sw ing sounds of Bob W ills and his Texas Pla yb oys, Jim m y Rodgers, Tex W illia m s and others is presented as An Evening of Western Swing at the NW Film Study C e n te r at 7 pm. Last show ing of Peter W atkins' The W ar Gam e. Portland C able TV presents the w orld television prem iere of the Academy A w ard-w inning film . 6:30 pm, Channel 35, a lso Jan. 22 at 10:30 pm, Channel 35. The NW Film Study C enter presents The Girl C a n’t Help It. a 1956 '50s rock film . Features Little Richard, Fats Domino, and a host of other groups starring Jayne M a nsfield in an am using com edy in w hich Mr. Big of the Juke Box Racket at­ tem pts to break his no-talent g irlfriend intc the m usic business. At 8 4 5 Monterey Pop, a m usic docum entary of the 1967 Monterey Pop Festiva l with Janis Joplin, Jim i Hendrix, The W ho, and more. C a ll 221-1156 for more inform ation. ------ 26 THURSDAY Theatre abounds today, Friday and Saturday. See Frid a y the 20th for more inform ation. -1 --------------------------------------- 2 7 FRIDAY Theresa DeMerest does o rig ina l folksy b lue s at Ju d y ’s, 15th and NE Broadway, 8 :3 0 pm. 10:00 pm and 11:30 pm. $1.00 cover. The Po rtla n d C ivic The a tre presents The Royal Family, Kaufman and Ferber's com edy inspired by the theatrical dynasty of the Barrym ores. Directed by Rebecca Adam s with a cast including Katherine King and Jay Randall Horen- stein opens tonight and p la ys Thursdays, Frid a ys and Saturdays at 8 pm. Tickets $6.50 for adults, $5.50 for students and seniors. For reservations ca ll 226-3048. 28 SATURDAY W ives Ta le s in the banquet room at 2 :3 0 pm. The g a la opening of Echo Thea tre happens tonight at 8 pm with the Do Jum p Movement Theater presenting Thè M iracle on 37th Avenue, a dance thea­ ter perform ance event. This w ill be the only perform ance ever. Live m usic by Ba rb a ra Bernstein and Kiera O'Hara. Echo Theater is located at 1515 SE 37th. Tickets are a va ila b le at C atbird Seat and A W om an's Place Bookstore. W heelchair a ccessib le. A public d iscussion on The Revolutio­ nary Women of Ireland w ill be held at 8:00 pm Saturday. January 28. at 2831 NE Union. Dinner w ill be served at 6:30 pm for a $5.00 donation. Betty M aloney w ill give an eyewitness account of the Irish fem inist and national­ ist movements and show how women's issues are a key to the struggle for national independence. Sponsored by Radical Women. C all 249-0708 or 249-8067. G enevieve Productions starts the new year off right with an exciting concert event featuring Tere sa Th ill and Ba rb a ra Hlgbie perform ing together for one show at 8 pm at The O ld Church, 1422 SW 11th Ave. Trull and Higbie com bine an electrify­ ing fusion of rock, pop, and ja zz with a dash of country. The ir new album . Unex­ pected. describes better than words their outstanding m usicianship and raucous humor. Tru ll's powerful vocals are com ­ plem ented by H ig b ie 's instrum ental prow ess, guaranteeing to keep the a ud i­ ence m esm erized. Tic ke ts are $6.50 in advance and $7.50 at the door. Ticket outlets are A W om an's Place Bookstore and Rising Sun Records in Salem . Billie Holiday is in a film showing at the N W Film S tudy Center. Ju st O ut January 20-February 3 W in d flre , a rap group for lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth under 21 meets at O ld 2 9 SUNDAY The tabulous Dyketones, Portland's prem iere '50s rock-n-roll review w ill return to D a rc elle XV at 8:30 pm. H ig hlig hting the m eeting w ill be sp o tlig ht appearances by "Dyketone-for- a -n ig h t" raffle w inners Rupert Kinnard, M aureen C arrsyn and Tina Sandoval W atch them fu lfill their fantasy as they perform one of their favorite tunes from the '50s. D arcelle XV is located at 208 NW 3rd Ave., and is w heelchair accessible. 4 SATURDAY A W oman’s Place Bookstore cele bra tes its 11th A nniversary with a benefit Sock-Hop with the infam ous '50s rock-n- ro ll band The Dyketones at the Echo Theatre, 1515 SE 37th, 8 pm to midnight. Th is is a real sockhop, shoes w ill be checked at the door. Tickets are $5 00 and are a va ila b le in advance at A Wo­ m a n's Place Bookstore, 2349 SE Ankeny Echo Theatre is w heelchair accessible and childcare is a va ila b le with reserva­ tion only by c a llin g 236-3609 by January 31. Be there or be sq ua re1 11