C L A S S I F I E D Real Estate Just Friends $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 GREAT TERMS: Good 2 BR, close in SE, fireplace, basement, dining room. $??? MAKE OFFER: Try hi 3 0 ’s on this spacious home plus separate living unit behind garage. $ 4 2 ,5 0 0 CO NTRACT OK: Excellent floor plan, woodstove in family room, oversized yard. $ 4 5 ,9 0 0 YOG’LL LIKE TH IS ONE: 3 level condo in great close in location, garage, storm windows. Very tasteful. $ 5 1 ,5 0 0 G O O D TAX SHELTER: Solid side- by-side duplex, full basements, large yard. $ 5 7 ,5 0 0 LOW DOW N OK: Beautifully re­ modeled Old Porltand 4 BR in good NE area. $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 REDGCED T O SELL: Jacuzzi and steam unit in master bath, private yard and deck, remodeled kitchen, built in stereo, formal dining room and much more. Great terms, too! $ 7 6 ,5 0 0 EASTMORELAND HEIGHTS: Terrific neighborhood, great 2 level home perfect for roommates or kids. Private yard, 2 fireplaces, family room, huge mas­ ter. Low interst terms. ATTRACTIVE, ROMANTIC 17-year-old white male looking for friendship and possi­ ble relationship with a sincere and lovable male, 17-20 with a good sense of humor. I love all music, especially jazz, classical and Broadway, (but hate country). If you are not into bars, drugs, etc., but have fun being hu­ man — touching, laughing, crying, talking — please write. Just Out Box 103. BRIDGETOWN REALTY 7 7 5 -1 8 7 5 We do property management. Services TIRED O F CLEANING? W E R E NOT! Experienced, reliable, energetic. 232-5344 eves, or before 8 a.m. Keep trying. P R O FE S S IO N A L C O G NSEUNG for couples, individuals, and groups. Sliding scale. Downtown office. Libby Anderson, M.S. 639-2030. Self Improvement BREATHEFREE, A S TO P SMOKING PROGRAM FOR WOMEN has been teaching a positive method in Port­ land since 1980. And it works. In fact, we guarantee it — if you don’t stop, you don’t pay. Call 243-2881. Co-ed classes available. W O M EN ’S W EIGHT TRAINING CLASS starts Feb. 21 — T -T 6-7:30 pm at 6510 SE Foster, focusing on the hows & whys of train­ ing, excellent instructor, $30 month. 2 3 5 -7 8 2 7 for information. PSYCHIC AGRA READINGS and beliefs create the reality you experience. I work with amusement and free will to help you make the changes you want Contact Bob at 236-1749. For Sale NEED T O UQGIDATE. Guild D-35 acoustic guitar $175.00. Eikosha Electric Guitar (w / DiMarzio pickup) $150.00. Music Man 112 amplifier $350.00. '82 Honda CB 125 $550.00. Call Naomi 223-1257. Just Out February 3-February 17 GWM — 46, athletic bicyclist runner, ready to meet same. No tobacco, bars or baths types. Must have zest for life. Occupant, PO Box 337, Portland 97207. ESTABLISHED COGPLE, tired of bar games, seek other men for friendship and adventures. Seekers, PO Box 11573, Port­ land, OR 97211. JG S T S O DANG CGTE: Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for the last seven months. I love you! Always BLD. Amee, Popcorn, and China too. NEW YEAR/NEW FRIENDSHIPS. Gorgeous woman seeks woman with muscle and a sense of humor who enjoys laughter, lust and chocolate. I'm just out! PO Box 471, Fairview, OR 97024. JG S T OGT will be featuring an article on lesbians and gays in prison. If you have been in prison, are currently in prison, or know someone in prison, please call 223-9652, ask for Renee or write 923 SW 17th, Portland, OR 97205. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY CGTIE! Looking forward to playing pool, going to movies and as the song goes, “Getting To Know You’’!! From a Secret Valentine Admirer HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to A Woman’s Place Bookstore Collective & Staff! Keep up the excellent work. From your co-volunteer, Lisa. NEW IN TO W N? Wanting to meet new friends? Or just feeling like you need some new ones? We want to meet you! Come and volunteer at A Woman’s Place Bookstore. /\ ARE YOG AN ADDICTED PINOCHLE PLAYER? I’m interested in getting together with three other lesbians or gay men and starting a weekly game. If you’re interested, please write Just Out Box # 102,923 SW 17th, 97205. Just Friends The pla ce for lesbians and gay men who W OGLD LIKE T O MEET sincere gay male who is tired of the gay bullshit Would like to have a date or two and get to know you more. I have bm hair, bm eyes, 6 f t - 180 lbs. Write P.O. Box 358, Portland, OR 97205. I AM AN 18 YR O LD GAY MALE seeking new friends and a very special person within about five years of my age. My interests include mime, vocal music, folk dance and the French language. If you share any of these interests, I’d appreciate a chance to get to know you. Please write Just Out Blind Box 1 0 1 ,9 2 3 SW 17th, Portland, OR 97205. SW EET W OMAN, You are my marshmallow dyke, soft center that melts for me, sticky and sweet With a thin crust of gruff & tough that knows only strangers, and sometimes me. I love you! Happy Valentine’s day. Your Cookie Wolf Man, You’re my valentine, you’re lots of hassle, lots of reward, never dull (especially around full moon), and you turned out to be a real cute granddad. Coyote seek a special someone. Ads for private individuals are just $3.00 for up to 25 words. Each a dditional word is 15c. Ads for businesses or services are 20c per word. Centered headlines of up to 20 characters Deadline for cla ssified s is the Friday seven days prior to publication. Just Out reserves the right to reject or e d it any adver­ tisement that may be offensive or d e ­ m eaning to any of our readers. Just Friends ads require a U.S. Post O ffice Box or one of our blind boxes. Charges for a b lind box are $3.50 for one issue and $1.50 each for a d d itio n a l issues. End your a d with the words Just Out. We supply the num ber and forw ard all replies to your address at no cost to the respondent. If an a d cannot run or a mistake occurs in the copy . you will be credited with another ad. M ail to Just Out Classifieds 923 SW 17th STE B Portland. OR 97205 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Annette & Rose­ mary. It’s great that you’re in Oregon together. It’ll give you something to tell your grand­ children someday!! TO SARAH & RENEE — Happy Valentine’s Day! Am I a poet or what? Love, LB CHER MATTHEW, La ville de rose sera mieux avec toi. Si tu decidait a rester ici, je serai le plus heureux hom m e du monde. Avec amour, NAB. Cen,etUn Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet. And I’m not a poet but frankly, I’m just ecstatic that you’re my sweetheart! KMH Cookie, Words cannot express the love I feel for you. Nam e Address Run a d City Times Number of words State Zip Headline 15