland’s delegates to the 4th Annual Conference of the International Association of Lesbian and Gay Pride Coordinators will share inform ation at a com m un ity workshop kicking off Lesbian & Gay Pride ’86. The workshop will be held at the Main Library, 801 SW 10th Avenue, from 7 to 9 pm , on Thurs­ day, Novem ber 21. “ Conference participants provided a large forum of networking through workshops," said Portland delegate Cathy Schmitz. “The R o b e rt M a p p le th o r p e • • • • • 1970 - 1983 A catalogue of his photographs is available at Photographic Image Gallery A W O M A N 'S P LA C E 3701 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97232 (503) 284-5465 New York photographer Robert Mapplethorpe takes on the codes of representation, of masculinity and femininity, sexuality and pornography, and manipulating the formalities of portraiture and still life Mapplethorpe creates powerful and provocative images The catalogue includes 60 duotone reproductions and essays by Alan Hollinghurst and Stuart Morgan. Specially priced at S 1 5 .0 0 ’ 986 CALENDARS NEW BOOK RELEASES CARDS T-SHIRTS JEWELRY A feminist Bookstore and Resource Center 2349 S E Ankeny lO'-.f. > , * > S o iitY Of t »•. ■ v 236-3609 O p e n N o o n to E p street parking on 37th. M o n d a y to S a ’ v l . t . N f /> “ CH ID A v .< 1. 4 208 Southwest First • Portland • (503) 224-3543 é Jus! Out, November. 1986