Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, August 01, 1985, Page 10, Image 10

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Filthy Rich is guaranteed to provide
third m ajor production, Mr. Daniel Web­
e r's play. The Amusement Park M.R.P. is
happy to report that the play, the kicker
for the com pany's first full season, was
aw arded first place in the Seattle Empty
Space Theatre's Annual Playw right's
Festival Competition, and M.R.P. is pleased
to present this world prem iere at the
C ubículo Theatre on Friday, July 26th, 1985.
The show w ill be performed Thursdays
through Sundays, through August 18. The
tickets for these shows are $5.00. A ll shows
w ill start at 8:00 FM. Fetured in this produc­
tion are Kevin Haggerty, Steve Remington,
Bin French, and Rony W iesel. The project is
directed by the playw right, Mr. W iesel,
and Cory McKelvey. For information or
reservations, call 223-9872. The Cubículo
Theatre is located at 938 N.W. Everett.
Th is project has been funded in part by
the M etropolitan Arts Comm ission.
th rills, c h ills and sp ills! In the tradition of
Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe and Woody
A llen, we now have Peter Fomara as
Tyrone M. Power, Private Eye (?), Novelist
(?), or w as his mother just a rom antic?
Filthy Rich has everything you always
wanted in a mystery: the detective, the
sid e kick, the beautiful women, the cop,
the gangster and the goldfish.
Filthy Rich stars: Peter Fomara, Daniel
Perkin, G alen Schrick, Shauna Le Savage,
Nan Kelley and Clifford Uel Smith. Directed
by Susan Sweeney.
Filthy Rich opens Friday, July 26th at
Storefront Northwest, 2235 N.W. Savier
Street. It plays Thursday, Friday, and Satur­
day evenings at 8 p.m. until August 31st.
Ticket prices are $7 on Thursday and $8
on Frid ay and Saturday. Discounts offered
for students and senior citizens. C all Store­
front's office (224-4001) for reservations.
S to re fro n t Thea tre announces its pre­
m iere production in the new theatre.
Storefront Northwest: Filty Rich, by
G eorge Walker.
kick Adams
The Po rtla n d Pre m ie r o f Translations
by Irish playw right, Brian Frie l, plays in the
Blue Room, through August 10, Tuesday-
Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m.,
as part of S.R.O. (Sum m er Repertory
Onstage) and guest directed by John
Th is eloquent com edy-dram a, which
w as highly successful at the Oregon
Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, is d is­
tinguished by som e of Portland's finest ac­
tors, Keith Scales. Joseph Cronin, W illia m
Tate and Nyla McCarthy and supported
by Earl A. Taylor, M ichael W elsh. A dair
C happel, Cathryn C ushing, Jay Randall
Horenstein and C ard iff Fosand.
For inform ation on reservations and
season tickets, ca ll the Box Office, noon-
9 p.m .. Monday through Saturday. Early
reservations are encouraged, so call early
for the first date of your choice. Box Office.
M other Rood Pro je c ts presents its
W hat role do women play in the current
technological development? How can
women gain the sk ills to tackle the com­
p lex and rap idly changing workplace?
These are the questions that w ill be ad­
dressed at the Women and Technology
C onference to be held Saturday, August
3, from 8 :00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the
University of Portland, Portland. Oregon.
Th is conference is co-sponsored by the
YW C A in Portland and is spear-headed
by a group of women involved in tech­
nological fields.
The conference w ill focus on workplace
technology such as electronics, informa­
tion processing, and telecomnunications.
The aim of the workshops is to help wo­
men participate more fully in technologi­
cal change in our society.
The one day conference includes
speakers and workshops covering the fol­
low ing areas: Identifying technological
anxiety, managing technological anxiety,
starting your own business, dem ystifying
technological terminology, Effects of
technology on employment. Automating
the office, and Automating the produc­
tion line.
The cost is $40.00. Information on child ­
care. housing, and scholarships is avail­
able. Registration deadline is July 20th.
For more inform ation, contact: Women
and Technology Conference, P.O. Box
40244, Portland, O R 97240,222-2606.
A health check-up for women in the
Portland/Vancouver area w ill be given
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Saturday, August 3
at W e ste rn Sta te s C hiro p ra c tic
C o lleg e ’s M ain CHnic. 948 N.E. 102nd
Avenue in Portland.
The $5 exam ination fee w ill cover the
cost of a breast exam, pap smear, spinal
check-up and urinary lab test. Appoint­
ments are necessary and may be made
by c a lling 255-6771.
The N orthw est FHm Stud y C enter
The N orthw est Him Stud y C enter
presents Soldier Girts at 8 p.m. The some­
tim es subtle, often blunt re a litie s of army
life in a wom en's ba sic training cam p at
Fort Gordon, G eorgia are revealed in this
cinem a verite docum entary by Nicholas
Broom field and Joan C hurchill.
For more inform ation ca ll 221-1156.
The Photograp hic Im age G a lle ry
w ill hold a wine and cheese reception
from 5-8 p.m. The show ing "Photographs
by Im ogen C unningham " w ill feature
o rig in a l photographs, trust prints, and
posters by Imogen Cunningham .
6 __________ TUESDAY
The Amusement Park, playing at the Cubiculo, 938 N.W. Everett, through August 18.
neath the stars. Com e early and listen to
the sounds of performance artist/m usician
Ken Butler and his Hybrid instruments.
Show starts at 9:15 p.m.
presents Movies By Moonlight, a free
screening of new short film s at the W ash­
ington Park Amphitheater. See a mix of
live-action and anim ated works under-
Sold ie r Girts p la ys at N.W. Film Study Center Th
First Avenue, between O ak and Pine.
Sum m er hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon­
day through Friday, 11 a.m .-5 p.m.. Satur­
day and Sunday. The show w ill run
through Septem ber 29.
The 200 Block M erchant's Association
presents A rt on the Rocks. Thursday,
5 :3 0 -8 :3 0 P.M., on S.W. First Avenue
between Oak and Pine Streets. Adm ission
is free.
Art on the Rocks, which follow s the suc­
cessful Ja zz on the Rocks event, features
w ell-know n Portland artists painting o rig i­
nal art "on the ro c ks" on the Light Rail
b arricad es in the street betwen Oak and
Pine Street on S.W. First Avenue. The street
has been under construction due to Light
Ra il. Participating a rtists include Carolyn
Dewey, W ill M artin. C arol G rigg, Al
G oldsby. Sidonie Caron, Joan M etcalf,
Norm a Ling, Tom Prohaska, Shirley C lark
and C herie Hiser. A rtist's sup p lie s have
been provided by Fred Meyer, Inc.
Live m usic w ill provide a background
Just Out, August. 1985