THE ILLUSTRATED WEST SHORE. 2G6 Both the method and results wliei; Nyrupof Figs is taken ; Hia pleasant mid refreshing to the taste, and act: L'Piitiyyct promptly on the Kulncp, Liver and Uowelri, cleanses the tyx tern effectually, disiiels colds, henil (dies and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy or its kind ever pro duced, pleating to the taste and nc centulile to the stomach, nronmt in its action and truly beneficial in its cflecU, prepared only from the most liculthy and agreeable sulistunces. its munyexeellcntqualitics commend it to all and hnve niado it tlio most popular remedy known. Hvrun of Figs is for sale in 60c and $ 1 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on linnd will pro cure it promptly for- any one who wishes to try it, I)o nut accept any institute. , CALIFORNIA FiO SYRUP CO, (.1 macaco, cl louuviut, nr. new row, . r. Frank lMkuu. fra A U. Ummu. V.f. Palac On tod I, Bee. ml Dir. TIIK COLUMBIA rial ANO MARINI INSURANCE CO. OF roiTLAND, OIHOR, PriDtlpal Ofllot. 4fl WuhlDftoa M. BUHtt'ltlHKD CAPITAL, IW..IU0. Th tin pi H n and Arnmala,tioi of this fkvurtl Or(iD orfuniwMHtu art io (Ivm-mItm mi abiMilult mianutt of iwouf ij to policy hiiltUm, It Urm. both tv rvonU it iffMiti and th Imuran f pmp. artjr, aa fnvorahla aa could ba daaired (VirrMiMiailwoa nll"itadi ISirtlaiitlatNiojriif thMnnaaAniarleaii Imitrama I) uf hi York Uakum A OutcalU Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Himuna St, PuBTUWU. Onaaoa advance Threshers AND kNOlNKM, rarn, Church and 8ohool Mi, Inaplratora, Injertore and Faad PumtA tWI (III Ci.oi.m, Trahani rumpa. KrieUl Kngtnaa. Hollare and Btaaai lienaraUira. Laundry Machinery, Minn Machinery dHKMICAL riHI BNOINKS, Hlaeeaoitth Forgae end Dnlle. Hal Ai Unuuil t ' la the world. IW II l Biaja lloula and Inn hi. RMO rOH CATAUHJia. CUSTOMER FOUND. StranCiKR Have you Rudyard Kipling's criticisms of Chicago? Chicago Dealer Yes. Don't seem to be much demand Stranger Give me half a doi en copies. Dealer Certainly. Certainly. How is everything down in Saint Louis? New York Weekly. CHOOSING A CHARACTER. Wee Miss Mamma, mayn't I take the part of a milkmaid at the fancy ball ? Mamma You are too little. Wee Miss Well, I can be a con densed milk maid. Good News. EASTERN OREGON SHEEP. Owing to the unusually mild winter, sheep have remained fat and the growth of wool has not stopped, so the fleeces which the sheep of this country will yield this season will be long and of extra quality, and should bring better prices than common. The sheep-raising industry, with all its risks, has never before had such a promising future. But it is harder to go into it now, because of the high price of the animal. To procure a sufficient band would take a large sum, but those who are in the business must be careful to stay in, for they have before them a rapid fortune by the certain increase of the price not only of the meat, but also the wool of their animals. Sheep owners throughoul the country are in better spirits this spring than for some time past. The reason is obvious. Never before have purchasers of sheep offered such high prices, and the man who is in the business has now the opportunity of turning in his band for slacks of twenty-dollar pieces. The wool market never looked more favorable and the prices olfcrcd for this year's clip will reach the highest mark. No wonder, then, thai Gilliam county sheep owners wear a happy jniile. Condon Globe. H PKLTON WATKR WHKKL dim iU HiihMt Klflrlnicy of u Wfceel In the world. Hand for OircuUr. THE I'ELTON WATEK WHEEL CO., Ill Mln Ht Han Fruclio J, I'll POETS OF THEJACIFIC COAST. T Wbt Saoai often monthly priue u ipeoiHed Mow 'or the beat poemi lubmit led fur competition bjr miJrote of the Feeito ooaat, inoludint Uritiih Colombia. Three or four will ba ealf oted for publication each wank, and in the Uet iieae of the month the namee of the prite winnera for the mouth will te ainoneoed. Ill poeme not pgbliahe I will be re erned. The oonleat elom each month on the Bteenth. Poema ehonld not ei oaad forty linea in length. The Jodiiae are penona of literarr cnltnre not onnecled with Til Win Hiobi in aii eauaeitf. The following prian are offerai monthly i Ftrtt Prifr-A olnme of one of the eUndard porta, ll-mo. aiae, handaomely botind in full paildrd la.lhar. with full tilt ulava. The priae winner may daaiimate hia choice of the following; Toluutea : Dante, Hilton. 