Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, June 01, 1985, Page 11, Image 11

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    sion of the topic, “Is There a Lesbian Com ­
m unity?" Tuesday, June 18, 7:30 p.m. at
W estm inster Presbyterian Church, 1620
N.E. Hancock. W heelchair access, super­
vised childcare, $2.00 suggested
B.J. Castlem an and Rya perform at
the Prim ary Dom ain for Lesbian and Gay
Prid e Week. B.J. and Rya are com edien­
nes and m usicians who sing songs about
life , love, p o litic s, and personals. Rya
p la ys uppity guitar and B.J. plays hot
Show starts at 8 p.m. and tickets are
slid in g scale, $4, $5, $6.
Souvenirs, a new performance by The
G ill A rtists, w ill prem iere tonight through
Sunday, June 23rd, at 8:00 p.m. at Port­
land Center for the V isua l Arts (PCVA), 117
N.W. 5th Ave„ Portland, Oregon, (503]
222-7107. A dm ission is $6.00 general aud i­
ence, $4.00 PCVA members. Advance
tickets are a va ila b le at PCVA and Bass
Tic ke t outlets.
W orking collaboratively. The G irl Artists:
C har Breshgold, Kathy C lark, C ristina De-
G ennaro, Susan Martin and Lisa Siegel
take a m ulti-dim ensional approach to the
creation of their installation/perform ance
pieces. Freely com bining visual art tech­
niques with live performance, audio re­
cord ing s, projected light and original
m usic, they produce artw orks which are
d irect, involving, am using, ironic and,
perha ps most important, im m ediately
Souvenirs is set in a “sc a le d -to -life "
neighborhood environment. The perform ­
ance depicts the d a ily experiences of
va rious neighborhood characters, their
ritu a ls, traditions, and communication.
W ith an off-stage narrator to add insight
into the history and relationships of each
character, the audience is guided through
one day and one night in their lives.
Focusing on the sm all, seem ingly in sig n if­
icant “so u ve nirs" of everyday life. The G irl
A rtists reveal their characters' fears, w hile
em bracing life, with a ll its idiosyncracies.
A s in pa st works, humor plays a m ajor role
in Souvenirs.
For inform ation and reservations ca ll
PCVA at 222-7107.
Th is perform ance is m ade possible by
grants from the M etropolitan Arts
C om m ission, the Oregon Arts Com m ission
and by the National Endowment for the
real word for it!" sa ys W alt Wagner. “If
there has to be a catch-all word, call it
c la ssic a l ja zz."
C urrently appearing in Seattle, his only
Portland engagem ent w ill be the
Portland Art Museum Berg Swann
Auditorium , at 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $8.50
at a ll BASS outlets, $9.00 at the door.
Counseling Center fo r Sexual Mino­
ritie s (CCSM) is alw ays looking for new
m em bers to contribute tim e and energy
to their Hotline, especially during the
sum m er months. And now, CCSM has a
deal for you — new member training
the weekend of June 22nd and 23rd,
p lus a potluck dinner and bar tour the
evening of June 22nd with current Hotline
mem bers. Sim ply ca ll the Hotline at
228 -6 7 8 5 , and leave your name and
number if you are interested in the training.
For four years the Hester Street
Klezm er Band has been recreating the
uniquely joyous sp irit of klezm er music in
the streets, parks and performance
spa ces of Portland and the Pacific North­
west. The band announces the first con­
cert in its third annual summ er series
sponsored by the M etropolitan Arts Com­
m ission and the Portland Folklore Society.
Klezm er m usic is a style that developed
over the centuries in Jewish com m unities
in Eastern Europe. The m usic combined
elem ents of Gypsy, Rum anian, Greek,
M id d le Eastern as w ell as Yid d ish music
and it w as constantly changing as Jewish
m usicians came into contact with new
kin d s of m usic (ranging from m ilitary
m usic to light classics). When Jews
m igrated to Am erica en m asse at the end
of the nineteenth century they brought
their klezm er m usic with them and it con­
tinued to change as it mixed with the ja zz,
blues, vaudeville and D ixieland that
abounded on the streets of New York.
Klezm er m usic has been ca lled Yiddish
thirtie s — many of them Jew ish them selves
— such as Benny Goodman and Artie
The Hester Street Klezm er Band w ill per­
form at the Com m unity M usic Center,
3350 S.E. Francis at 8 p.m. The concert is
D ugan’s Stage Door is looking for
perform ers of a ll kinds, esp ecia lly unex­
posed talent to perform in a Talent Show ­
case. Richard C olom bi is heading this
search with the idea in m ind of providing
a sp a ce for new Portland talent to
perform and to gain exposure Perform ers
of a ll kinds are wanted. M usicians, singers,
com edians, songw riters, poets, actors,
actresses and any com bination thereof.
W hether you are a perform er in need of
a p la c e to perform or a person who enjoys
seeing new talent, the Talent Showcase is
for you.
Th is event w ill happen at Dugan's Stage
Door at 7 00 p.m D ugan's is located at
1431 N.E. Broadw ay The event is free. For
m ore inform ation and registration contact
Richa rd C olom bo at 284-3383
W alt Wagner is in concert offering a
Just Out, June. 1985
ja zz and in fact it had a great influence on
m any ja zz m usicians in the twenties and
so lo p iano evening defying description
even from Walt himself. Walt Wagner lights
up a ja zz spectrum with influences from
Fa ts W a lle r to Andre Previn. “There's no
B.J. Castleman