THE WEST SHORE. Ill "BOLTON HOUSE" FOURTH A ALDER ITS., PORTLAND, OR. .CRAS.W.ROBT, Proprietor Newly tarnished and refitted throughout First oUa hotel, elevator, elect rio bell aid modern improvement. Charges moderate and oourteon attention guaranteed. "THE FORTLAI'O" ' PORTLAND, OBKGON. A now hotel ewiUinim all modern lav pforementa; mrj room lighted bj electru itrt Mht and airi banted bj etanmi open fire planet, bath en anile, ud on ter floor; eleTetora. Gneet are entertained oa either tha Amerioen or Kuropeaa plan, . lb Beatanrant the float la theeit. CHAB. . LELAND, ManafW. THE CREGCN KATIOMAL BANK Of PORTLAND, CAPITAL PAID IN, (300,000. ' TRANSACTS A OKNKRAL BANKING IxrAan and Tel eareprda Tranefer aold 00 Hen Frencieoo, New lork, Cluoeao And ill prinoiual point is the northweet. Ilinfu drawn ou China, JfepaB ud Knrope, Make ooilwtiaBi o favorable term. Pnaldant, . TASB. DaLAHHKOTT. YioePnieidant, QUO. B. HABSIJk . Oeatuer, . . D.f,HHKKMiM. Ladd&Tilton, Bankers, ... . ESTABLISH KD 1859, Transact a General Banting Busincs. Intoreet allowed an tlma depoaite. -OoUauioiia nada at aii pauta, aa tiTOiw hie tarme. Letter of credit laeaed, eTallabl in Ku- . top and the enetem etata, Biaht Eioher.e and Tl"rapMe Trana. fare aold go New York, Waahiwrtoti, (Ibi. euro, M. Lode, Center, Omaha, baa Fran, cieoo and Tarioua point in Oregon, Waab inirt'in, Idaho, Montana and lirttiah Col- kliohnaeold oa London, Pari. Berlin, Frankfort and Hon; Lou. Kortlnvsst Lean and Tryst Co. K Pliat Bt, Pomim, Outwit. Capita 1,120, OOP I Dollar lalnank flaTinaa dapoeit ncaiTad la atima of 11 and npwarde, and uitereet allowed thereon. Aoomuite knot anblwt to oheok. Irraft drawn on Nv York, Nan Franciaoo and En. ropaan potnta. Loane made on Heal or Par annal beoenlr. Tl eooipanr lealeoen. taorued bj ita ehaxtar to eieoute tnuta of ararr denmtioD; eot aa Ae i irnee. Receiver, Guardian, kieontor and Admtniatrator, or in any other ndnoierr oaneeitri aaauma the eei of raal aetata, oulltot rente, InUreaU, diridemla. at.: reoeiot forwilia and keep Ibf tn eafaly without oherra. Orrio Hon-M a. m. to I p. m. Its 1 p. tn. rktuidr. 6. B. Mark I. Pre. I. L. Hartman, Tree. W. 0. Uillinabui, rwi, fihst mio;:u m Or PORTLAND, Daal(natad Dopoalinir and Financial Afant altory i Luiu o Uta Praaldaut HKNHT KAIUNI. TtoaPraanlant H.W.COIIHnT , Caabiar, 0. B. WUUINdTON. AwaLCaahiar, H. J. COUUOT. . ' Lattara of Cndlt iamri aral labia In la ropa and Uia kaatara atataa, HiaM F-iobanaa and Talaarapbla Trana. hn ald . S. York, ftatoa. I hioaau, BC luu. riU Paai Oniaba, rka Vrauoinw and tfa piinciai pifinu ui Ilia uorUtwaat. Hih( and Timl H'l!a drnirn in an to aiiit on b'tidon, Pnria. Hariin, Frankfort aamlraaiaia, Borif Aua. Collantinna aiada oa farurabl ttraa at all aooaaaibU poiata. PUZZLEVVIT0. i priaa departmaat will appear in Tax Wm Sbosi aaeklj, and tha amrwen will h tiran monttdr, in tha iana pobliahad tha third waek of tha month. All anawan to pna (laa pnbliahad o) month moat raaoh Lb in otiioa no latar lhaa tha tanth of tnataooatAluf month in Ontario oompata for phaaa. . .. Tha folluwiof priua will ba awarded monthlr : for Pwlu-tv tha boat pumla of an? kind, two dollari in ouh For aaoond baat, anbaoriptioa to ra Watt SHon for aix montba. For tha third baat, aubaoriptton to Taa H'rit oVhora for thraa month. Vinnen will ba announoed in tha laat iaaua of aarh month. for oWDtima-For tha firat oouplata aat of anawan raoairad, two dollar in eaah. For tha aaoond, anbaoriptioa to TAa Wut Slum tat aix month. For the third, aubicrip. to TSt Wat SAora for three monli Annrara tout teaoh tbia olHoa bj Ut tenth of tha month following: tha publioation of tha puulee. In oaae of no oomplal Hit bo int raoatred tha naanat oompleta will b awarded the priaaa, Orond frtirr-For tha oraateat nnmbar of puulee accepted end pobliahad dnrinithe year lWt, u