Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, June 01, 1985, Page 12, Image 12

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Sunday. June 9. ◦ C a p ita l Study
G roup meets. Find out why C a pital. Karl
M a rx's critique of ca p ita list society,
rem a ins a book for our times. Join a
thought-provoking study group beginning
Ju n e 9 a t6 :00 p .m .a t1 6 2 0 N.E. 24th. #206.
Portland. The group w ill meet the second
Sunday of each month thereafter and is
sponsored by tto dtcal Women. For more
inform ation, ca ll 249-8067.
The © a y Bridge Club, a rap and so­
c ia l group for young adults 18 and up
m eets every W ednesday at the First Con­
gregationa l Church on SW M adison and
Park at 7 :30 p.m. Use side entrance on
M adison. C a ll 244-3225 for more
inform ation.
W in d flre , an under 21 rap and social
group, meets every Saturday at City
N ightclub. 624 S.W. 13th. Under 21
le sb ia ns, gay men and bisexuals are en­
couraged to attend.
Le sb ia n and Gay Prid e *85 planning
m eetings are every Thursday, 7 30 p.m .. at
M etropolitan Community Church, N.E.
24th and Broadway. We need your input
and expertise.
W om en, W ealth and Power, a Judy
Hylton sem inar for women interested in in­
vesting money, w ill take place Saturday,
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
A fee of $35 includes m aterial, coffee
breaks, and parking.
For more inform ation ca ll 235-3477.
Pa re n ts FLA © meets the fourth
W ednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at
the First M ethodist Church, on SW 18th &
Jefferson, in the Education Building.
Newcom ers welcome.
© .M .T. (© ay Men Together), an open
and inform al discussion group for gay
men, meets regularly every Wednesday
evening at 7 :00 p.m. in Room 229, Smith
Center, on the Portland State University
cam pus (S.W. Broadway at Montgomery
Street). The w ide range of topics has
included: com ing out, dealing with pa­
rents and fam ily, form ing and m aintaining
gay relationships, being gay on the job.
health, gays and politics, gays and re li­
gion, our self-im age, gays and m arriage,
alternative lifestyles, etc. G.M.T. has a
m inim um of organization: anyone is free
to drop in and out of the group as they
wish. Th is is a great place to meet other
gay men in a friendly atm osphere and
share ideas and feelings on common
concerns and problem s.
The Bisexua lity Exp loration Group
meets the second and fourth Monday of
T h e L e s b ia n N u n s
A r e H e re !!
J u n e 14th at 8 p .m .
PSU Lincoln Hall R o o m 75
$ 1 .0 0 re q u e s te d d o n a tio n
S p o n s o re d b y PSU W o m e n ’s S tudies
A W O M A N ’S P L A C E
A Feminist Bookstore and Resource Center
A S L In te rp re tte d • C h ild c a re • W h e e lc h a ir A c c e s sib le
(For differently-abied seating and childcare please call 236-3609 for reservations)
each month, at O ld W ives Tales at 8 p.m.
in the Banquet Room.
Bring your ideas for sum m er outings to a
Forest Group potluck meeting on June 7
at 6:30. Join with other outdoorswomen to
m ake this an "e ventful" summer. Ccril
2 3 2 -8 2 3 7 for more information.
June 15. Forest Group hike in the
Herm an Creek Tra il in the C olum bia
G orge. Easy. About five m iles. C a ll Sara at
June 29. Forest Group bicycle trip to
Sa u vie 's Island. C a ll Kathy at 233-9542.
A forum of the Cascade G uild, The
C ascade Business Network, for those in
b usine ss or meeting those in business,
m eets Monday, 10 June 1 9 8 5 ,7 :30 p.m.
sharp in Dugan's Show Room, 1441 N.E.
Please contact Robin Lane or Cheryl
W elch at Echo Theatre (231-1232) to
schedule an audition time.
Free health check-ups for children up to
the age of 16 w ill be given from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m ., Saturday, June 1, at W estern States
C hiropractic C olleg e's M ain C linic in
northeast Portland.
Appointm ents are recommended and
m ay be m ade by c a lling 255-6771. The
M ain C lin ic is located at 948 N.E. 102nd
Th is summer. Do Jump Dance Theatre
C om pany mem bers share their sk ills, ta­
Western States C hiropractic C ollege
w ill sponsor a free adult health screening,
includ ing a posture and sp ina l check-up.
