STAR TALK by Douglas Bloch The fo llo w in g colum n w ill be a m onthly feature o f Just O ut Each m onth we w ill feature the "sign o f the m onth ’’ and other subjects relating to astronomy. If you have any questions about the content o f this col­ um n or astrology in general I w ill be happy to answ er them. Write me care o f this paper. CAPRICORN The Mountain Goat December 2 1 -January 19 The Sign of the ORGANIZER A Transpersonal, Cardinal Earth Sign Earth Image — The Mountain “I organize” Capricorn, the tenth sign of the Zodiac, completes and perfects the earth principle. Associated with Saturn, the planet of form and discipline, the goat combines the practi­ cal qualities of earth with the cardinal mode’s j pioneering instinct Through this synthesis, ' he actively imposes order and structure upon the outside world. Capricorn natives derive many of their traits from their symbol, the mountain goat Like the goat they are slow, cautious and sure footed in their clim b up the mountain. The goat must periodically descend before progressing higher, the overall movement is upward. True, this method of clim bing brings inevitable delays. B u t through organization, hard work, and persistence, Capricorns eventually scale the peak to find societal rec­ ognition awaiting them at the top, (a heavy Capricorn emphasis occurs in the charts of many famous individuals). Though Capricorns certainly deserve their hard earned success, they must avoid using their ambition for the sole purpose of personal gain (witness the fate of Richard Nixon, Jan 9). Being a transpersonal sign, the goat’s highest calling is to work for the public good. With no ego to please, no competitors to surpass and no insecurity to alleviate their m ind is fixed upon one goal only— to bring a more humane order into the world. To attain this end, they may organize a labor union, adm inister a non-profit health organization, or run for political office. If their motivation is pure, success is inevitable and lasting. Saturn governs the process of maturation over time. Consequently, many children of Capricorn are late bloomers. During the first half of life, they struggle to overcome lim ita­ tions and self doubt that were developed dur­ ing childhood. Yet the tree that ripens slowly produces the sweetest fru it Once Capricorns have worked through their initial difficulties, they experience a tranquility and mellowing of the later decades. Aging gracefully, they are usually well advanced in years when their life on earth concludes. O ur discussion of Capricorn would be in­ com plete without an appreciation of the symbolism of the mountain. Historically, mountains have represented the meeting ground of the spiritual and the mundane. Many advanced religious orders have estab­ lished their dwellings in the mountains of Tibet, India, Peru and Central America. Moses ascended ML Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Christ was transfigured upon a mountain. And Capricorn Martin Luther King Jr. preached on the eve of his death, "I have been to the mountain top and have seen the promised land!” Thus, in his most evolved state, Capricorn bases his accomplishments upon a spiritual vision re­ vealed to him high atop the mountain’s peak. Qualities of Capricorn Accom plishm ents: organizsed, practical, disciplined, dutiful, conscientious, structured, deliberate, cautious, methodical, planning, prudent frugal, reserved, patient striving, accomp­ lishing, attaining, achieving, success-oriented Personal A m bition: conservative, obsessed with order, com pul­ sive, restricted, guarded, inhibited, pessi­ mistic, constricted, unemotional, lacking spontaneity, opportunistic, machiavellian, manipulating, calculating. Anatomically, Capricorns rule the structural aspects of the body — skeletal system, teeth, skin and knees. Worry and emotional upset often lead to digestive complaints or skin disorders. People Bom with the Sun in Capricorn include: Martin Luther King, Jr., Benjamin Franklin, Mao Tse Tung, Joan of Arc, Sir Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Albert Schweitzer, Horatio Alger, Joan Baez, Elvis Presley, Humphrey B ogart and Janis Joplin. ¡M O N E Y Mud ball '84 by Ken Vogl With the Arctic cold and miserable freezing rains behind us for awhile, and unless you think my brain was a victim of the last winter storm, let’s turn our attention to Softball?? That’s right; softball in January. About a year ago, in the little burg of Eugene, the boredom got so severe one beautifully w et cold, muddy day that the denizens of Cassady’s Tavern got all their friends together for a little softball bash. Then they invited all their softball friends from Port­ land to come and join with them. It was mostly for fun and a little bit because of the fact that their elevators didn’t quite reach the top floor. B u t oh well, as I heard it it was a butt-freezing good time; and it was christened M ud B ow l '83. Then everyone agreed that they’d “ see y’all next year." Here it is 1984 and the invitation is ou t Those good ole folks from Cassady’s in Eugene are again trying to prove that there’s 14 no end to what some people will do for fun. I have it from a close inside source that this year’s event will be even bigger and better than last year’s. For instance, if the mud ball field isn’t as wet and muddy as advertised, they are going to dump water on the field. Basically, it will be n no-holds-barred con­ test The survivors will go on to the next round, a free kegger at Cassady’s Tavern Saturday night I hear these guys are pretty good ball players, but even better beer drinkers. And there is a committee to match visiting players and fans with lodging for the night A free dating service! To top it all off, a cere­ mony hosted by everyone’s favorites, the Cassadettes! Oh, my happy hangover. So get your calendar off the wall and circle the weekend of February 11 and 12. Do a tew pusn-ups and jog around tne Diock once or twice; scrape the mud off the m itt and find a ball, any ball. A little throwing and a little catching and you’re out of breath al­ ready, so don’t worry about the softball. We ll be finding out who the best beer drinkers are, too. Where has all the money gone? by D iana Plunkett Does it seem like you are making more and taking home less? Now may be the time to take advantage of a different method of com puting tax called income averaging. If your averageable income for 1983 is over $3,000 more than 120% of your average in­ come for the four preceding years you might be eligible to use this special tool to help ease the tax bite for 1983. Income averaging allows an individual with an unusually high income to compute their tax under a method which has the effect as a four-year spreadback of the income above his average. For example, a single individual with $30,000 taxable income in 1983 would have a federal tax liability of $6,477. If that individual had a taxable income of $ 10,000 in 1979, $12,000 in 1980, $14,000 in 1981, and $17,000 in 1982, he or she would benefit from income averaging. Under the income averaging method of computing tax, the indi­ vidual would then have a federal tax liability of $5,704 — a federal tax savings of $773. Income averaging is not a one time shot and should be used as many times as it will benefit you. By taking advantage of the tax laws you can Save Tax Dollars$$$. Just Out January 6-January 20