Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, February 03, 1984, Page 8, Image 8

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    3 ___________ FRIDAY
Sum us Th e a tre Ensem ble presents
Gem ini, written by A lbert Innaurato and
d irected by Jerry Leith. Bursting with vitality
and creative im a gination, this funny,
p erceptive and tim ely p la y has enjoyed
m a jo r c ritic a l and popular success in its
presentation by New Yo rk's fam ed C ircle
Repertory Company. An equally success­
ful production of Gemini has been seen
on c a b le television starring Scott Baio.
Gemini p la ys at the Bonneville A dm in­
istration A uditorium , 1002 NE Holladay. A ll
seats are reserved and tickets are $7.00.
Runs Thursday. Frid a y and Saturday
through February 24. C a ll 220-0651 for
m ore inform ation.
The O regon prem iere of A.R. Gurney,
Jr. 's The Dining Room p la ys in the P o rt­
la nd C ivic Th e a tre ’s Blue Room until
February 11, Thursday through Saturday at
8 :00 pm. Jerry Leith directs six actors who
portray 57 characters in a d elightful series
of vignettes, involving an assortm ent of
fa m ilie s and characters of a ll ages and
generations, a ll around the dining room
table. The Dining Room is a fresh and
o rig in a l look at a som etim es gracious,
som etim es stiflin g , thoroughly Am erican
w ay o f life.
The cast includes Richard Morley, Tom
Klug , D ouglas Mouw, M aria Kaufm ann,
Jean M ille r, and Dee Dee Van Zyl. C a ll
2 2 6 -3 0 4 8 for d e ta ils and tickets.
The New Rose The a tre presents four of
C hekhov's one-act com edies written
e a rly in his career, which dem onstrate his
consid era b le a b ility to m ix com edy with a
m a ss psychologica l detail. Anton
C hekhov com bines paths with the utterly
rid ic u lo u s and com es up with delightful
Pla yin g through March 3,1984, A
C hekhov Quartet w ill run Thursday
through Saturday nights at 8 pm. O pening
night tickets are $11, a ll other perfor­
m ances are $8. A lso scheduled are two
$8 Sunday m atinees at 2 pm on February
12. The Sunday m atinee w ill be follow ed
by a lecture-d iscussion with the
audience, sponsored by the Oregon
C om m ittee for the Hum anities, and led by
Dr. Lena Lencek. Professor of Russian at
Reed C ollege. C a ll 2 2 2 -2487 for more
inform ation.
Sp e c ia l lim ited engagem ent at
C ha tea u L ’Bamm 2235 NW Savier,
Athol Fu g a rd 's The Blood Knot starring Ted
Sc hultz and Rick Jones. Pla ys Thursdays.
Frid a y s and Saturdays through February 11
at 8 pm . C a ll 2 2 8 -5 5 4 4 for reservations
and inform ation.
W ives Ta le s Restaurant, 13th and E. Bum-
sid e at 2 :3 0 pm.
Although Sam Shepard is currently
m ore w id ely recognized in his guise of
actor, he o rig in a lly achieved notoriety as
"o n e of A m eric a 's finest p la yw rig hts," a
reputation he ric hly deserved — and still
does. W itness the success or the current
Portland production of The Curse o f the
Starving Class: the scheduled run of this
Siriu s Production at the C ritica l M ass
Theatre has been extended through
February 19th.
Peter Fom ara, lauded for his work in
She p a rd 's "Bu rie d C h ild " and "True W est"
feature C arol Holden, Tim Streeter, Kelly
Brooks, G ary L. C ole and director Fomara.
The Curse o f the Starving Class w ill
continue through February 19th at the C riti­
c a l M a ss Theatre, 938 Northwest Everett.
Perform ances are Frid a ys and Saturdays
at 8 :00 pm and Sundays at 7:00 pm. For
reservations c a ll 224-9481.
The NW Film Stud y C e nte r features for
their 2 pm m atinee the Be a tles' cla ssic A
Hard Days Night as part of their Rockin
and Reel in film series. W ith this are two
Beatles shorts — the Beatles Come To
Town and the Beatles in Washington,
Mimi Weiss b elts out ja zz at Jud y’s,
15th and NE Broadw ay at 9 pm. Cover
At 7 pm C o nce rt fo r Bangladesh w ill
be show n, a film of a benfit concert or­
g a nize d by G eorge Harrison featuring
Bob D ylan, Eric C lapton and more.
