Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, April 27, 1984, Page 9, Image 9

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The NW Film Study Center features
tw o film s in conjunction with the Portlanc.
Art M useum 's current exhib it W ild Beauty:
Photography o f the Columbia Gorge,
1895-1915. Beginning at 8 p.m. the film s
a re The Colum bia River Gorge: A
N atural History and The Colum bia:
M ic h a e l's parents, and his brother and
siste r upon learning that he is gay.
I'm Not From Here. Directed by Harvey
M a rks (USA), B/W , 4 5 m inuts. The factual
story of a hom osexual young m an's life,
and a struggle to develop and define his
Jane Howard perform s at Judy’s, 15th
and NE Broadw ay at 8:30 p.m.
Voices o f the River.
Unity and More in ’84 — Put Power in
D iversity — is the theme of this year's
W in d fire , a lesb ia n, gay, bisexual rap
group for people under 21 meets at O ld
W ive s Ta le s, 13th 8c E. Burnside at 2 p.m.
The Stardust Ballroom Association,
a loca l g a y b a llroom dancing group, has
o rg a n ize d a D inner Dance to encourage
p e o p le to get acquainted with the group.
The d inne r is a choice of steak or chicken
and is p ric e d at just $8.50. The no-host
c o c kta il hour is from 6 -7 p.m. Dinner and
entertainm ent is from 7-9 p.m., and there
w ill be d a ncing from 6-10 p.m. The place
is Sla b tow n, 1033 N W 16th. C a ll 283-5507
fo r ticket inform ation.
Le sb ia n and G ay Pride Week. The steer­
ing com m ittee m eets in the basem ent of
M C C at 24th and NE Broadw ay at 7 :30
p.m . Volunteers are encouraged to offer
Paolo and Francesca, m ade for theater
' b y G ordon D a hlq uist, M ary D ille s and Eric
W a lte r of Portland, w ill be presented at
N orthw est Artists Workshop on Frid ay.
M a y 11. and Saturday, M ay 12. at 8 :0 0 p.m.
Tic ke ts are $3.00 and no reservations are
Paolo and Francesca, insp ire d by the
them e of condem ned lovers in Dante's
Inferno, com bines experim ental film and
theater in an abstract p la y about the o ri­
g in and tra nsfer of our em otions; about
influenc e and our identity, about pa ssion,
confusion, b est w ishes, and regret. The
sim ulta neo us use of film e d and live
p erform ers d ra m a tizes the varied
q u a litie s of distance and im m ediacy
these fe e ling s have depending on
circum sta nces, a s with a haunting men i-
ory. Fo r further inform ation c a ll 777-2798.
The NW Film Study Center features as
its afternoon m atinee. Pennies From
Heaven, a m usical set in the Depression
and sta rring Bing C rosby with m usic by
Lo u is Arm strong and his orchestra. Show
sta rts at 2 p.m.
At 7 p.m. they present Nightfall, Jacques
Tourneur's nightm arish th rille r about an in­
nocent man being chased by both
p o lic e and crim inals.
A t 8 ,3 0 p.m. Curse of the Demon,
another horror epic by Tourneur about a
m onster being released as a result of an
ancient curse. For information ca ll 221-1156.
PSU Students for Lesbian and Gay
Rig hts (SLG R) is presenting the Second
Just Out, April 27-May 11
Holly N ear again com es to Portland,
this tim e in collaboration with Intl-lllimani,
the interna tiona lly acclaim ed C hilean
ensem b le, for a concert at Benson High
School A uditorium at 8 p.m.
Th is m usica l collaboration presents an
e xc iting b lend of cultures, m usical styles,
sound and id ea s from the rich Andean
m e lo d ie s of In tiU kk, Illim a n i and the im ­
p a ssio ne d lyric s of Holly Near. Th is prom ­
ise s to be a sp e c ia l perform ance. For
m ore inform ation see related story in Just
Entertainm ent.
11 __________FRIDAY
A nnual Lesb ia n and G ay Film Series
Sa turd a ys at 7 :30 p.m. in PSU's Lincoln
H a ll, Room 75. (See the 28th for more
inform ation.)
To n ig h t see "a night of shorts."
Susana. Directed by Susana Blaustein
(USA) 1978. B/W . 25 minutes.
A m oving, hum orous self-p ortra it of an
A rgentine lesbian. The film m a ker's
re la tio n sh ip with her straight siste r is
Michael, A Gay Son. Directed by Bruce
G la w son (USA) 1980. Color. 27 minutes.
Th is se nsitive film reveals the feelings of
The NW Film Study C enter presents
M ississip p i Triangle, a new docum entary
b y C hristine Choy about life for a sm a ll
com m unity of C hinese A m ericans in the
M ississip p i Delta region. Ms. Choy w ill be
present to d isc u ss the film . Show starts at 8
A benefit for G oldberg for Senate to­
nig ht at 7 :30 p.m. Live jug m usic, food and
fun. 2715 SE 39th at Clinton. Donations
DoJump Movement Theater presents Changing Matter at the
Echo Theatre.
D octoral level lesb ia n therapists, osteo­
p a ths, dentists, physicia ns, students of
such, and their guests are invited to an
a n a ly sis of The M enstrual Issua, at the
C ham bered N autilus, at 8 p.m ., 5005
22n d Avenue. N.E. (directions
2 0 6 -5 2 2 -2 5 3 6 ), $3 donation.