Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, February 01, 1985, Page 11, Image 11

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    The D e fend e rs o f Mlthra, Portland's
new Leather/Levi /Lace organization for
women w ill meet at 5:30 for general plan­
ning. The Defenders of M ithra is a non­
profit, charitable organization for Leather
and Levi women interested in educating
and im proving the community we live in.
The Lesbian Forum explores "Ba lancing
Paths to Se lf-H e a lin g " at 7 30 p.m. at
W estm inster Presbyterian Church. 1624 NE
Hancock. Supervised C hildcare, $2 sug­
gested donation. Signed for the hearing
im paired. For TTY Relay, ca ll NW Ansir at
233-2677 and ask for W illow at 236-4386
The Lesbian Forum is a women-only event.
The Womens M usicians Coalition
w ill hold a Saturday m orning brunch at
10:30 (sharp!) for a ll women interested in
vocal or instrum ental music. Pot Luck —
ca ll Shar at 235-5625 for more information.
A W om an’s Place Bookstore w ill be
having an anniversary party at the book­
store, 2349 SE Ankeny, from noon-6 p.m.
Free cake, and 20% off a ll book titles.
Com e and help them celebrate twelve
years of com m itm ent to Portland's fem inist
com munity.
A m a jor fun event is taking place at the
Satyricon, it's the "I Can’t Believe This Is
Fashion” Show & Dance. A diverse group
of, fam ous in the future, designers present
a variety of alternative fashions for men
and women. TV Treats w ill be the surprise
entertainm ent by Barbara Backyard and
m usic fo r dancing the night away provid­
ed by The M iracle W orkers. A ll this for only
$3.00! M ore info: 774-4728.
1 0 ________SUNDAY
Fo lksin g e r Betsy Rose w ill perform in
concert, 3 p.m. at 75 Lincoln Hall on the
Portland State University campus.
C o-sponsored by the PSU Women's
Union, the concert features the nationally
known p o litic a l activist, singer, songwriter
and m usician from C am bridge, M assa­
chusetts. Tickets are a va ila b le at the PSU
Box O ffice, Artichoke M usic, A Woman's
Place Bookstore and the C atbird Seat
Bookstore. PSU students $3 (at the door
$4). G eneral adm ission $4 (at the door
Lincoln Hall is w heelchair accessible.
ASL interpreter provided. C hildcare w ill
be a va ila b le by arrangem ent, 229-4448
The Foxy Lady Pageant, Part II . the
announcement of the winner happens to­
night at D arcelle XV at 8 30 p.m. Tonight's
oageant benefits Phoenix Rising.
KOAP, Channel 10. features at 8 p.m.
A ID S: Chaper 1, on NOVA The program
w ill d iscuss how modern science has
been unravelling the mystery of the d is­
ease, AIDS.
Ferron, a Canadian folksinger, and her
band, w ill be perform ing at Starry Night at
9 p.m Tickets are $8.00 in advance, $9 00
at the door.
Ferron has been referred to as a fem ale
Bob Dylan. She has put out two album s.
Testimony and her most recent
Shadows on a Dime
Starry Night is w heelchair accessible
and the concert is ASL interpreted.
LABIA preents Choosing Children, at
7 30 p.m. at PSU, Lincoln Hall 75. This film
focuses on six fam ily situations in which
lesb ia ns decide to ra ise children: three
lesb ia n couples, a lesbian and gay man
co-parenting, a gorup of five lesbians
and a sing le lesbian mother. It offers infor­
m ation on getting pregnant, arranging
parenting situations and numerous legal
issues. Follow ing the film w ill be a panel
d iscussion, with women sharing inform a­
tion about m edical and legal aspects as
w ell as personal experiences. C hildcre
a va ila b le , w heelchair accessible, free.
For more info ca ll 284-7324
Lind a Tille ry, perform ing in Portland February 8th. in celebration of the 12 years
of existence of A W om an's Place Bookstore.
and with humor. I his uncom prom ising
q ua lity com bined with their diverse m usi­
cal backgrounds m akes their perform ­
ance ar. insp iring and entertaining
experience for a ll audiences
Tic ke ts for the concert are available at
Roxy Hearts, Embers Avenue, Other Side
of M idnight, or by c a lling 234-6344 for
ticket inform ation
1___________ FRIDAY
8 ___________FRIDAY
Introduction to CAPITAL Class. Are
Ron Romanovsy and Paul Phillip s, more
com m only known as Romanovsky and
Phillips, w ill make one appearance in
Portland, at the Embers Avenue. 8 00 p.m.
The concert w ill benefit Dignity Portland,
Rom anovsy and P h illip s have perform ­
ed a ll across the nation and through their
voices have brought a new m eaning to
entertainm ent in the gay and lesbian
Instead of m olding them selves after the
"a vera g e torch song entertainer," they
have carved out their own territory by
sin g in g about their lives openly, honestly
Lesbian Vision presents the first of its
annual events by a lesbian for the com ­
m unity at large: Judy Grahn, author of
"W o rks of a Common W om an." "Another
M other Tongue — Gay Words. Gay
W o rld s," and many other books, w ill give
a reading perform ance at the Northwest
Service Center at 8 p.m. Signed for the
hearing im paired and w heelchair acces­
sib le Tickets $5 from A W om an's Place
Bookstore and at the door
Just Out, Pebrjorv 1985
Judy Grahn w ill sign her books and be
a va ila b le to meet people at the W om en's
Bookstore table at the International W o­
m en's Day C elebration at the YM CA at
2:30 p.m
W in d flre , an under 21 rap group meets
11_______ MONDAY
vou baffled bv the ina b ility of the richest
country in the world to provide decent
wages and basic social services for work -
e rs9 Discover the contradictions underly­
ing the c a p ita list economy during an 8-
week c la ss on C apital. Karl M arx's inter­
nationa lly debated critique C lass begins
February 11, and meets every Monday at
7 00 p.m. at the King Neighborhood Fa c il­
ity, 4815 N.E. 7th, Portland. So c ia list fem inist
Adrienne W eller w ill lead the cla ss Spon­
sored by Rad ical Women. C a ll (503) 249-
8067 or 249-1710 for cla ss fees for more
inform ation. W heelchair accessible
at O ld W ives Tales, 2 p.m., 1300 E. Bum-
sid e Under 21 lesbians, gay men and b i­
sexua ls are encouraged to attend.
Augen G allery is one of O regon's
forem ost fine prints gallery. They represent
lim ited ed itions by local and nationally
renowned printm akers. Currently, they are
hosting a group print show featuring
Deborah DeWit. K.C. Joyce, Jennifer
G uske, Jan Ross, and Daniel G oldstein.
For m ore inform ation, call 224-8182.