alogant life liae portrait, either enrron or water eolor aa tha writer mar ealaot, axecnted at tha photomphi aitabliahmant of B. 0. Towna, ooraer of Firat and Morriaon atreeta, Portland. Oregon. For tha reataat nnmbar of aomot an. awm ncaiTad dorin tha rear KM, on of Towne'i portrait aa daaoribad abora. The awond ajeataat in each of theee clajaea will reealra a aobaoriptioo to raa treat Slum for on rear; tha third iraataat for aix month i tha fourth (raaleat, tor three month, BOOKS, POHLETS, CATALOGUES. BRIEFS, c, DONC AT RCASONABLK fRICII IT -sC A. ANDERGOfJ & CO. PRINTERS A LITHOCRAPHERS, Nnaj. 2 to 8 AUer 8t, PORTLAND, OnKQOX. FRANK DKKC, Praa. D. P. THOMPSON, Vioa Praa. H. 0. 8TIUTTON, Cwhiar. PORTLAND GAVir.GS BANK, . PORTLAND, ORECON. Bouthwewt Cor. Sooond and AVnahlnijtoa St PAY8 INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Loan Mad oa Real and Pareonal Security. Acta aa TraatM far Indltld oala, OorporatioM or Eatato pandlni lltln,lo aattlaanant. TIIECO'JMEHGIIlLllllTIOiiJlLeiK OF POBTLA.ND. . . Southwest Cor. Second and Washington Sts. A GENERAL EilllG BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Preoldpnt, I : , Vioo Preoideiit, : Cuahlur, I I I AaoiatAnt Caajhier, Bifht Kiohanfa and Telegraphic Trenefar aold on New York, Boeton, Chioaaro, Omaha, 8t Paul. Ban Francleoo and priuciptl plaoee throof hoat the Northwrat, Kiobanira aold on pruoipal oiuaa in Ktirope and on Hoof K0114. 1 1 .nrsvirv, hi is & solid handsome cake of scouring soap which has no equal for all cleaning purposes except in the laundry-To use it" is to value ih- Tliat will BAP0LI0 do? WLt It will clsia saint. Bale eil-ckhi hnAt and riTD the floon, tablai md the grease off the diibee and off the poU ltd juu. loa oaa icour the luivoi .nd fnvV. .ith It anrl mike the tin thinm ahlna hrirhtlr, The wuh-baaiu, thl bath-tub, even the groanj kitchen link BAP0U0. One oai. wili proro all wi BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ENOCH MOnCAN'S TJ. P. Thompion, Frnnk Dnkitm. It. La Surluuru H. C. Wortmam. n-n.nrM.f m hlvrj 1 new pirnc, It will take will be u cluan u 1 no pin If 7011 nse my, w clover uoiuwawjuir auu 17 iu THEflE IS BUT ONI lAPOLIO. CO., NEW YORK. AKEBICM DRESSED KEHTCo. , WHOLtSLI BtJTOHEES ABD PACKERS, Bnpplrit(BMpaHroilty. Miiheataaah price pad for all kind, of Fat Htook. Intervention Third, A end AahStraata, ORTHwVcKrBATTT- Co!T I Waahiniton 8L Portland. Or. INTSSTMKNT AOf.NTS AND DKAL KHttlNKKALKnTATB, Afant for WrMMltawa, lllaMand Park and PortamouUt Villa. Sand for our Intaatmant Oontrnot, yield, in tan par oeat. neL Jdoution H eat 6Aor, THE R. H. TRSFElTco! PORTLAND, ORCOON, flwldenM, No, 806 Market Stmt. Alt Goods entnuted to our ear will ba fnrwKidM to destination aooo aadiirrliaitf d (ruin railrotvd rowpiniM or itfwm.tin, VrvikilitohariFM advtiuootl Ity ui- Vi Uen or dcritiR ipmkLi tddrMa bill of Imiirif or hip ptnt mtnta, and mark tood wr nf H H, TruufarCo. thtioa, tiuaraihipiiuok. V at. FRANK KELLER, "THE DOCA," Soma aarh an Fxnallent PntioaM Maa'a Lueoh that his plo hiw btKHima tha faTorita lunohsoa raaoit, foathatM. Cornar Flral and Pin. liiTERitATIGuALPAIiiTlUGCO. Ill ewond t., Portland, Cn All Kinds of House a Sign Painting, fHCOIN0, ! HAHOINO.Ao. Ileal Artlita. Loweet Price. TIT II MERCHANT HOTEL Cor. Third and Dllreata, JACOB HAAS, Proprietor. Flu Finproif Ballillog N,wljr Far. olehad. Bate from 11,00 per dr I'pward, 1JTIJ I.IJJT VEirUIARD'S LAGER BEER ii nil Choice of the Connoisseur. Suporlor raollltloi for Shipping In Cor Load Lot. Older fot n iiuuitltr to ba dlrattad to H. WEINHARD. Portland. ()r. HUE PAIIITI!! "TH2DAr.0UCT,M Cor. rtref and Afwllaoa i, . lod aa the fuieet Oil Palollni on th ooaat, ThuaolteclioD inoludueanch (amona paioliua a "TBaHUICIDI,' "CIRtl," "Till UNFOIlkSkKN,- , And other froa horn tha rnoet ealebraud rtiate of the world.