Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, October 26, 1984, Page 3, Image 3

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''5 T
No. 1
C T C D D IM ’
O ctober 26-N ovem ber 23
photo by Helen Lottridge
Just O ut is published the fourth Friday of each
month. Copyright 1984 Mo part of Just Out may
be reproduced without the written permission of
the publishers.
Written and graphic materials are welcomed for
submission. All written material should be typed
and double-spaced. All graphic material should be
black ink on white paper.
Deadline for submissions is 14 days prior to
publication date.
Jay Brown
Renee LaChance
Jay Brown
Production Director
Bev LaBelle
Graphic Arts Director
Rupert Kinnard
Advertising Associates
D. J. Custard
Eve Sicular
Jim Hunger
Douglas Bloch
Billy Russo
Alan Coogan
For information about
advertising call
Just Out is published monthly by Out
Media, Inc.
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Out About Town is a courtesy to our readers.
Items must be received 14 days prior to publica­
tion date.
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days before publication date, if camera ready, if not
then seven days prior.
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Editorial policies allow the rejection or the edit­
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consults the Associated Press Stylebook and Libel
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Views expressed in letters to the editor, columns,
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editorial staff of Just Out.
Subscriptions to Just Out are available for
$7.50 for 12 issues.. A free copy of Just Out and
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The mailing address and telephone number for
Just Out are
P.O. Box 15117
Portland. OR 97215
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An open letter to the
G ay Men's Chorus
I woke up this morning angry and felt that I
had to write you. For a long time now, I have
been inspired by your voices. I love to go to
your concerts and have even worked the lights
for you. But I am more and more disturbed
by your message.
I try to convince myself that the Christianity
you are forever singing about in your choice
of music is necessary — that much of the
good choral music available to you is written
that way. so that is what you sing. In spite of
the fact that Christians have persecuted gay
men and women for centuries and are right
now organizing — with the support of our
President — to deny us our rights. I try to
accept what you sing as good music and
ignore the words.
But I cannot ignore it when you combine
that Christianity with the political message of
a song like “ God Bless America. America is
on the verge of re-electing a man who justifies
the horror of his policies in the name of bring­
ing God back to America. God bless America
— and the rest of the world can go to hell.
I cannot ask whatever god there may be to
bless a nation which pays for the slaughter of
people in Nicaragua and El Salvador. I can­
not sing proudly for a people who allow their
govrnment to support apartheid in South Af-
rica.'l will not come to hear a chorus of gay
men sing sweetly about God and country
when it is that very ideology which is used to
justify leading the world closer to nuclear war.
Under the banner of God and America, the
Christian political right is waging a holy war to
deny women the right to abortions, to cut off
desperately needed aid to this country's poor
so that we can build weapons, to block the
Equal Rights Amendment, and to deny us as
gay men and lesbians the very right to exist.
H olv can you contribute to this extremely
dangerous com bining o f Christian femor
and American pride?
Ves. I want to live in America. But I want an
America which is guided by compassion for
the poor, understanding of our bond with
other nations, and justice for minority groups
— not by the puffed up, proud, and vengeful
god of Reagan and Falwell.
If you must continue to sing of god and
politics in the same breath, please sing "God
Bless Nicaragua." They need it much more
than we do. They have Ronald Reagan's
America as a neighbor.
Paul Starr
With this issue. Just Out begins its second year of publication.
During the past year Just Out was honored by the Gay Press Association for “outstanding
overall design." Just Out was described by Phil Nash, GPA Awards Coordinator, as a good-
looking "issue-oriented paper."
Just Out has established itself as a truly alternative newsmagazine by mirroring the diversity
of the lesbian and gay community. Just Out has dealt with issues such as unlearning racism,
physically challenged gays, gays in prison, gay youth, alcoholism in the gay community, in
addition to monitoring the media.
Impacting the straight as well as the lesbian and gay community, Just Out has consistently
reported on issues which affect everyone, such as nuclear disarmament, feminism and
mainstream politics.
As we look forward to many more years of keeping you informed and entertained, the staff at
Just Out says "Thank you," to all our friends for the support you have given us during the past
Just Out, O ctober 26 November 23
phoenix rising foundation
408 S W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 407
Portland, Oregon 97204
(503) 223-8299
Fall O fferings
O n -G o in g M en s T h e ra p y / S u p p o rt G ro u p :
Openings now.
L e sb ia n W om en's T h e ra p y / S u p p o rt G ro u p : Begins
November 6 , Tuesdays
P re -O rg asm ic W om en's G ro u p : Begins Novem ber 5,
In tro d u c tio n to H o m o se x u a lity fo r S ch o o l
P e rso n n e l: November 10, Saturday
L e sb ia n H e a lin g S e m in a r: Begins Novem ber 9-10,
Friday evening & Saturday
Com ing Even ts
A s s e rtiv e n e s s T ra in in g : Begins January 12, 1985,
A ID S S u p p o rt G ro u p : Begins February 1985
In ce st S u rv iv o rs G ro u p : Begins March 1985
Safe S e x u a l P ra c tic e s fo r G a y M en : Begins
March 1985
C a ll 2 23-8299 to re g is te r
o r fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n