Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, July 01, 1985, Page 10, Image 10

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    1_________ MONDAY
The IFC C A rt G allery w ill d isp la y the
fa b ric artwork of the Hmong people of
Laos at the Interstate Firehouse C ultural
Center, 5340 N. Interstate Avenue, through
July 27.
The pa ndao. or "flo w e r cloths,” are
a p p liq ue d or em broidered textiles, a
tra d itiona l handcraft sewn by Hmong wo­
men now living in Am erica. The vibrant
colors and abstract m otifs reflect their na­
tive forest environment, and the pieces
often tell stories or have sym bolic mean­
ing s related to b u ria l, courtship or festival
custom s.
The IFC C Art G allery is open to the
p u b lic free of charge, and is handi­
ca pped-a ccessible. Hours are 10:00 a.m.
to 5 :0 0 p.m ., M onday through Saturday,
and d uring weekend perform ances. For
further inform ation, p lea se ca ll 243-7930
(voice or TTY).
Your Zoo and AN Th a t Ja zz, W ashing­
ton Pa rk's Seventh Annual Concert Series
continues through July and today features
the C alvin W alker Band with pianist
bedroom where Raina has no choice but
to save him from her own people. Later
on, Shaw pits Serguis, the cynical Rom­
antic, aga inst Bluntschli, the Romantic
rea list, in a battle of ardor rather than
arm s. W ith Shavian pen sharpened,
G eorge Bernard bursts the bubbles of
fa lse nob ility and ridiculous Romance
and show s us the p o ssib ilitie s for real emo­
tions and rational attitudes towards the
world. For reservations, ca ll 222-2487.
C elebrate your kind of patriotism on
the 4th of July with the Dem ocratic
S o c ia lists o f America. Join us for
strawberry sundaes, strawberry daiquiries,
and sp e c ia l guests. Stew Albert and
Tw elve robots created by C alifornia
a rtist and teacher Clayton Bailey are
featured in the Oregon School of Arts and
C ra fts' Hoffman G allery from July 2-31.
“Re inca rna ted " from abandoned parts
of what Ba ile y term s "p rim itive robots”
(old a p p lia nces, discarded m achine
parts, various m etal found objects), these
robots perform such benign ta sks as
te llin g tim e, playing rad io m usic, and
m a king toast. The ir physiognom y, how ­
ever, is often more controversial. Fem inists
have taken um brage at the '52 C a d illa c
bum per b ulle ts im planted in fem ale
Ba ile y is a form er ceram ist who b ille d
him elf "D r. G la d stone" in the '70s and
trum peted discoveries o f'K a o lith ic fo ssils
of the Pre-C redulous Era." As the "c ra zy "
Dr. G ladstone. Ba iley w as nom inated for
a Nobel Prize in Physics.
Currently, Ba iley w orks as Professor of
Art at C a lifornia State University at Hay­
ward. He earned his BS and M S degrees
at the University of W isconsin. His art
p a ro d ie s have been covered by several
a rtic le s in publications such a s Am erican
C raft, Artweek, and C eram ics Monthly.
Once a teacher of sculpture to Leon
Sp in ks. Ba iley a lso hold s the distinction of
having invented the w orld 's first com bina­
tion toilet-teapot.
For more inform ation a nd /o r photos,
p le a se contact Kristin Koester at O SAC.
Hoffm an G allery hours are 10-5, M on­
d ay through Thursday, and 10-4 Friday
through Sunday. Hoffman G allery e xhib i­
tions are supported in part by the
M etropolitan Arts C om m ission.
The O regon School of Arts and Crafts is
a non-profit organization.
A unique collabortion between an artist
and the p ub lic w ill occur July 2-27 when
Portland painter and sculptor M ichael
C urry p a ints a series of w orks based on
id e a s from the general public. Using the
m ain g a lle ry of Northwest A rtists W orkshop
a s h is w orking studio, C urry w ill be paint-
ing during many of the W orkshop's open
hours. He w ill begin with eight blank 4 x 5
foot canvasses on July 2 and complete
the p a inting s by the end of the 3 -week
An inform al opening reception w ill be
held at NWAW on July 2 from 2-9 p.m.
Since the paintings w ill not be finished
until the end of this show, there w ill be a
la rg e closing reception and view ing on
Ju ly 25 from 7 to 9 p.m. Both events are
free and open to the public.
p.m. until August 31st. Tickets are $8 on
Thurs. and $9 on Fri. and Sat. Please call
224-4001 for reservations.
