Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, September 01, 1985, Page 11, Image 11

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    • 37th (a cross from the Bagdad Theater).
Tic ke ts are $3.50 at the door. $1 for
c h ild re n under 12 and sneiors.
Sweet Honey In The Rock, five black
wom en from W ashington. DC, known as
interna tiona l cultura l a c tivists. Sweet
Honey In The Rock is w rapped in the
fa b ric of and nurtured by the ir Afro-
A m erican heritage. They w rite and sing
so ng s about nuclear disarm am ent. South
A fric a , a ll of the A m ericas, b a b ie s, and
grandm others, life and love. Sin g in ' fierce,
sin g in ' gentle, sin g in ' strong. Experience
Sw eet Honey In The Rock in concert at
Stany N ight at 8:30 p.m . Tic ke ts are a va il­
a b le in advance at A W om an's Place
Bookstore, C atb ird Seat. Stevens & Sons,
A rtichoke M usic and G l Joe's. $10 in
advance. $12 at the door.
Sta rry N ig ht is w heelchair accessib le
and the concert is interpreted for the hear­
ing im p a ired .
American Music Hafl have announced
p la n s to host a m usical extravaganza that
w ill celebrate Redw ood's 13 years a s an
independent record la b el and herald
new p eriod of v isib ility and growth for the
Bay A rea company.
Redwood ’85 w ill be a 7-hour concert
extravaganza on Septem ber 15th at
Be rke le y's G reek Theatre. The show w ill
Hancock. Dom estic Miss p ortrays the
tria ls, trib u la tio n s and jo ys of m othering, as
w e ll a s nurturance between women. The
Forum is interpreted fo r the hearing
im p a ire d , p rovid es sup ervised child ca re,
and is w heelchair a c ce ssib le . Fo r TTY re ­
la y. contact NW A N SIR at 233-2677 and
a sk fo r W illo w at 236-4386 o r Peggy at
233-0261. $2.00 donation suggested.
The a rtist's opening w ill be he ld from
7 :00 to 10:00 PM on Septem ber 19,1985,
and w ill feature o rig in a l m usic b y Todd
Thornton and an cppearance b y Portland
a c tre ss, W endy W esterw elle.
G a lle ry hours are W ednesday through
Sa turd a y from 1:00 to 7:00 PM. PD XS is
loca ted at 628 NW 12th Avenue.
Slavic Voices. a six-w om an
a c a p p e lla ensem ble, w ill perform fo lk
so n g s of Eastern Europe at 8 p.m . at the
Fulto n Park C om m unity C enter in Bur­
ling a m e at 68 SW M ile s. A d m issio n is $3
a d u lts, $2 students and se nio rs. Refresh­
m ents w ill be a va ila b le fo r sa le .
The group b rin g s to you the liv e s and
tra d itio n s of the people of Eastern Europe
through fo lk songs from a ll re g io ns of
Yu g o sla via (C roa tia, D a lm a tia . Se rb ia .
M acedonia). Bu lg a ria and Russia . The
sin g in g is in the native lang ua ges, and
En g lish tra nsla tio ns enhance the pro­
gram . The group sin g s unaccom panied
b y m usica l instrum ents, h ig h lig h tin g only
the b lend of the voices.
A lthough much of the g ro up 's rep ertoire
com es from record ing s and w orkshops,
som e is collected in the W oodbum area
from the Russia n -sp e a king O ld Be lie ve rs
w ho liv e there. Som e of those song s w ill be
perform ed in Sa turd a y's program .
Septem ber 14th has been sla ted for a
fund ra ise r to benefit Cascade Aids
Project, a Portland based non-profit or­
g a niza tio n dedicated to sup p lying the
com m unity at larg e w ith inform ation and
education on the current A ID S c risis. Th is is
to coincid e w ith the Northwest D istric t A s­
so c ia tio n 's annual parade, fa ir, and
sid e w a lk sa le .
Fe stiv itie s w ill take place in the parking
lo t a t N.W. 23rd and Sa vier, from 1:00-9:00
P. M. A d m issio n is set at $3.00 per person
(w ith in /o u t p rivile g e s), and a can of food
(op tiona l) fo r the hungry. Beer, w ine and
food w ill be a va ila b le at the C afe O a sis
(next door).
