Money Honeys a hit with Oregon's biggest bowling league by Renee Cherry Portland C om m unity Bow ling Association started its sixth year, Sunday, January 8, not only as a no n-p rofit organization but with the prestige o f being the largest bow ling league in the state. C onsidering the num ber o f bow lers here in O regon this is quite an honor (and feat). PCBA went from 32 team s last year to a w hopping 54 team s this year. Since there are so m any people eager to bowl and on ly 36 lanes at Pro 300 Lanes, the present location, the league was broken down into tim e periods: the 11:00 o 'clo ck league and the 2:00 o ’clock league. In all, 264 bowlers showed up at Pro 30 0 in quest o f bowling excellence. And I m ust say that not all o f us found it M argaret Strachan, City C ouncil m em ber o f Portland, was on hand to roll ou t the first ball o f the season. Even though she used the "fa m o u s” rose ball, she only m anaged to knock down one pin. All o f us are hoping that eye opener hangover Ahh, Hawaii!! by David Breaker All in all, Hawaii is a w onderful vacation spot, ju st five and one half hours from Port­ land. And if you play the 1/2 way point game on board U nited Airlines, the correct tim e was . . . 4:21 m in u te s . . . I know. I won tw o bottles o f cham pagne. Just lucky, I guess. We dow ned one with the crew and other passen­ gers. The other was just put away fo r a rainy 18 this was not a prelude to com ing attractions fo r the year. Tom Geil, organizer o f the league, wel­ com ed all new bowlers and explained some o f the basics o f league bow ling, such as m onte carlo tickets. For those w ho d o n ’t know, m onte carlo is played tw o different ways: one way to earn m oney is to purchase tickets from a M oney Honey (5 fo r a dollar) and hope your num ber is called. The other way to earn little tidbits is if a colored pin is set in the head position and you happen to bowl a strike, you win 50C. If the colored pins show up in the head position and the second o r the th ird you w ould receive 75C. And if the co l­ ored pins show up in all three positions you win $ 1.50! Halfway through a bow ling line they stop the action, and the race fo r the jackpot is on. If your num ber is called (this is where your tickets com e in) and you bowl a strike you will win whatever am ount is in the ja c k p o t If by chance the m oney is not won in three tries all the bucks w ill be held over fo r the final jack­ pot w hich occurs halfway through the third and final bow ling line. Som e readers m ight be w ondering: W hat is a M oney Honey? Well, the m ore appropri­ ate question w ould be w ho are the Money Honeys? M oney Honeys are the unsung heroines o f the bow ling alleys. They flutter ab out not only dispensing money, but giving c o m fo rt where needed, trading beauty tips. and b ringing joy to all. I noticed this year they have new shirts w hich they, o f course, wear over the w onderful outfits. These sparkling people w ho grace ou r Sunday m ornings are: Lisa Day and M onica Rey. There are plenty o f high rollers with Cherry H artm an hitting a 207, Robert Huffm an with 205, B ill Gerald 204, M ic D uggan 202, Reese House, Hank C upper and Louie Litow inski all ro llin g a 201 and Rob Brown w ith a 200 even. A ll o f these bowlers w ill now enter the 2 0 0 C lub. H igh individual averages and to p team scores w ill be listed next issue. W ith the large tu rn o u t o f bowlers the scores were not co m ­ puted by press tim e. A ll bow lers w ill be classified into five d iffe ­ rent groups according to their averages. These averages include a handicap o f five points per open fram e. The to p bowlers in each class will receive a certificate and a tro p h y at the end o f the year. Teams w ill also be grouped into five classes, so even if a team does no t have a high average bowler, they can still be com petitive as a team. Because o f the large tu rn o u t o f bowlers the m onte carlo jackpot am ounts were quite high. In all, $248.00 was won at the first ses- sion and by sheer coincidence the second session gave out the same a m o u n t C huck C. fro m the JR ’s Transvestites team walked o ff w ith the largest jackpot o f $148.00. A pair o f bow ling shoes donated by the Pro 3 0 0 Lanes were won by Denny fro m the Tooze F lorist team. If by chance anyone else out there is not bow ling, and w ould like to, ju st show up at the alley one half hour before one o f the sessions starts and you could bowl as an alternate fo r a team that is shy a m em ber. The follow ing are the league bow ling dates: Jan. 22 & 29, Feb. 5,1 9 , M arch 4 ,1 8 & 25, A pril 1,7 & 29, May 13. May 20th is the cham pionship day; May 23 is the awards ba n q u e t O n A pril 15 the league holds a special session, The Ham Bowl. In this event if you ro ll a strike in the 3rd, 6th, & 9th fram es o f one gam e you w ould win a ham, ju st in tim e fo r Easter! June 1st through 3rd is a tim e to definitely m ark on you r calendar, as that is the date fo r P ortland’s 2nd Rose Bowl Classic. Last year’s Classic was a huge success with team s from Seattle, San Francisco, Sacram ento and oth er exciting places rolling in fo r some to u g h com petition. So if you want to bowl or keep score or ju st have fun rooting on bowlers, stop by on one o f the above dates and tim es to jo in in. We have a party after at one o f the local pubs to hear the day’s scores and spend the ja ckp o t w inners’ prize money. day. Speaking o f w hich, there was an average tem perature o f 78 for the m ajor part o f the stay. However, on C hristm as Eve and C hrist­ m as Day it looked as if we had a m onsoon, all w ith w inds that m oved the sculpture at the Hyatt Regency HNL at least 4 feet in either direction, and rains o f 7 inches on Maui. It really was a great trip and I recom m end that if you plan to go fo r either o f the holidays in 1984 or sooner, please book early as som e people are having problem s fin din g reason­ able hotels and condos due to high season rates. P.S. — I never have seen m ore gay w om en in H onolulu fo r the holidays. Q uite im pressive. We shan't say anything at this p o in t about the European m en; and the Canucks. O K, Let’s talk 1984. In 1984 lots o f changes are g o ing to take place. Schedule changes are fixed fo r the end o f January and the 1 st o f February. Be aware that w rong tim es result in m issed flights and connections. Price increases w ill take place as o f March 1, and m ost im portantly, travel on the west coast will go up, and up, and up due to the O lym pics in Los Angeles. Denver is going up by alm ost $ 100 fo r excursion tickets as o f March 1. O f course, changes are likely at any m o m e n t and in the travel industry, change seems to be the rule. So if you are planning to see your parents, friends, or even take that well de­ served vacation this sum m er, book it now, pay fo r i t and the price w ill be locked in. way o f gett in g out o f the lines and crowds. If your travel agent doesn't autom atically do it fo r you, ask fo r it, as it saves tim e and Ictsa fru stration when you find that you and your friend cannot sit together on that flig h t to Pocatello to see the Princess Theatre (really doesn’t exist — I looked). B oarding passes are a new and im proved always Let’s get som e people together and go to Bend fo r a ski-trip. I haven’t been once this year and I am ready, so give a call (225-0064) and let's coordinate a trip. Again, if you have any destinations that you feel w ould be o f interest, let me know and I w ill investigate what I can and report back to you. Just Out January 20-Februarv 3