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Saturday, June 8, at
its M ain C linic in northeast Portland.
The physical exam ination w ill a lso pro­
vide participants with an evaluation of
their general health, including referral in­
form ation, if necessary.
Appointm ents are recommended and
m ay be m ade by c a lling 255-6771. The
M ain C linic is located at 948 N.E. 102nd
lent and creativity with children aged 3-6
and 7-12. Robin Lane, Do Jum p's Artistic
Director, and KK Finn, Registered Music
Thera p ist, are among those scheduled to
a id children in learning new sk ills, creat­
ing perform ances and having fun. Activi­
tie s include gym nastics, trapeze,
acrobatics, music-vocal and instrumental,
and m ask-m aking.
Term I. June 17-July 4. Term II: July 8-
July 25. The Cam p runs 9:30 a.m.-Noon,
Monday-Tuesday. Cost is $75 per term.
C la sse s fill quickly and enrollm ent is
lim ited , so register early. Echo Theatre is
located at 1515 SE 37th Ave. (at Haw­
thorne). C a ll 231-1232 for more informa­
tion or to register.
A workshop dealing with the em otional
aspects of genital herpes w ill be held
June 8, from 9:30 to 2:00 p.m.. at the
Northwest Service Center, 1819 N.W.
Everett, Portland, Oregon. The workshop is
p rim a rily intended for mental health pro­
fe ssio na ls, but is open to others who are
interested. Presenters are Ricks Warren,
Ph.D., psychologist and experienced
herpes support group leader, and Terri
Gunn W arren, R.N.. M.S., co-author of The
Herpes Handbook. The fee for the w ork­
shop is $25.00. Registration form s may be
obtained from 1216 N.W. 21st, Portland
97209. Preregistration is required due to
lim ited space.
"Sum m er Fu n !" C hildren’s Perform ing
A rts o f Oregon is offering three
week sessions of "Sum m er Fu n !" for
child ren ages 4-11 and a parent/child
c la ss for age 2-3. C lasses are twice a
week and incorporate dance, gym nas­
tics, trapeze, m usic, dram a and related
crafts projects.
Registration for "Sum m er Fun !" is Satur­
day, June 15 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. with a free
introductory cla ss from 10-10:45 a.m. Cost
is $35/one session, $60/tw o sessions,
$85/three sessions. C lasses are held at
Friend ly House, 2617 N.W. Savier. To reserve
a space for your child in "Sum m er Fun !"
ca ll 239-7682.
Echo Thea tre s resident dance com­
pany is currently looking for women
trained in dance with experience in
gym nastics and theater (especially com­
edy). You must be interested in working
clo se ly with a group, perform ing, teach­
ing and som e touring.
Do Jum p Dance Theatre has been per­
form ing in the Northwest for seven yeras.
We com bine live original m usic, trapeze,
acrobatics, m artial arts, theater, mime
and dance to create vibrant, exciting
perform ances. We a lso teach Do Jum p's
c h ild re n 's and adult c la sses in gym nastics
and trapeze.
Q uestion M ark G allery. 1112 N.W. 21st
Avenue, Portland, w ill have an exhibit of
photographs by Lanry C w ik from June 6 to
June 22.1985. G allery hours are from 4:00
to 8:00 p.m.. Thursday to Saturday. An ar­
tist reception w ill be held from 7 :00 to 9:00
p.m. on Friday, June 7,1985. Q uestions:
c a ll Tim Blue or G reg Pietarila , Question
M ark G allery, 220-0486.
Thursday, M ay 16th through July 7th, The
Photographic Image G allery w ill premiere
The Nude Show, with o rig ina l photogra­
phy by Imogen Cunningham , Edward
Weston, M arsha Bums and a host of other
m aster photographers.
The G allery is located at 208 S.W. First
Ave., between Oak & Pine. Hours are 11
a.m. to 5 :3 0 p.m. Monday through
N orthw est A rtists W orkshop presents
Paradise 4, an installation by com poser
M egan Roberts and sculptor Raymond
G hirardo. The show w ill run from June 6
thorugh June 23, with an opening recep­
tion on Thursday, June 6 from 7-9 p.m.
Roberts and G hirardo. who currently live
and work in New York, have been c o l­
laborators in video, sound sculpture, in­
sta lla tio n and perform ance w orks for the
past 11 years. Th is is their first exhibition in
the Portland area.
Ju s» O u», June, 1985