Photos by Mark Souder b y Ja y B row n Late last month, 85 fairies gathered for a weekend of communion and play at the beautiful community of Breitenbush Hot Springs. The gathering was the third held in Oregon and one of many held each year in different parts of the United States and Europe. The first fairy gathering was held in Arizona in 1979; the gathering was called by a group of gay activists which included Harry Hay, founder of the first Mattachine Society and One, Inc. Harry Hay has been in the forefront of the radical fairy movement for many years. Harry and his partner, John Burnside, were at Breitenbush last month; they were kept busy with their “talk-shops” in which they related the history of the radical fairy move­ ment and how the movement can revolution­ ize the hetero-male dominated world we inhabit The following is excerpted from a position paper written by Harry Hay in 1979 in which he outline s his revolutionary concept of a Fairy Vision. Towards the new frontiers o f F airy Vision b y H arry H ay This last summer (1979) a wonderful Gay Brother, Don Kilhefner, together with John Burnside, Mitch Walker, and I, evoked a SPIRITUAL C ONFERENCE FOR RADICAL FAIRIES to be held in the Arizona Desert At the opening of that Gathering, we called upon Gay Brothers to tear off the ugly green frog-skin of Hetero-male imitation — in which we had wrapped ourselves in order to get through school with a full set of teeth — to reveal the beautiful Fairy Prince hidden beneath. Perhaps, before I go any further, I should explain what I mean by Fairy Spirituality. To me the term "spiritual” represents the accumulation of all experiential conscious­ Ju st O ut, March 16-March 30 ness from the division of the first cells in the primeval slime, down through all biological political social evolution to your and to my latest insights through Gay Consciousness just a moment ago. What else can we call this overwhelmingly magnificent inheritance, other than spiritual? The pathways we explored, during our De­ sert Retreat, to transform ourselves from Hetero-imitating Gays into Radical Fairies were many. Because the old ways of Fairy transformation were obliterated during the nightmarish centuries of Judeao-Christian oppression, we felt ourselves free to invent new ones. So — to begin with — • we reached out to re-unite ourselves with the cornered, frightened, rejected little Sissy-kids we all once were; • we reached out to recapture, and restore in full honors, that magic of “being a different species perceiving a different reality" (so beautifully projected almost a century ago by J M Barrie’s Peter Pan) which may have encapsulated our boyhoods and adoles­ cences; • we told that different boy that he was remembered, loved, and deeply respected; • we told him we now recognized that he, in true paradox, had always been the real source of our Dream, of our strength to resist of our stubborn endurance, a strength, again in true paradox, that few Hetero Males can even begin to approach let alone m atch: • we told that beloved little Sissy that we had experienced a full paradigm shift and that he could now come home at last to be himself in full appreciation. Carl Jung, in this report proved to be abso­ lutely right When the Fairies reached out to make re-union with that long-ago-cast-out shadow-self so long suppressed and denied, the explosive energies released by the jubila­ tions of those re-unions were ecstatic beyond belief. When we caught up that lonely little sissy-boy in an ecstatic hug of re-uniting, we were recapturing also the suddenly-remem­ bered sense of awe and wonder of the Marvelous Mother Nature who in those years so powerfully surrounded him, we were — yes — even recapturing the glowing inno­ cence of that Sissy-boy's Dream. And in that Dream, the glowing non-verbal dream of young Gayhood, may lie the key to the enormous and particular contribution that Gay People may have to make to our beloved Humankind; a key known as subject- SCIBJECT Consciousness. How to infect other Fairies with the same excitement we bubbled with in the Desert, and have soared and circled with ever since? One way would be to share the steps by which w e made the breakthroughs to the riveting perceptions hereinafter to be known as subject-SUBJECT Conciousness. And then, beyond that, to share some of the gleaming insights these new dimensions to the Gay Vision lend to problems that hereto­ fore have locked us in. The world we inherit the total Hetero-Male- oriented-and-dominated world of Tradition and of daily environment, the SUMMUM BO NUM of our history, our philosophy, our psychology, our culture, our very languages of communication, a ll are totally subject- O B JEC T in concept in definition, in evolv­ ing, in self-serving orientation. Men and Women are sexually, emotionally, and spiritu­ ally objects to one another. Under the “Fair Play without-which-there-ain’t-no-game” rulec of the Hetero-male aggressive territo­ riality, even the Hetero-Males, precisely be­ cause they conceive of themselves as in life­ long competition each with the others, en­ gage themselves endlessly in tug-of-war games of Domination and Submission. The most lofty system of governance the Hetero- Male has devised — Democracy — must be seen as a domination of Minorities by a Ma­ jority, a tyranny of the Majority if you will, Domination-submission, subject-OBJECT Fair play, the Golden Rule, Equality, Political Persuasion, give-and-take, all of these are conditions of subject-OBJECT thinking. In each of these cases, a given person is the O BJECT of another person's perceptions, to be influenced, persuaded, cajoled, jaw­ boned, manipulated and therefore, in the last analysis, controlled. In the parliaments of government, the game of administration is to persuade Minorities to make of themselves objects o f approval instead of objects of Disapproval, but OBJECTS regardless. Subject-SUBJECT is a multi dimensional consciousness which may never be readily conveyable in the Hetero-male-evolved two- dimensional, or Binary, language to which we are presently confined in terms of comm uni­ cation. And we need more than mere words and phrases. We need what Scientists invent out of the whole cloth when they attempt to describe and communicate new concepts: we need working models, a whole new math­ ematics perhaps, a new poetry - allegories - metaphors - a music - a new way of dancing. We m ust re-exam ine every system o f th o u g h t heretofore developed, every Hetero­ male-evolved subject-OBJECT philosophy, science, religion, mythology, political system, language, divesting them every one of their binary subject-OBJECT base and re-inserting a subject-SUBJECT relation. Confronted with the loving-sharing Consensus of subject-SUBJECT relationships a ll A u th o ri­ ta ria n ism m ust vanish. The Fairy Family Circle, co-joined in the shared vision of LOVE (which is the granting to any other, and all others, that total space wherein each may grow and soar to his own freely-selected full potential, reaching out to one another subject-to-SUBJECT.