Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, April 27, 1984, Page 6, Image 6

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    Right to Privacy PAC
Thomas Hardwick
Hardwick did not answer the ques­
tionnaire and said that the office o f the
secretary o f state could not do anything
for gay and lesbian rights, the ERA or
abortion, etc. He said his opinion on
these matters means nothing.
District 2
Right to Privacy PAC, Oregon's largest or­
ganization advocating for lesbian and gay
rights issues, asked every candidate for elec­
tive office in the state to respond to question­
naires on issues sensitive to gay and lesbian
constituents. The majority of those candi­
dates returning the questionnaires are
Democrats from urban areas.
With few exceptions, the responses were
favorable to lesbians and gays and contained
little com m ent The exceptions are indicative
of the widespread homophobia among a
large portion of the population.
One comment underscored the ambiva­
lence and caution displayed by many people
in districts outside the Portland Metropolitan
area. The respondent a woman from South­
ern Oregon, said, "I already have good sup­
port from local gays and lesbians whom I
know, but because of the conservative nature
of this district I am not publicly advertising
this fact”
Several of the respondents noted that an
endorsement from Right to Privacy PAC
would hinder their candidacy although they
are sympathetic to lesbian and gay rights.
Legislative Candidate Questionnaire —
Primary 1984
Oregon’s civil rights statutes prohibit dis­
crim ination based on sex, race, color,
religion, or national origin. As a legislator, how
would you respond to legislation to extend
Oregon’s civil rights statutes to include pro­
tection of people who are discriminated
against because of their sexual orientation in
housing (for example, being able to rent an
apartment) and in employment (for example,
being fired from a job)?
As a legislator, how would you respond to
legislation to extend Oregon's civil rights sta­
tutes to include protection of people who are
discrim inated against because of their sexual
orientation in public acommodations (forex-
ample, being served in a restaurant, getting a
room in a hotel or obtaining a credit card)?
Congress is considering different Consti­
tutional amendments to restrict a woman’s
right to choose abortion. Some versions
Cl.S. Sen ator
Margie Hendrickson, (Eugene)
Hendrickson is a progressive. She has
worked hard for us in the state senate. If
she wins the primary she will oppose
Mark Hatfield in November. Endorsed by
Right to Privacy PAC.
District 1
George Vernon, (Beaverton)
Vernon does not appear to be politi­
cally progressive. He is a Republican.
District 3
Thom as Phelan, (Portland)
A vote for Phelan would not serve the
best interests o f his d istrict
District 4 '
Jim Weaver, Eugene)
Weaver is a co-sponsor of HR 2624.
overturn the 1973 Ü.S. Supreme Court deci­
sion that abortion is a Constitutional right
under the privacy clause. Other versions
would allow both Congress and states to re­
strict a woman’s right to choose abortion with
the m ost restrictive law controlling. Should
the Oregon Legislature face any such Con­
stitutional am endm ent how would you
Will you actively seek the support and
votes of lesbians and gay men in your
C ongressional Candidate
Q uestionnaire — Primary 1984
Congress is now considering a bill (H.R.
2624) that would add prohibitions against
discrim ination based on sexual orientation to
the existing protections of the 1964 Civil
Rights A ct How would you respond to such a
W ould you sponsor legislation such as
District 5
Ruth McFarland, (Woodbum)
McFarland is progressive and fair-
minded. She has been endorsed by
Right to Privacy PAC. She is opposing
conservative Democrat Denny Smith. A
vote for McFarland is a vote for us.
S tate Treasurer:
Grattan Kerans.
Kerans has been a friend to lesbians
and gays. He is also in favor of ERA and
, is pro-choice.
Secretary o f State:
Barbara Roberts
Roberts will advocate gay and lesbian
rights. Is pro-choice and pro-ERA. En­
dorsed by Right to Privacy PAC.
Jim Gardner
Gardner co-sponsored Oregon les­
bian and gay rights bills introduced in
’79, ’81 and ’83. And he will continue to
lobby for our civil rights. Endorsed by
H.R. 2624 as mentioned above?
Cinder current provisions of the immigra­
tion law, lesbians and gay men can be ex­
cluded from entering the United States. How
would you respond to legislation eliminating
such provisions from the immigration law?
Would you support preserving judicial re­
view of exclusion decisions made by the
Immigration and Naturalization Service?
Right to Privacy Questionnaire
In light of the experience of the AIDS (Ac­
quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) crisis,
will you support efforts to make the nation’s
health care system more responsive to public
health emergencies in the future?
How would you respond to an administra­
tive or legislative attempt to restrict access by
gays or lesbians to any government-funded
Del Isham . (Newport)
Isham needs m ore pressure from his
constituencey, he is iffy on m ost issues
o f lesbian and gay rights but is an advo­
cate o f ERA and is pro-choice. Our
Newport readers should let Isham know
how they feel about his representation in
the Senate.
District 6.
Jan Wyers (Portland)
Wyers has been supportive since
1975 and fought for SB 319 in ’83. En­
dorsed by Right to Privacy PAC.
Carolyn Gaudry
Gaudry said she wanted to learn more
about the issues and did not have
enough tim e to answer the question­
District 7
Mark Goldfarb (Portland)
Co-founder o f the Hawthorne Boule­
vard Business Association and Oregon
Fair Share member, Goldfarb says he
understands the district, half East
County and half YCJPpy and GtlPpy.
Goldfarb is opposing the incum bent
Rod Monroe, who last year voted against
SB 319 after prom ising to vote in favor.
Monroe did not respond to the question­
naire. A vote for Goldfarb would be a
vote in our fa vo r.
(SB 319 was a lesbian and gay
rights bill introduced last year which
reached the Senate floor before being
D istrict8
Bill McCoy, (Portland)
McCoy has the endorsement o f the
Do you support passage of the Equal
Rights Amendment?
Do you support freedom of choice on
How would you respond to restrictions on
Medicaid and other federally financed pro­
grams that attempt to lim it access to abortion
by women?
How would you respond to constitutional
amendments that would restrict a woman’s
right to choose an abortion or that would
leave the matter to the states?
Will you actively seek the support and
votes of lesbians and gay men in your elec­
tion campaign?
Will you work to include openly gay/lesbian
people on your campaign and Congressional
Just Out, April 27-May 11