At 9:15 pm, the Decline of Western
C ivilization, an a d re na lize d look at the
Los A ngeles Punk m usic scene.
The PSU Film Com m ittee is co-spon­
so ring a film series in recognition of
February as Black History month, with the
PSU Black C ulture A ffa irs Board, and
the PSU W om en’s Union. Every Frid ay
evening during February they w ill present
film s w hich explore themes of Black
C ulture and History with p a rticula r atten­
tion to the achievem ents of Black women.
A d m issio n to film s in this se rie s is free.
Beginning at 7 :30 pm three film s w ill be
shown. Fundi: The Story of Ella Baker
portrays the history of the c ivil rights move­
ment through the lifew orks of Ella Baker.
You Have Struck a Rock is the story of
wom en who, during the 1950s took the
lead in m o b ilizin g m ass opposition to
apa rtheid Generations o f Resistance
traces for the first tim e the tradition of
b la c k resistance to white rule.
5 _________ SUNDAY
The NW Him Stu d y C e nte r presents
C ha rlie Rouse in C oncert: A Tribute to
Thelonious Monk at 7 pm.
C h a rlie Rouse, one of the great saxo­
p honists of our tim e, is best known for his
long associa tion with Theolonious Monk.
He has a lso played , over the years, in the
b a nd s of B illy Eckstine, Duke Ellington and
Count Basie. Fo r this sp e c ia l tribute to
M onk, Mr. Rouse w ill be accom panied by
Po rtla nd 's Ron Steen Trio: Peter Boe,
p ia no; Phil Baker, b a ss and Ron Steen,
drum s.
Ple a se note sp e c ia l ad m ission prices
for th is event: $6.00 advance, and $7.00
at the door. Tic ke ts for a ll Film Center
p rog ra m s are a va ila b le through TIC KET-
LIN K outlets, c a ll 2 2 7 -4 0 8 0 for information.
Theresa Demerest p la ys guita r and
perform s fo lksy-b lue s at Ju d y’s, 15th and
NE Broadw ay, at 8:30 pm. Theresa ¡SvOn
extrem ely talented entertainer, don't m iss
her. C over is $1.00.
The Po rtla n d C ivic Th e a tre presents
The Royal Family, Kaufm an and Ferber's
com edy insp ired by the theatrical
d ynasty of the Barrym ores. Directed by
Rebecca A dam s with a cast including
Katherine King and Jay Rand all Horen-
stein opens tonight and p la ys Thursdays,
Frid a ys and Saturdays at 8 pm. Tickets
$6.50 for ad ults, $5.50 for students and
seniors. For reservations c a ll 226-3048.
A W om an’s Place Bookstore cele­
b ra tes its 11th A nniversary with a benefit
Sock-H op with the infam ous '50s rock-n-
ro ll band The Dyketones at the Echo
2 . 00 .
Victoria Parker as Basileah, the Queen of
Theatre. 1515 SE 37th. 8 pm to midnight.
Th is is a real sock hop, shoes w ill be
checked at the door. Tickets are $5.00
and are a va ila b le in advance at A Wo­
m a n's Place Bookstore, 2349 SE Ankeny.
Echo Theatre is w heelchair accessible
and childcare a va ila b le by reservation
only. C a ll 236-3609 by January 31. Be
there or be square.
W ln d flr® a support/ra p group for le s­
b ia n s and gays under 21 meets at O ld
D a rc elle X V and Sandy Director
present at 8 :30 pm the Foxy Ladies of
O regon in Review. A decade of Foxy
La d ie s w ill be presented, along with this
ye a r's candidates. A d m ission is $3.00.
Eliza b e th Lea ch G a lle rie s w ill be
featuring the w orks of New York artist Buf-
fie Johnson. From 4 -6 pm today a recep­
tion and ta lk w ill be held in conjunction
with the exhibit. The g a lle ry is located at
207 SW Pine.
G ay M ales To g e the r (GM T) meets to­
night a t PSU Sm ith C enter Room 229 at 7
pm. G M T m eets to d isc u ss topics ranging
from a g in g to drag.
Just Out February 3 -February 17