Gay label nixes degree SAM FRANCISCO — A private Christian col­ lege in southern Illinois has refused a man the bachelors degree he earned based on unspecified charges of homosexuality. Greg Johnson, now a resident of Chicago, com pleted all the academic reguirements for graduation in May. 1981. When a fellow stu­ dent told the dean that Johnson was gay. the college withheld his diploma. National Gay Rights Advocates (NGRA). the San Fran­ cisco-based public interest law firm, has sued the college to com pel it to issue Johnson his degree. Leonard Graff. NGRA Legal Director, said: T h e school has offered no legal rationale for their action. In fact, they have none. We re suing them for breach of contract and money damages as well as demanding the issuance of Greg’s diploma.” Jean O ’Leary. NGRA Executive Director, said: "The school's action is homophobic and offends com m on sense notions of fair­ ness. Greg has met all the reguirements for graduation and, of course, he should be granted his degree regardless of his sexual orientation.” O'Leary noted that Johnson's graduate study and career have been stalled because of the college. NGRA's local cooperating counsel is Jen- ner & Block, a prestigious Chicago law firm. Lesbian Slide Show announces categories "Lesbian Sexuality'' and "Lesbians In Ac­ tion' are the competitive categories in the 3rd National Lesbian Slide Show and C om ­ petition scheduled for March 1985. The Show and competition, sponsored by Heri- zon, a women's social club in Binghamton, NY will encourage the exploration of lesbian images and will offer lesbian photographers cash prizes. The judging will be accomplished by lesbian audiences in several US cities. “ We re focusing on sexuality for this show because the national lesbian com m unity seems ready to explore this area of our lives,” said spokeswoman N. Meg Glaser. "We are also interested in seeing upbeat, action’ shots, of sports, protests, work, or play," she added. The guidelines for the show emphasize original color slides, not black and white slides or reproductions of other photographs or artwork. There is an entry fee of $5 per slide (3 slides per category limit). Cash prizes of $ 100, $50, $25 will be awarded to winners in each category. For complete guidelines send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to NLSSC, c /o Herizon, PO Box 1082, Bing­ hamton, NY 13902. The deadline for entries is March 1, 1985. This is the 3rd year the NLSSC has been Funtastic Shows presents DORIC W ILSON was born in Los Angeles, February 24, 1939 and raised on his grandfather's ranch on the C olum bia River of W ashington State He received his theatre training from Lor­ raine Larson, apprenticed w ith the R ich­ land Players, and after a brief stay at the Drama D epartm ent of the University of W ashington, he came to New York C ity in 1959 A pioneer of the o ff-o ff-B ro a d - way movement, his play A n d He Made a Her opened at the Caffe C ino in 1961 C om m itted to the developm ent of alter­ native theatre, he has w ritten, directed, produced a n d /o r designed over a hun­ dred p ro d u ctio n s An orig in a l memoer of the B a rr-W ilder-A lbee Playw right's U nit and C ircle Repertory, in 1972 with Peter del Valle and Bill Blackwell, he form ed TOSOS Theatre Company. D escribed as "o n e of a handful of leading co n tem pora ry playw rights who deals fra n kly w ith the gay experience.' W ilson is a satirist "w h o genu in e ly likes— and laughs a t— hum an fo ib le s" w ith "w it and charm , d etourin g critica l barbs th ro u g h the fu n n y bone en route to the gut. N othing is sacred— including h im se lf." JERRY WEST'S production of DORIC WILSON'S a vivisection of gaymale love without intermission January 3-February 15 Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m. Friday, January 18 at 7:30 p.m. Embers Avenue, N. W. Couch and Broadway Tickets $4.00 • M ust be 21 sponsored by Herizon, a 9 year old social club which has recently opened a women's space at 213 State Street in Binghamton. Proceeds for the Show go to Natalie Barney Fund which has funded grassroots lesbian projects such as the Lesbian Herstory Archives in New York City. Winners in previous shows include Joan E. Biren (JEB) of Washington, DC, Marian Roth of Provincetown. MA, and Trudy Wood of Cazenovia, NY. For information about sponsoring the Show, contact Herizon Thurs­ day through Saturday evenings at (607) 724- 2537 or write PO Box 1082, Binghamton, NY 13902. For more information: N. Meg Glaser, (607) 724-9218 evenings. NGA considers civil rights agenda In its November meeting, the Staff Advis­ ory Council of the National Governors' As­ sociation’s Committee on Human Resources recom m ended to the NGA Executive C om ­ mittee that it adopt a general civil rights policy that includes the issue of gay/lesbian civil rights. The National Gay Task Force, in a presen­ tation to the Advisory Council on September 20th, called on the governors “to endorse legislative and executive measures that would extend egual protection of the law to gay and lesbian Americans at the federal, state, and local levels." In considering a response to NGTF, the council realized that the NGA did NGTF Executive Director Virginia M. Apuzzo com m ented. "Through our presen­ tation we have identified a deficiency in the NGA agenda that affects the entire civil rights com m unity. The struggle for lesbian and gay rights is just one part of the overall civil rights agenda, which is best addressed as a single entity rather than piecemeal.” Apuzzo said that NGTF would be contact­ ing representatives o f other civil rights orga­ nizations, including the Leadership Confer­ ence on Civil Rights, to discuss strategy in pursuing this matter through the National Governors' Association. Members of the current NGA Executive Com m ittee are the Governors of Kansas (John Carlin, Dem., Chair), Tennessee (Lam ar Alexander, Rep., Vice-Chair), Colorado (Richard Lam m , Dem.), Florida (B ob Graham, Dem.), Illinois (James Thom pson, Rep.), Pennsylvania (Richard Thornburgh, Rep.), South Dakota (William Janklow, Rep.), Vermont (Richard Snelling, Rep.), and Virginia (Charles Robb, Dem.). Membership will change slightly as a result of the November elections. In June, following lobbying by NGTF, the G.S. Conference of Mayors became the first national organization of elected officials to take a position in favor of lesbian and gay rights by endorsing a resolution recom ­ m ending “ that all levels of governm ent adopt legal protections for the rights of gay and lesbian Americans.” Your own local eccentric 50’s rock and role band is reforming: we need to take new promo pic­ tures, make a new demo-tape and put together a new promotional packet featuring the 3 new sophomores. We need any monetary aid you can give us to take the antics that go on at “dyke high” and continue with “ the education of am erica” wherever we can. In return for your donations we will make the following thank-you gifts: $5-14 8 x 10 autographed glossy $15 up the glossy, and free admittance to our January 27, ’85 THANK YOU concert $31 up at Darcelle's the glossy, the above concert and a souvenir tape of the band. send to: P.0. Box 12333 • Portland 97212 or call 249-0422 JOIN US AT OUR 8TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY PINE ST.THEATRE 9:30pm - 1:30 am 4 not have a general position on civil rights. The council therefore referred the matter to the Staff Advisory Council of the NGA Execu­ tive Com m ittee for consideration, with the specific stipulation that the general policy in­ clude gay/lesbian civil rights. Cover $6.00 Just Friends Page 19 Just Out, January. 1985