Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, April 27, 1984, Page 8, Image 8

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Angry Housewives W e n d y
W esterwelle, Sharon
Knorr, N a n c y Benner
a n d M arita Keys
c a rry in g on at Storefront.
Changing Matter, a Do Jum p!
M ovem ent Theater production a t the
Echo Theater, 1515 SE 37th. Tickets are
$6.00, a n d $3.00 seniors a n d 12 a n d un­
der. C a ll 231-1232 for m ore inform ation.
Perform ances Fridays a n d Saturdays
through M ay 19.
The classic fem inist play, Lysistrata
w ritten b y Aristophanes, is now b e in g pre­
sented b y Artists Repertory Theatre.
This u p d a te d version has been a d a p te d
b y V a n a O'Brien a n d R ebecca Adam s
w ith m usic b y Holly Near. The story takes
p la c e on an Arm y base in N evada. Join
ART for a w ild, raucous a n d hilarious
evening o f theatre!
Plays Fridays a n d Saturdays a t 8 p.m.
a n d Sundays a t 7 p.m. Tickets are $5.00
ge n e ra l adm ission, $4 seniors an d
students, $1.00 off on Sunday. Playing a t
The Wilson C enter for Performing Arts, 10th
a n d M ain a t the YWCA. C a ll 223-6281 for
m ore inform ation.
The O regon prem iere of Angry House­
wives is a t the Storefront Theatre.
Angry Housewives is a m usical com edy
a b o u t four m id d le class wom en in their
'30s w ho form a punk rock b a n d on a w ild
im pulse. Plays Thursdays through Sundays.
For reservations a n d m ore inform ation c a ll
K aci C ooney presents Feminine Wiles,
a m usical rem iniscence, featuring Ron
Snyder on piano. Kaci has a d d e d new
m ate rial since her shows a t W ilde Oscar's,
m ate rial m a d e fam ous b y Ethel Merman,
Judy G arla nd . Edith Piaf a n d others. She
w ill also b e perform ing o ld favorites by
Sophie Tucker, Helen M organ a n d Ruth
The show runs W ednesdays. Thursdays
a n d Fridays a t 8:30 p.m. a t Dobie's in O ld
Town. Reservations 224-6039.
Hot on the heels of its recent hit p ro du c­
tion o f Sam Shepard's Curse of the
Starving Class, Sirius Productions
announces another slightly-less-than-
m ainstream presentation. Howard
Brenton's Sore Throats. This 1979 work will
b e a t the C ritica l Mass THeatre, 938 North­
west Everett.
Sore Throats w ill open tonight a t 8:00
p.m . a n d run through Saturday, M ay 19th.
Perform ances are a t 8:00 p.m. on Fridays
a n d Saturdays, a n d a t 7:00 p.m. on Sun­
days. Reservations ca n b e m a d e by
ph on in g 224-9481.
Portland Art Museum presents "W ild
Beauty," ph oto grap hy of the C olum bia
River G orge from 1865 to 1915. The exhibi­
tion runs through M ay 6 a t the museum,
1219 SW Park Avenue.
W illiam Shakespeare's "problem com ­
edy," All's Well that Ends Well, a t 8 p.m.
shows Thursdays through Saturdays
through April 28. The New Rose
Theatre’s production is d ire cte d by Peter
Fomara. This rarely p ro d u ce d Shakespea­
rean work portrays the traditional them e
o f g o o d vs. evil. Tickets are $8 a n d are
a v a ila b le through any o f the six TicketLink
outlets in the Portland area. C all
PSU Students fo r Lesbian and Gay Rights
(S L G R ), with the co-sponsorship of the
PSU Film C om m ittee a n d the Women's Un­
ion, w ill b e presenting the Second Annual
Lesbian a n d G ay Film Series, a t 7 :30 p.m.,
in PSU's Lincoln Hall, Room 75, a n d con­
tinue e a c h Saturday, a t 7:30 p.m .. through
M ay 19. Admission is $2 for the general
p u b lic a n d free to PSU students a n d senior
citizens. Free ch ild ca re , w heelchair
Tonight see Celine and Julie Go Boating,
D irected b y Jacques Rivette (France)
19074. Color. 193 minutes.
A m odernist, open-ended work offering
a c o m ic dream a b o u t how tw o wom en
c a n relate to e a ch other intim ately.
29 ________SUNDAY
Just Out sponsors the third m onthly­
roller-skating party a t Portland Skating
Center, Union & S.E. M ain from 7-9 p.m.
$2.00 cover includes skates a n d benefits
Just Out.
The infam ous Linda Shirley, from the
com m unity's ow n KBOO ra d io w ill b e flip
p in g the discs a t this m onth's event.
Be there a n d b e on wheels.
The Bisexual Exploration Group is
h a vin g an op en house ton igh t from 7-10
p.m . a t O ld W ives' Tales. They w ill feature
a slide show en titled Beyond Anatomy
w hich has erotic im ages from nature. New
w om en a n d m en are e n co u ra g e d to
p a rtic ip a te .
G a y Males Together meets to discuss
issues o f im p ortan ce to g a y m en a t PSU
Smith C enter room 229 a t 7 :30 p.m.
Windflre, a rap group for gay, lesbian
a n d bisexual youth, meets a t 2:30 p.m. in
O ld W ives' Tales b a n q u e t /m ee ting room,
1300 E. Burnside.
Just Out. April 27-M ay 11