Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, August 01, 1985, Page 11, Image 11

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    fo r the evening of Art on the Rocks. The
Portland Rose Ja zz Band w ill be perform ­
ing D ixiela nd ja zz throughout the evening.
The 2 0 0 Block M erchants w ill be open
and serving com plim entary wine. M cCor­
m ick and Schm ick's restaurant w ill provide
com plim entary hors d'oeuvres.
A rt on the Rocks, a Light Ra il Group
Show, w ill provide new p ub lic art for the
2 0 0 Block. The 4 ' X 8 ' street barricades,
w hich w ill be covered with o rig ina l art, w ill
be on exhib it as long as feasible. The 200
Block M erchants and Tri-M et are w orking
together to provide security for the art b a r­
ricad es. At the end of the construction
phase the ten (10) barricad es w ill be
auctioned off at a sp ecia l "o n the ro c ks"
A d d itiona l Art on the Rocks events in­
clud e art g a llery openings of Attic
G a llery, ICC O riental Rug G allery. Photo­
g ra p hic Im age G allery, and the Poster
G allery. Other particip ating m erchants in­
c lud e M cCorm ick and Schm ick's, M olly
Blo o m 's, Seconds on First, and A pple
M usic who is providing the sound equip­
m ent fo r Art on the Rocks. Free parking is
a va ila b le at city lots for the event.
“Lesb ia n Incest Survivors." Lesb ia n
Forum . 7 :30 p.m. at W estm inster Presbyte­
Photographic Im age G allery is featuring the works of Imogen Cunningham.
The p hysical exam ination w ill also pro­
vid e particip ants with an evaluation of
their general health, including referral in­
form ation. if necessary.
Appointm ents are recommended and
m ay be m ade by c a lling 255-6771. The
M ain C lin ic is located at 948 N.E. 102nd
D iscover the pleasures of healthy sex at
Sa fo so x W orkshop IV. sponsored by
C ascade A ID S Project/Phoenix Rising, at
the Em bers/Avenue— 110 N.W. Broadway,
2 -5 p.m. Don't ju st think about SAFESEX,
take a step! It can m ake a ll the difference.
Fo r men only. Donations accepted. For
m ore inform ation, c a ll C.A.P. at 223-8299.
The O regon Gay So ftb a ll League
presents the Portland Rose Softball C lassic,
a tournam ent featuring team s from
Eugene, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, B.C.
The tournament takes place at C olum ­
b ia Annex Fie ld s on N. Lom bard and
W oolsey Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 :30 p.m.
and Sunday 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The N orthw est FNm Study C enter is
show ing Come Back to the Five and
Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, sta r­
ring Karen Black, Cher, Sandy Dennis, and
Sud ie Bond as a group of g irlfrie nd s who
hold the twenty-year reunion of a Jam es
Dean fan club in a sm a ll Texas town.
W e ste rn Sta te s C hiro p ra c tic C ol­
lege w ill sponsor a free adult health
screening, including a posture and sp ina l
check-up, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m ., at its M ain
C lin ic in northeast Portland.
Ju st O ut,
August. 1985
d rie d or canned food, for West Coast
food run in August.
Baby, It’s You is showing at the NW
Film Stud y C enter at 7 and 9 p.m. Th is is
screenw riter/d irector John Sa yle s' funny,
bittersw eet tale set in 1966 New Jersey,
portraying an unlikely romance between
a p o p ula r Jew ish g irl (Rosanna Arquette)
and the Sheik (Vincent Spano), a working
c la ss Ita lia n kid who a sp ires to be a singer
in the style of Frank Sinatra.
G irlfriends, C laud ia W e ill's first
Tom Potter, new police lia ison to the
le sb ia n and gay community, and Police
C hief Penny Harrington invite m em bers of
our com m unity to participate in a series of
m eetings.
The m eetings w ill be conducted by the
Lib ra ry G roup to esta b lish how the com­
m unity should interface with a police
lia iso n and to identify what is expected of
a lia ison.
The m eetings w ill be held today at 7
p.m. at the Multnom ah County Library.
Rm. A, and tomorrow. Tuesday the 13th, at
7 p.m. in the Justice Center Bldg., 14th
Floor, Rm. B.
ursday. August I8.
dram atic feature, is showing at the NW
Him Stu d y C enter at 7 p.m.
G irlfriends is a com passionate and
funny insight into the life of Susan W ein-
b la tt (M elanie M ayron), just out of college
and earning her living photographing
w ed dings and b a r m itzvahs w hile trying
to develop a career as an art pho-
togrpaher. A wonderful film which also
features: Viveca Lindfors, Eli W allach, Bob
Ba la b a n, and Am y W right.
ria n Church. 1624 NE Hancock. Interpret­
ed for the hearing im paired, w heelchair
a c c essib le, surpervised childcare. For TTY
relay, contact NW A N SIR at 233-2677 and
a sk for W illo w at 236-4386. $2.00
suggested donation helps defray costs.
W orkers' rights for prostitutes and a c ri­
tiq ue of the Portland C ity C lu b 's report on
prostitution w ill be discussed at Radical
W om en's monthly m eeting. Legalizing
Prostitution. 6 :30 p.m., at the Multnomah
County C entral Library, 801 S.W. 10th
Avenue. Everyone is welcome. For more
inform ation, c a ll 249-8067. W heelchair
Portland 's newest wom en's dance
band, AH’Z w ill be playing at the Prim ary
Dom ain. 16th and NW Lovejoy at 8 p.m.
M ary Catherine Lamb reads from Tove
D ittlevsen's m em oirs, Early Spring on
W om an’s Volco on KBO O. 90.7, listener-
supported radio.
Tove Ditlevsen knew from a very early
a g e that she wanted to be a poet, som e­
thing unheard of for a g irl in the w orking
c la ss neighborhood in which she grew up.
Tove Ditlevsen died in 1976 and is
regarded a s one of Denm ark's m ost w ell­
loved writers.
In A p ril, 1955, Judith M alina, a leading
fig ure in the developm ent of experim en­
ta l theater (she co-founded The Living
Theater), along with Dorothy Day and
nine other women, was arrested for her
participation in a peaceful protest against
the atom bomb. M ary Catherine Lamb
rea d s portions from The Diaries of Judith
M alina, 1947-1957 describing her arrest
and tria l, her grow ing friend ship with
Dorothy Day, her perceptions about her
fellow inm ates and the effects of im prison­
m ent on W om an's Voice. KBOO 90.7 FM
at 9 p.m.
M usic Fe stiva l, with the C razy 8 's and
.. more. Benefit in support for 11.000
N avajo People resisting Forced Reloca­
tion off their ancestral hom elands by the
U.S. Governm ent for M ultinational Corpo­
rations, effective July 1986. The Benefit w ill
be Thursday at 8:30 P.M., at Pine Street
Theater, 2 2 1 SE 9th. $5.00 p lus donation of
Figure in a Still Life, one of David Hockney's w orks is on d isp la y at Augen G allery.