8'ott, Rama, Moore, Wonliworth, Brown log. l'ne, Jean Ingalow, Hra. Hemana, Uk Drowning, and FaTorit Pnema. a rulnme of ehol e-electiooa from all the poota, Thiwe are all new bo ika, apwially Iwned aa elegant gift ailitiona, and are from theahehee of Htuait JtThompaon, the well known bookarllera of o tlnd. Heroni Kiie-4 lulmriptioa to TH H'rif dreev rinl Viif-A inhaeriptinn to Th li nt (More tor three moniha, to be aent to a' y ad-draaa. Uraiul PViie-ln aildilion to the monthly nret anaii ua uarium 10 ua ma aw in uunng uie entire year wiu receive an elegant copy of one o' the gnat claeeie poema with Uluatratione by Dora, and the portrait of the writer will be pehliahed, ao that thoae who. haia read the poem may hare the ad ditional pleaaura of eraing the face of the we who haa eonthbuted to their enjoyment. Only poema that hare aerer been puhliehed illiff OUR The Beit THE I1HI CELEBRATED fiifiiiifi ! ALL PROCESSES, by TheWestShore Pub.Co. iiiiiiiiii Mora for ail mon ha, to be lent to an f ad. priae, at the end of the year the poem that will be accepted. ENGRAVING KM" NOTHING CAN GET IT FOR a .u.u.a ,t, AND IT IS JUST WHAT YOU WANT.-' CATALOGUE FREE and Fined ever lnuJ. To Any Addresi OHE CEHT POSTAL CARD WILL GET IT fOR YOU. WRITE FPU IT NOW. Delay Ar Dangerous CORNISHES sold direct from factory at wholesale prices for cash or upon an easy Installment plan to suit all porkptt. ' in ONE SMALL PROFIT ON THE ACTUAL COST-Thtt It ourt. 3 or 1 Big Prollls and Commlssloiis M-TO in lODB, THREE BIG FACTS: Our Instruments are The Best Cheapest Most Durable. 'MTHEY HAVE TRIUMPHANTLY STOOD THE-JI', TEST OF A QUARTER OF A CENTURY.J 7 Addma Iba Haaaraetarera, WU1TK TO-DAY..) UWililWII Washington, New JemT, OU ARE WANTEO,f.LrrJ 4 .h.U. ..... ...I. ilIO u4 ulH.Un rf- oaM.IHTL .'.-41 . US .f ,bVFBTIf IS'li Hlll.ri Fult lOi rVcn. A HtHIHilo: f.S.,110 VU U.CITV HFMMO.m KMi'LKI. IF lur BFtTKiv jm I'niLi.'lTl'.S UrmHKliTKKJi al'KiULTV CU.,nKlUHOl)U. Hank IUK., 14 1 166 Heeond ft , Near Morrlaon. Moat important of the aeaeon. Home Indaatry. Brownivllle Woolen Mills Coodg Fonnd orly at the aign of The Brownivllle Clothing ttora, 1M and 160 Heoond BU. near Cor. Uorrieon. Full linee Man a All Wool S iita. $1000. Panta, 14 (1) Het in the market. Kirra name. U-gle Woolen Mill). W.B. Bieuop. JSA8T AND SOUTH -TIA- Southern Pacific Route. SHASTA LINK. Traina leave and are d1 e to arrive at Portia d Leave llol) From Feb, 1. 1W1. Arrive (Irom) VEHLND FXPKKSV Salem, Albany, Euaene, Koaaburg, t'ra-'t'a Paae, Me.lfnid, A-hlirid, Mac f ,33am ram.ut fVau, Ban Fntnei-o.. Mojate, I a3 Angeira El Pawi. New Urleane and Kaat T.OOjm 8.(0am Boaebnrg and way ttationa S.O.ipm Via. WooHborn for Mtl Angel. Bilveiton, We.ll tSOOam tt.OOpm o to, urown.vme, ana Cobarg ft COpm Albany and way etatione f OO'm jT Warn Corvallia an 1 way alationa tMOpm tt.Wpm MoUinnvillel way nationa Mm DININQ CAK8 ON OGDEN ROU TE. PDLLMAN BDFFEr BLEKPERS. TOURIST 8LEEP1NQ CARS For loeommodation of teoond paa. eugera attached to all traina, Thmngh Ticket Cffioe 114 Firat at. where through tirkata tn all poinU in the Eaetern Bute, Canada and Europe oan he - btairtad at 'oweat ratea from J. B. KlHKHNl), liokat Aganl All above traina arrive a d depart from Grand Central Station, Filth and 1 eta. NARROW OADUeTw, 8, DIVISION AMD PORTLAND! WILLAMETTE VAUBV. Iaaaeoger Depot, foot of JeRereoo at 7,'le.m 12 I '.pro l.b.'ipm 5,IAum )jiu aMtpm miara OaweeoudWay fiaipm Biauona va-iopm SDipm T.tUpm Oawego Newbrg, Don "J de, Dayton, UfaiMte. M ,nm She'idan, Dallaa,IIuo.'JI',,l,, TtHlam mouth and Airlle. J Daily, f Daily, eioept Sncday. Farriae onnmet with all traina for Bell wood and Milwaukee, ' R KOKHLKIl, K. P.R(H)EB8 Utnager. Art. (Jan. F. 4 f. Agt