COIN A PHRASE AND WIN! an evening for two at Jacqueline’s See-Vue Motel on the coast Just Out needs a slogan, one we can register as ours and ours alone. So, we’re putting it to you, our readers, to help us coin a phrase that everyone will grow to recognize as Just Out. Here’s how to enter: 1. Think o f a slogan that best describes Just Out. Limited to five words. 2. Type or print neatly on the form below the slogan, your name, address and phone number. 3. Mail it to Just Out “ Coin a Phrase” Contest, 923 SW 17th, Portland, OR 97205 by April 2nd, 1984. Entries will be judged by the staff of Just Out for authenticity, originality, and descriptiv^ness of the ideals and purpose of Just Out. The winner will be announced in the April 13 issue, and will be notified by phone before this date. m N a m e ___________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________:______________________________________ __ Phone_________ '______________________ :___________________________________ m Here’s my en try____________________________________________________________ □ Y e s , I’d like to have Ju st O ut delivered to my home every other week. Enclosed is $10.00 for 26 issues. -