Oregonians to vote on marijuana A proposal to legalize cultivation of mari­ juana for personal use will appear on the general election ballot in November, despite efforts by Secretary of State Norma Pdulus to eliminate it from the ballot The Oregon Supreme Court ruled that Paulus had erred when she decided that peti­ tions for the marijuana initiative contained less than the required number of valid signa­ tures to qualify for the November ballot Paulus’ decision was based on a statistical sample of 5,157 names picked at random. The Supreme Court decision came less than a week after the Oregon Marijuana Initia­ tive group filed suit contesting Paulus' deci­ sion. OMI claimed that its analysis had found errors in the sample which had disqualified registered voters as signers. OMI had turned in about 85,000 signatures, of which 62361 need to valid. The court agreed with OMI's suit saying Paulus and the county clerks, all named as defendants in the suit had failed to count the names of voters who signed petitions in a county other than the one where they resided; small businesses have sprung up in response to increasing public demand for a less costly means of getting simple routine legal matters taken care of than the necessity of hiring a lawyer. "We have no one to blame but ourselves that non-lawyers are filling the gap which lawyers have failed to fill," says attorney Katharine English of People’s Law Books. The handbooks published by People’s Law Books are written or edited for legal accuracy by lawyers and periodically updated to provide information about changes in laws and procedures. of voters who had moved or changed their names after signing the petition; and of vot­ ers whose names were purged from voter registration lists after they signed the initiative petition. In addition, the court said, the secretary of state mistakenly included in the sample a number of blank lines and crossed off names that then were counted as unverified signa­ tures by county clerks. Preceding her announcement to put the proposal on the ballot, Paulus angrily blasted the court's decision saying the court was “ig­ norant” of the validating process. She said the court had assumed the OMI information was true without rebuttal from her office. The court’s decision also received a blast from the Oregon Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union which had filed a suit challenging the attorney general’s methods of validating ballot measures. The ACLU had questioned the constitutionality of using statistical samples to verify signatures. The ACLU contends that each signature on each ballot be verified. All parties involved in the controversy based their arguments on points of law and were careful to avoid accusations of political motivation. KBOO continues gay/lesbian program In May of this year KBOO Radio, Oregon’s only listener-supported station, inaugurated a series of programs addressing concerns of the lesbian and gay community. This month KBOO continues the series on Tuesday nights at 10 p.m. Upcoming pro­ grams include a look at the Right to Privacy P.A.C. with host Garcia Phelps on September 18 and a discussion on Origins of Racism by Kathleen Sadat For further information on future shows and how one may become involved contact Ross Reynolds or Dennis Peterson at KBOO, 231-8032. New self-help legal manual available The 4th Complete Revised Edition of H old to Change Your Name (for use in Oregon), by attorneys Katharine English and Julie H. McFarlane, has been released by the non­ profit publishing company, People’s Law Books, Inc. This complete legal guide to name changes is now available at bookstores and librarires. The handbook includes all of the legal forms and instructions for complet­ ing an individual, wife and husband, child, or family name change, and costs just $19.95. An attorney-done name change typically costs betwen $75.00 and $300.00. In recent months much attention has been focused on the cases of laypersons who have set up businesses selling self-help materials and providing services related to those mate­ rials. Both Rosemary Furman, whose Florida case has been featured on 60 minutes, and Oregonian Peggy Ann Muse have been sued by the Bar Associations of their respective states for unauthorized practice of law. These APOLOGIES: We neglected to identify Deborah Einbender’s beautiful handmade belt which appeared on the front cover of our style issue. Her belts are available at Manu s and Priscilla Anne s. For information on how to obtain belts, please call 231-7259. Also pictured are clothes from Dare to Wear and Forward Gear. We also neglected to give photo credit to Helen Lottridge for the majority of the photos used in the style spread. 400 SW 6TH. SUITE 903 PORTLAND. OR 97204 aiirçrius 0 TOURS Z & TRAVEL Offering the world to you It’s time to start planning your winter sun vacation!! New York Europe San Francisco Asia Hawaii Mexico A full service Travel Agency working with the Gay Community CALL WAYNE _________ 4 OR In MATTHEW TOLL-FREE Oregon call collect In U S. 1-800-4-AARGUS 223-9331 Just Out, September 14-September 28