25 FRIDAY 30 WEDNESDAY 7 THURSDAY Sto re fro n t Thea tre is proud to an­ nounce the Oregon prem iere of Beyond Therapy, by C hristopher Durang (who gave us Sister Mary Ignatious Explains W om en’s Leather Night at the Other- sid e of M idnight, at 5:30 p.m. C all 244- 8803 for more information. B.J. C astlem an performs ja zz, blues, and a little b it of country at the Otherside of M idnight, 8-11 p.m. It All for You. 31 8 __________ FRIDAY Bruce meets Prudence through a personal ad in the New York Review of Books. Instantly he wants to marry her and have children They w ill live in Connecticut and have two cars. His lover Bob w ill live over the garage Everything w ill be won­ d erful 1 Prudence thinks m aybe she should get to know him better Bob thinks ever­ yone is b a sic a lly gay and that Prudence w ould be a great hit in a lesbian bar Do they sound c e rtifia b le 9 W ait until you meet their therapists1 Beyond Therapy is one of the funniest com edies to come along in recent years, with the inim itable Durang taking aim at love, sex. m arriage, therapy and a few other things as well. The show stars Kelly Brooks, Jeff Forbes, A lice Lane. Doug Mouw, Scott Parker and Gary Powell. D i­ rected by Susan Sweeney. Beyond Therapy w ill be performed at Sum us Theatre, 13 N.W. 13th (with free in­ d oor parking entrance on N.W. 14th). It w ill p la y Frid ay and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. with Sunday m atinees at 2 p.m. until M arch 16th. Tickets are $8 for a ll perform­ ances. Please ca ll 224-4001 for reserva­ tions or further information. 26 SATURDAY The “W hat Do You Fe a r?” Players. fea ring neither rain, nor snow, nor black ice, w ill ask the Portland theatregoing p u b lic to brave the late nights of winter w eekends for A.R. Gurney, Jr.'s half-hour com edy, The Golden Fleece, at 11 p.m. at Sum us Theatre, 13 NW 13th. Perform ances are Saturdays at 11 p.m., with Frid a ys at 11 p.m. added beginning February 15. Tickets are $3, with $1 discount given for ticket stubs from any other production running at Sumus that w eekend, or from the PSU production of M edea (February 8-23 at Lincoln Hall). To m ake reservations for The Golden Fleece ca ll Sum us at 220-0651 27 SUNDAY Theatrewoman, solo work created by Bethroot of Fly Away Home (women's land in southern Oregon) w ill be per­ form ed at the Echo Theater, 1515 S.E. 37th, at 8 p.m. Song, dance, memory, weave a personal story of lost friend ships — and of a theater wo­ m a n's power to conjure playm ates and surprises. Theaterwoman was o rig ina lly perform ed at the Northwest Women's C ultural C elebration in O lym pia. WA this summer. The Portland performance is for wom en only, and tickets are $4 at the door. THURSDAY B.J. C asflem an performs ja zz, blues Lind a Tille ry is the kind of performer and a little bit of country at the Otherside of M idnight, 8-11 p.m. who arrives complete with status and reputation the first time you hear her. She w ill be arriving at the Northwest Service Center to help A Woman’s Place Book­ store celebrate their 12 year anniversary. Tille ry began her singing career at the height of the San Francisco rock music explosion. She has shared the b ill with ta­ lents such as John M ayall, Arlo Guthrie, Chuck Berry. Buddy M iles, Jeff Beck and Ja nis Joplin. She has sung on album s with Boz Scaggs, Lenny W hite, and Coke Es- covedo. And, to top it off, she has been voted the Best Fem ale Ja zz Vocalist in the Bay Area for the past two years in a row. Tille ry is no stranger to Portland. She ap­ peared last November at the O ld Church where she raised the roof with a sound sm ooth as hot fudge, weaving in and out of a sensitive ba lla d and in the next mo­ ment pouring on the steam in a gutsy down-hom e blues fashion. She encour­ ages audiences to clap and sing along in w ays that recall an old revival meeting. Linda Tille ry w ill be perform ing at the Northwest Service Center, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $6.50 in advance, and $7.50 the day of the show. Tickets are available at A W om an's Place Bookstore, 2349 SE Ankeny, Catbird Seat Bookstore, Artichoke M usic and Mother K a li's Bookstore in Eugene. The concert w ill be ASL interpreted for the hearing im paired, and the Northwest Service Center is wheelchair accessible. The Portla nd Lesbian and Gay Com m unity Band rehearses 7-9 p.m. at Alam eda School, 27th and N.E. Fremont. C a ll 287-3260 for more information. 3 _________ SUNDAY An A ntique D epression Era and C o lle c tib le G lass, Pottery, China and S ilv e r show and sa le w ill be held today, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the National G uard Armory, 10000 N.E. 33rd, Portland. The event w ill feature more than 100 ta b les of the finest quality g la ss, pottery, china and silver from the Victorian Era through the early1950s, with the em phasis placed upon Depression Era collectibles. The finest dealers from the Northwest and C a lifo rnia w ill be represented at the sale, and a ll item s w ill be for sale. A dm ission is $1.50. Portland's Rain of G lass C lub, a non-profit society dedicated to collecting and studying Depression Era and collectible glassw are, is sponsoring the show as a benefit for the Easter Seal Center. The Foxy Lady Pageant, Part I, the first presentation of the candidates, happens at D arcelle XV. 208 N.W. 3rd. at 8:30. 4 _________MONDAY Consenting Adult, the made-for- television movie based on the controver­ sia l b e st-se lling novel by Laura Z. Hobson, w ill a ir tonight on ABC-TV, channel two. at 9 00 p.m. Starring M ario Thom as, Martin Sheen and Barry Tubb, and produced by Ray Aghayan, it is the story of how a col­ lege student (Barry Tubb) comes to terms with the realization that he is gay, and the way in which those around him deal with this news. 6 WEDNESDAY Portla nd Women’s Theater Co. wel­ com es a ll women interested in theater (technical, business and acting) for an open m eeting at O ld W ives Tales, 1300 E. Burnside, Feb. 6. 7:30. We w ill be forming C om m ittees for women inter-sted in work­ ing on fund raising, script research, space find ing , cla sses, and public relations. Com e join us in form ing a new phase of W om ens Theater C hild care w ill be provided on site at the Parents Coop. Reservations for childcare should be m ade by January 31. C a ll 236- 3609 for reservations and more information. Lind a Tille ry w ill be featured in an in­ terview on KBOO 90.7 FM, at 3 p.m. 9 SATURDAY A rtichoke Music is starting an in-house concert series with Northwest songwriter, Linda Allen. A llen has a deceptively gentle style of­ fering new perspective on parenting, p o litic s, and wom en's lives, a style which transcends age, sex and p o litic a l d if­ ferences. Mama Wanted To Be A Rainbow Dancer is her first album , and her most recent. O ctober Roses w as released this October. A lle n 's concerts have expanded the d efinitions of wom en's m usic as she writes and sin g s with humor and passion of ra isin g children, struggling through rela tionship s with men and women, of grow ing older. Lind a 's audiences now en­ com pass a w ide range of men and wo­ men who respond to her unique style and m oving perform ances. She has grown from the sixtie s through the seventies and has developed into a strong, candid voice of the eighties, encapsulating fire and spunk with forgiveness and grace into songs that seem to ling er in your mind long after the stage is empty. Each song is refreshingly distinct in sound and words, though when the concert ends (or the re­ cord) one is left with the certainty that there is nothing finer than the essence of the human spirit. Artichoke M usic is located at 722 NW 21st, and the concert begins at 8 p.m. C all 2 4 8-0356 for more information.