L/G Pride needs Unity and More in '84 O b je c t Unity and M ore in ’84. With that in mind, 31 m em b ers o f Portland’s lesbian and g a y com m u n ity gathered at M C C on Febru­ ary 16 to begin planning the 16th anniversary celebration o f the uprising at the Stonewall Bar in Mew York’s Greenwich Village. T h e m arch and rally will probably occur on Saturday rather than Sunday this year. Dur­ ing discussion concerning the change sev­ eral p eop le said that having the event on Saturday rather than Sunday would make a m uch stronger statem ent “ M arching on em p ty streets just d o esn ’t m ake it” said one participant w h o rem em bered last year’s d e ­ serted downtown. A perm it application for the use o f the W aterfront Park stage area for Saturday, June 16, was filed with the Bureau o f Parks and Recreation on February 24. T h e application was filed by Kristine C hatw ood for Lesbian/ G ay Pride ’84. Chatw ood is a m em b er o f an ad h oc com m ittee c o m p o s e d o f eight volun­ teers organizing a com m unity m eeting for Thursday, March 8. Other m em b ers o f the ad h oc com m ittee are Jane Howard, Ray South- wick, Am ani, Jim Morford, T o m Sim ons, Ric Tribue and Dennis Peterson. T h e ad h oc com m ittee m et for a second tim e on February 23, to discuss the next com m u n ity m eeting and to discuss ways o f involving m ore people in the planning pro­ cess. T h e ad h oc com m ittee has reserved the auditorium o f the N W Service Center (1819 N W Everett) for Thursday, March 8 at 7 3 0 pm , in the hope that their call for com m unity involvem ent will be overwhelm ing. At the March 8 m eeting com m unity m e m ­ bers will be asked to b e c o m e involved in the planning o f Lesbian/Gay Pride ’84 by volun­ teering to lend support in the follow ing areas: com m u n ity outreach, finance/accounting, fundraising, m arch and rally, monitors/ security, ga y care, publicity, and special events/speakers. C om m u nity m em bers are urged to get in­ volved in the planning process o f Lesbian/ G ay Pride ’8 4 .1984 is a crucial year in poli­ tics; lesbians and gays need to be visible. W e n eed to m ake a strong im p a ct T h e m ajor political party conventions will be held within six w eeks o f Lesbian/Gay Pride Week. All across the nation, lesbians and gays are c o n ­ centrating on m aking their voices heard by politicians w ho can no longer afford to ignore our existence.______________________________ Privacy, PAC, worked closely with the gay and lesbian com m unity in her various roles as past chair o f the O regon W om en 's Political Caucus, Aide to form er House Speaker Hardy Myers, and C onstituted Liaison during the 1980 Carter cam paign in O regon. Just Out Director State GPA Awards Representative judge joins GRNL GRM L Acting Director Jerry Weller an­ n ou nced this week that O rego n State Rep. Barbara Roberts has b e c o m e the only cur­ rently elected official in O rego n to join the con gression al lobbying group. T h e first O re­ g o n elected official to join GRML was form er State Rep. Gretchen Kafoury, now serving as Human Services Coordinator for the City o f Portland. Roberts, w ho has dem onstrated a long history o f support o f legal protections for gays and lesbians, has recently entered the race for O rego n Secretary o f State. She has served on the Parkrose Sch ool Board, Mult­ nom ah County Com m ission, and two terms in the O rego n House where she is the current m ajority leader. A nne Greenfield, candidate in the D e m o ­ cratic primary in House District 19, has also recently joined GRML. Greenfield, who has received the endorsem ent o f the Right to R enee LaChance, Just O u t Director, will be o n e o f five judges for the 1984 Gay Press Awards for work published in 1983. The awards are to be presented at the 1984 Gay Press Association Convention in Los A ngeles on May 26,1984. J u d ges for the awards were recruited from the ga y and lesbian m edia with em phasis on broad, inclusive representation. Several ju d ges will evaluate each submission inde­ pendently o f on e another and another party will tabulate their scores, resulting in the final tally. Requesting LaC hance’s participation in the ju dgin g process, Phil Mash. 1983 GPA Awards program coordinator, said “It is our con cern that our judging panel be as g e o ­ graphically and gen der representative as we can m ake it, and we are short o f both w om en and W est Coast folks this time. It is also appa­ rent that you know how to put together a g o o d -lo o k in g and issue-oriented paper — the qualification that, in m y opinion, is of utm ost importance." In its secon d year, the Gay Press Associa­ tion awards program has been greatly expanded to include 22 areas o f award rec­ ognition. Eleven o f the awards will be given to publications and eleven to individual journalists. T h e 1983 awards will recognize outstanding accom plishm ents by writers and publications covering national news, local news, cultural developm ents, and health is­ sues. O pinion writers, com m entators, colum nists, and feature writers will also be recognized. T h s year, the G PA Awards has been ex­ panded to include photo journalism, illustra­ tion, graphic design, co vera ge o f minority issues, covera ge o f lesbian issues, and sp e­ cial projects im plem ented by publications to benefit the com m unities they serve. Awards recogn izin g an outstanding lesbian journalist and publication and an outstanding minority journalist and publication will also be pre­ sented. LESBIAN AND GAY BAR 50