Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 20, 1984, Page 2, Image 2

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Just Out is published every other Friday.
C opyright 1983. No part o f Just Out may be
reproduced w ithout written perm ission
fro m the publishers. W ritten and graphic
m aterials are welcomed. W ritten material
should be double-spaced. Deadline is ten
days prior to publication date for ads and
w ritten material. Camera ready ads will be
accepted no later than five days from publi­
cation date.
Just Out will reject o r edit any article or
advertisem ent that is offensive, demeaning,
o r may result in legal action. ,
The views expressed in letters to the
editor, colum ns, and features may not be
those o f the editorial staff of Just Out.
S ubscriptions are available for $ 10.00 for
26 issues. Ad rates are available upon
The m ailing address fo r Just Out is 923
SW 17th, Ste. B, Portland. OR 97205.
Phone 503-223-9652.
Eve Sicular
David Brewer
Marty Conway
Sandra Palm
M icheál Helquist
C indy Cum fer
E ric Pedersen
A rt C o n trib u to r
E. Ann Hinds
O ut Media Inc.
D irector
Rer.ee LaChance
E ditor
Jay Brown
Public R elations D irector
Lisa Bouslaugh
Advertising A ssociates
Sarah Koehl
Sherri Riggs
B 'otton Palm
Eve Sicular
Production D irector
Bev La Be I le
Graphic Design D irector
Rupert Kinnard
Bev La Be I le
Rupert Kinnard
Renee LaChance
C on tribu tors
Rosanne King
Renee Cherry
"Just Out
impresses m e"
I’ve read issues 4 and 5, and the quality of
th o u g h t and feeling in J u s t O u t impresses
Please send m e back issues as well as a
subscription. I plan to keep a current issue in
the w aiting room at m y office.
'Van Har
Hunger's Insight
elicits disappointm ent
in Klamath Falls
Dear E ditor:
I have known Jim Hunger since September,
1981, when he cam e to Klam ath Falls to
teach in the Klam ath C ounty school system.
J im cam e to the Klam ath Gay U nion — and
th ro u g h his efforts, and others, the organiza­
tio n experienced another o f its periodic revi­
vals. The KGU was originally founded in
1973, and incorporated in 1978 (Jan. 25th)
w ith the State o f O regon.
K lam ath Falls was not Jim H unger’s 1st
cho ice fo r a tea ch in g /livin g situation — as I
recall he chose Klam ath Falls over M ilton-
Freewater. I was amazed that Jim has
rem ained here this long — as he is often
critica l o f the people, the “isolation” and the
gay co m m m u n ity he finds here. Jim has
spent both sum m ers and m ost holidays out
o f K lam ath Falls.
As one o f the founding m em bers o f the
K lam ath Gay U nion, I do n’t th in k you can
im a g in e the disappointm ent I felt at reading
J im ’s latest article in his colum n Insight,
entitled “ The Lives and Deaths o f Rural O r­
ganizations.” Since he’s had alm ost no
experience with other "ru ra l’’ gay organiza­
tio n s in O regon — S O LA -G A L^ o r the new
organization in Bend (HIGH DESERT
ISLAN D ) his observations are totally o f his
experiences w ith the KGU. This should invali­
date the num erous com aprisons he makes,
i.e., “ W hile rustic re g io n s... that makes m ost
oth er rural areas seem progressive by co m ­
parison.” Knocking Klam ath County because
school budgets have not passed easily
(schools have not closed as they have in
other areas o f our state) is unfair. If education
were supported as Jim would like in Oregon
— he no doubt would be teaching in the
Portland area — and his articles would be
com plaining about the backwardness o f gay
people there w ho don’t fit his ideas o f "p ro ­
gressive, sophisticated homosexuals.” I sup­
pose that your largely urban readership is
pleased to read that sophistication and pro­
gress are located in cities — yet I’ve known
city folks w ho are as bigoted as any I’ve m et in
Klam ath County. Eugene did not pass the
gay rights ordinance. Has Portland or M ult­
nom ah C ounty even considered such a pro­
posal? The only incorporated entity in
O regon to grant gay rights is Rajneeshpuram
— in rural Eastern Oregon.
Every author/w riter/reporter brings his/her
self to their work. Certainly, "The Lives and
Deaths o f Rural O rganizations" says as m uch
about the author as about the subject he
discusses. In articles I’ve written I’ve at­
tem pted to point out the opportunities here
— m y goal is to explain Klam ath County as a
place where gay men and lesbians can live
Out in O re g o n ..................... 3
Out across the Nation . . . . 4
Im ages of ag in g .............. 6
The Law ............................... 8
Out About Town ..................10
Just Entertainm ent............... 12
Profile ....................................14
Life of Ryan .................. . .16
Sports .................................... 18
Classifieds ............................ 19
and w o rk and prosper. F o r all the reasons —
it is not possible — o r even desirable for all
hom osexuals to live in urban a re a s. . . to
suggest otherwise, I think, lacks insight and is
as se lf-lim itin g to o u r co m m u n ity as anything
o u r enem ies attem pt to im pose on us.
J im H unger has pointed o u t lim itations of
gay folks w ho are fro m rural areas and re­
m ain there. He fails, in m y op inio n, to see the
strength that com es from choosing to remain
in the co m m u n ity o f you r b irth — where you
m ust deal w ith fam ily, life lon g friends, etc. I
realize th a t the struggle in the cities has not
com e w ith o u t pain and price. T hat is also true
o f gays w ho struggle in the “ hinterlands."
These adventures w ill be J im ’s if and when he
m akes a co m m itm e n t to settle in one place.
In unity,
Richard L. Pcistega
C orrectio n:
In o u r last issue, the telephone num ber for
The Curse o f the Starving Class at Critical
Mass Theatre was in c o rre c t J u s t O u t regrets
the e rro r and any inconvenience it may have
caused. The correct num ber fo r reservations
is 22 4-9481.
Roller Skate for Fitness and for Fun
P ortland S kating C enter
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Skating partied for groups
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our specialty!
Peter de C arm o
D on O m an
37.3 1 S.E. H aw thorne
P ortland, O regon 97214
(5 0 3 ) 23 2-1010
Just O ut January 20-February 3