C onfirm ed loca l entertainm ent in ­
c lud e s. W elfare Ranch, Ed and the Boats,
The G rip , Robert Rude and the Attitude,
Film at Eleven, and s till in negotiation are
N uShooz. C razy Eig hts. Holy M odal
Rounders, Kate Su lliva n , and The
Volunteers are needed fo r a variety of
d utie s from pre-show flie r placem ent to
clea n up afterw ards. Contact Pred
M enard at the C ascade A id s O ffice,
2 2 3 -8 2 9 9 , Tuesday and Thursday
m orning s, o r leave a m essage.
A c e le b rity fund ra ising event fo r the
Inte rna tiona l Firehouse C ultura l C enter
(IFC C ) at the Hilton Hotel w ith ap p ea r­
ances by M ayor Bud C la rk, N e il G old ­
sc hm id t, D a rc elle XV and Jonathan
N ic ho la s. C a ll 243-7 9 3 0 fo r m ore
inform ation.
ta tio n on W a shing ton's Hanford N uclea r
Re serva tion and its m ilita ry p rog ra m s at
7 p .m .. at 4312 SE Sta rk St.
inc lud e fa m ilia r Redwood perform ers a s
w e ll a s a sp a rklin g sam ple of new a rtists
featured on the expanding la b el — H olly
N ear. A rio G uthrie Sweet Honey in the
Rock. Ronnie G ilb e rt. Ferron and the
Shad ow s on a Dim e Band. In ti Illim a n i,
Lind a Tille ry and Band, and Judy Sm a ll.
Founded in 1972 by sing e r/so ng w rite r
H o lly N ear, Redwood Records has long
enjoyed respect fo r com bining p rofes­
sio n a lism w ith a com m itm ent to cultural
visio n .
JurtOut. September, 1985
Book sig n in g party at the C atb ird Seat
Bookstore (918 SW Broadw ay). 7-9 p.m ., to
celeb ra te the p ub lica tion of Judith
Ba rrin g to n 's Trying to be an Honest
Woman, p ub lishe d th is month by The
Eighth M ountain Press. Refreshm ents
Hanford First Strike and G lobal
P ro life ra tio n — A slid e show and presen­
2nd Annual Fa ir Northwest in North­
w est Portland between 18th and 24th,
Burnsid e & Thurm an. Beg ins w ith parade
a lo ng NW 21st and NW 23rd at 11:30 a.m.
Fre e sta g e entertainm ent throughout the
A rea m erchants w ill feature sp ecia l
sid e w a lk d isp la ys, sa le p ric e s and fashion
show s. Food and craft booths from
throughout the northwest.
Fre e b a lloons.
G ood Sam aritan H o sp ita l's "Sa m F a ir"
b rin g s th e ir fa c ilitie s outside to the ir
cam pus fo r pdblic d isp la y and demon­
stra tio n.
The Lesbtan Forum presents Domestic
Miss p lu s short film s at 7:30 p.m . at W est­
PDXS p resents a ten yea r retrospective
of the w ork of Portland a rtist. August
Enca la d a . through O ctober 12.1985. The
show is e ntitle d The Works (A Retro­
m inste r Prebyterian C hurch. 1624 NE
Rodlcql Women Meeting. Is reform ­
in g c a p ita lism an effective m ethod to
crea te a ju st society, o r is it necessa ry to
c om p le te ly rep la ce c a p ita lism w ith
so c ia lism ? An a n a lysis of Rosa
Luxe m b e rg 's Reform o r Revolution w ill
a d d re ss th is question on Thursd a y.
Sep tem b er 2 6 .6 :3 0 p.m . a t the M ult­
nom ah C ounty C entra l Lib ra ry. 801 S. W.
10th Avenue. Everyone is w elcom e. Fo r
m ore inform a tion c a ll 249-8067. W heel­
c h a ir a c c e ssib le .
A b e ne fit V a rie ty Show case fo r the
Portland Gay O a m -Te a m II is at Roxy
H e a rt's Leop ard Lounge. Tic ke ts are $5.00
in advance, and $6.00 at the door.