Soph is a grand m ix of Vaudeville,
Burlesque, C abaret and a backstage
chat with a funny old gal who loves to let
herself flow over. — Bob Hicks, Oregonian
Portland's own Wendy W esterw elle is
m em orable to local audiences for her
roles in Babes on Burnside, Emergency
Room, and Angry Housewives to name
a few. W ith Soph she b ring s to the stage
her lifelong fascination with this great
Jew ish sin g e r and com edienne in an
evening of song and reflections. Wendy
w as aw arded an ind ivid ua l artist grant
from the O regon Arts C om m ission to help
her re a lize this dream.
Audiences w ill travel with Sophie from
her e a rliest days sing ing in her parents'
restaurant in Hartford, through the streets
of New York at the turn of the century, to
the g litte ring and tawdry d ays of burles­
que and vaudeville. A s Sophie sing s the
o ld m elodies and shares her intim ate
m em ories of the fam ous nam es of her day
— Fanny Brice, Eddie Cantor, Flo Zie g -
fie ld — theatregoers get a g lim p se of the
woman who becam e a legend here and
It is W endy's hope that audiences leav­
ing the theatre w ill be hum m ing the
m elodies Sophie sang to her generation,
feeling as if they have just had a personal
v isit with the late and great “Last of the
Red-Hot M am as."
This is the last tim e Soph w ill be pre­
sented in Portland. In Septem ber, the
show w ill go on tour nationally.
Steven C la rk Pachosa and Karen Hallm ark in Arms and the Man.
Ja nice Scoggins. The Band performs ja zz
sta nd a rd s and o rig in a ls in a contempo­
rary style with hints of soul, blues and rock.
The concert starts at 6:30 p.m. and is
free with a regular zoo adm ission.
The New Rose The a tre w ill open Arms
and the Man by G eorge Bernard Shaw
through July 20. Arms w ill play W ednes­
d a ys through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sun­
d a ys at 2 p.m.
One of G eorge Bernard Shaw 's "P le a s­
ant Pla ys," Arms and the Man is a b rillia nt
sa tire of Rom antic attitudes toward love
and war. Raina Petkoff, daughter of the
only Bulgarian M ajor fighting the Serbs, is
p rop erly betrothed to the Byronesque
Se rg u is Sranoff, hero of a decisive Bulga­
ria n cavalry charge. At this crucial time
she receives a m idnight visitor who shat­
ters a ll her illusions. Bluntschli, escaping
the very battle of which Serguis was the
hero, clim b s to her balcony and into her
Judith C lavir-A lbert, co-editors of The Six­
ties Papers and co-organizers of
C hicago '68, People's Park, and the
W om en's March on the Pentagon. $5 at
the door, kid s free. Potluck lunch. Noon to
five on the 4th, at 5215 NE 30th.
W ashington Park Zoo has a special
4th of July Zoograss Celebration in the
w orks from 1 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. A full day of
b lueg ra ss featuring Dr. Corn’s Bluegrass
Remedy, Sunny South, and Hollis
Taylor Band.
The concert is free with regular zoo
adm ission.
5 __________ FRIDAY
Sto re fro n t Theatre re-opens Soph
with Wendy W esterwelle Soph w ill play
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 8
The N orthw est Him Stud y C ener pre­
sents at 7 & 9 p.m.. Permanent Vaca­
tion, (1980). An early film by the Director of
Stranger than Paradise. Jim Jarmusch.
Tw o and a ha lf days in the life of Aloysious
Parker, a young w anderer with no home,
no school, and no job. A portion of the
m usic is done by John Lurie. W ith Jim
B la sh fie ld 's Suspicious Circumstances
The N orthw est Him Stud y C enter
presents at 7 p.m. Koyaanisqatsi,
(1982). W ith a stunning score by composer
P h ilip G la ss, Koyaanisqatsi breaks
from narrative traditions and invites us to
re-evaluate our view s of progress and a
technological world.
Charlie Murphy, Jamie Sieber and
their band w ill perform in Portland, Satur­
day, July 6th to celebrate the release of
their new album . Fierce Love. They w ill
appear with a five-piece band in a
dance concert, 9 p.m. at Echo Theater,
1515 SE 37th. The concert w ill benefit The
A llia nce newspaper.
Since the release of his first album ,
Catch the Fire, in 1980, M urphy has been
identified a s a songw riter of deep p o liti­
cal com m itm ent and exciting m usical
Just Out July 1985