Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, September 01, 1985, Page 10, Image 10

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City Nightclub celebrates their
Second A nniversary w ith a party and
celeb ration. Sp e cia l film presentation
sta rrin g D ivine in Polyester and a sp ecial
a nniversa ry show featuring Rose Em press
Rosey W aters. Doors open at 10 p.m. $3.50
cover. The C ity N ighclub , 624 S.W. 13th
(between M orrison &. A lder). Fo r inform a­
tio n c a ll 224-C ITY.
2 _________ M ONDAY
Bonnie Ra itt and J J . C ale perform at
Sta rry M ghtdub at 9 p.m . Tic ke ts are
Northwest Artiste Workshop launches
its fa ll e xhib itio n schedule w ith two a rtists.
Lise D rost and Helen Cohen. The exhibition
opens today and w ill continue through
Saturday, Septem ber 28. There w ill be a
fre e , p u b lic opening reception for the two
a rtists today at 8 p.m.
It is sm a ll wonder that Lisa Drost title s her
e xh ib it. Living Spaces. The insta lla tio n
e xh ib it inha b its NW AW 's m ain g a lle ry
sp a ce w ith a room fu ll of c h a irs, ta b les,
p la n ts, la rg e and sm a ll p a inting s, p rints,
and sm a ll inte rio r construction. The effect
is a liv in g space where g a lle ry v isito rs can
sit in the m id d le of the exhib it.
O ne of the m ost intrig uing constructions
is the fu ll sc a le trash can w ith the inte rior of
a g yne c o lo g ist's exam ination room.
V ie w e rs may notice that it appears a wo­
m an has ju st le ft the room because there is
a p la stic gown crum pled on the exam i­
nation table.
Sp e a king of her e xhib it Cohen sa ys, "It
is m y aim to a lte r the vie w e r's old accept­
ance of these objects. Not only do I sug­
g e st that a toaster is a m etaphor fo r a
kitchen of its era. but I hope to m ake the
view er suspect that every toaster m ight
contain a secret. To th is purpose I u tilize
n o sta lg ia , lig h t, and the natural voyeur­
istic tendencies of everyone."
Northw est A rtists W orkshop, a non-profit
o rg a niza tio n and alternative art space, is
located at 522 N.W. 12th. Portland, phone
2 20-0435. Reg ula r g a lle ry hours are 12-5
p.m . Tuesday through Saturday.
The Lesbian Aging Project (LAP) is
sp o nso ring a potluck p icnic at Mt. Tabor
Park from 1-6 p.m . to enhance aw areness
o f LAP. There w ill be free lem onade, vol­
le y b a ll. law n d a rts, face and body paint­
in g . and sing -a -lo ng s.
The Tenth Annual S enior Pro# Day w ill
b e he ld a t the W ashington Park Zoo from
9 :3 0 a m . to 3 p.m . Three to four thousand
Slavic Voices perform ing Septem ber 21.
a re expected to attend the event, which
inc lud e s free ad m ission, tra in rid e s and
other sp e c ia l a c tivitie s fo r se niors and the ir
Se n io rs are invited to b ring a p icnic
lunch and spend the day (food service
a re a s w ill be open fo r those who w ish to
purcha se th e ir lunch at the zoo). Free cof­
fee and ju ic e w ill be provided.
A c tivitie s scheduled fo r the day are var­
ie d and num erous. V isito rs can liste n to a
b and, watch a troop of tap dancers, sing
o ld fa vo rite s in a "sin g -a lo n g " and even
ta ke in a Kung Fu dem onstration.
B ird s o f prey show s and zookeeper ta lks
. a re scheduled at various locations around
the zoo throughout the day. The Zoo-
m o b ile w ill be on hand w ith sm a ll anim als
to touch and pet. and zoo volunteers w ill
have bones, horns and sk u lls on disp la y.
A sp e c ia l feature th is year w ill be an art
e xh ib it e ntitle d “Interpreting N ature." The
e xh ib it w ill be com prised of w orks sub­
m itted b y se n io rs in a draw ing and paint­
in g com petition. The seniors-only a rt com­
p e titio n w as m ade p o ssib le by a grant
from the M etropolitan A rts C om m ission.
The e xh ib it, w hich w ill form a lly open on
M onday, Sept. 9 , w ill be on d isp la y in the
zo o 's prim a te house a rt g a lle ry until Nov. 1.
The Rosetown Ram blers sta rt the ir 3rd
ye a r o f Squa re Dance instruction fo r be-
g inne rs. Introductory cla sse s w ill be held
at the NW Service Center, located at
N.W. 18TH & Everett (Basem ent Level).
C la sse s are each Thursday during Sep­
tem ber. Instruction of b a sic and m ain­
stream step s w ill continue fo r app roxi­
m ately 16 w eeks, follow ed by a gradua­
tio n dance and m em bership to the Rose-
town Ram blers.
C o rne ll Trouw, form erly of Denver, C ol­
orado, w ill be the instructor. He has taught
fo r sq uare dance club s and the Interna­
tio n a l Convention in Denver.
Sig n in g a va ila b le fo r the hearing
im p a ire d . Everyone is welcom e. Days
and tim e may be ad justa b le according
to the response.
C la sse s are each Thursday, 7:30-9:30
p.m . at the NW Service Center.
1 3 _________ FRIDAY
Jo int Forces Dance Company pre­
se nts A llies, a New Dance Concert, on
Septem ber 13.15,20.21 at Echo Theatre
w hich is located at 1515 SE 37th, 8:00 p.m ..
re se rva tions are recommended.
A llie s is cbout recognizing that we
h a ve the c h o ic e to b e o nth e sc im e sid e .lt
p resents im ages that fragm ent and unite,
sim p le m etaphorical im ages that people
can re la te to. It is about rela ting to the
p hysic a l w orld, because it is e a sie r to un­
d erstand than intellectua l abstract
Jo int Forces has p reviously perform ed in
the Portland area, in conjunction with
Portland State Unive rsity and a lso at Echo
Thea tre both in the choreographers show­
case and an evening recently presented
w ith M ary O slund of O slund and
C om pany/Dance. The o rig in a l prem iere
of A llies took place in Eugene's Hult
C enter fo r Perform ing A rts and w as funded
in p art by the O regon A rts C om m ission
and the N ational Endowment fo r the Arts.
The Portland Yid d ish C lub and the Port­
land Fo lklo re Society w ill be presenting o r
evening of Y id d ish m errim ent at the Echo
Thea ter at SE 37th and Hawthorne. Th is
m ulti-m e d ia event w ill feature the Hester
Street Kle zm e r Band In a program of Yid ­
d ish sc htic ks and songs along with
Klezm a nia n accom plices Yanki Fa lk and
Rose Leopold. The audience w ill be trans­
ported back to the re a l Hester Street on
the Low er East Sid e of New York, circa
To enhance th is celebration of Rosh
Hashona (the Jew ish New Year) and
Kle zm a nia . Ralp h Po lic a r (of P o lic a r's
D elicatessen) w ill be on hand haw king
Y id d ish food from h is pushcart d e ll and
there w ill be plenty of space fo r dancing.
The fe stiv itie s begin at 8.00 PM , Saturday.
Septem ber 14. at the Echo Theater, 1515 S’:
Ju st Out. Septorr