232 THE WEST SHORE. SCOTS s EIL 0 Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and 8oda It endorsed and prescribed br leading ihyslcuuia because both the Cod ilwr OU aud UniMtphotphim an the reoog nlstd agents In lUeoureof dpnMmullH. It U ea pels tat ea milk. Scoll'i Emulsion ti is a UttnaVrW 'feeri IWurrr, II is (id Jfrsl anudg tor CONSUMPTION, crofuln, Bronchitis, Waiting Dii gauss, Chroalc Cooghg an! Colds. Ask for Boon's Imulelon and take no other Special Eeal Estate Bargains. S I S.OOO A new llt-room hones ind (t block, incladiog new f arnitur throoghoot, eituate In East Portland. Kim location, mo'or I n tow by pr iperly, deliahtfui view, flrat class a dewalk, tan minutes' walk from Morrison itif at bridge. :I,0IM-Fnll lot Seventeenth etnst, be. Iwaen M and N etreete. .ia.OOO-i real barraln, MUxim tout, Itaat northeast oornar Sixth at d F etreeta. Four tine resideneoe on tha preimeee returo lag good rente. On investigation the ln tending buyer will ascertain tliat similar proiierti Id Ihii looalily la held at from Ituiill to i,uo rr quarter blotk, even withoat improvements Buth and It ttreeu, city. Quarter block on easy terms. Price, which ia very reeaon. able, and tartra will be giv.n on applica tion to bona tile intending puraheaere. 111,000 -Two f..ll lota new new anion dip it, Portland. Kaey term , Pue-aore Iraets Tsrms f 100 to II M per acre, ssven miles out on Powell Valley, on lint of railway now being built, dud level and fery rich. Terma to eult. Aim, are or tecaera trade on Cornell road, nine mi lea from Portland. Line i n top of ride. Corunpiride hue view. HoileeriohasbaaTor dam. Terma to auit parohaaer. a-tir.N-1i.htl7 located, only half way between Kaat forlland and Hi. Tahor. Three blocaa from two motor tinea, full alaa lota Ml feet front, only fISO to JtlOU each. Uirtohew, ( all early and take roar ehoioe. Hemeinber that ooneolidatioaland fre. bridge will rapidly edvauoe tbe pi ice of thia deelrable property, Terma, S oath, A lane 1 at of other property for eile, Heferenoe t Portland Havings Bank ai. o. uKirriN, Real Katat and Invsatment Art. I rorUand Bar. Bauk HhUj, Portland, Or, Mi I if 1 Iff COLD PLATED WAmiTEDIEXUINL rUljafur.fta.mtll sue. ft fetM vi 0a4sL k.tllfal MSta Watrh INul la ajik.au. MsT ( ftauM ftt twaaJl La.. i "'I"1"1 "7 ( lhaeJlHei(fM(,rlWelwlH Harts) ltawllf fjltalllra. Ms) MMffc k I V HlaVtrl UatU-tu, tHMl 4fL WUU) UstWei, aaljieatae 1,4 kto4atilulTp(t1 rwalUM irttilterpei, hoamW Ubl,h ). lU re4H 4 rt) let? mtU wUcIl w U uiite. fw.- u ni V ft KM B.W. aara latt M I timmt litftaJg f( Ua) tjtt ftkMUr It tttleWl lit fllf.ftM, 1aM Ham.laf a) M bU IBll M kk rW uk aelrafeB itw rty Uwaltaal Ui Un4 MleMtkji. 'WM VIII ekejW ar ftUmy M be) M lwrtt Marm k4 , M raafal aWaVa tahUawaj Ml UlravtrilHrv ffafltf Nt READI ft I Mi nt ta4 H Nk eMit,aJ waUlajajejaaji J a U aath U )M C ('. U. U Hh ImrwattatM LalfaH,(lJk U IM II U lk ftlfMaS rttnteaWlall II ll ft M)f, Ml I Im ftttal aU 4 ml Ik tweM. taM aeMitia ' f4ltUa VMI ef wMtllMll Mill U wejrft A r ml M M aantei evatvfel M aaak aaxk to MikkifNft ftMPehal Ual U . ft4 law ),) ft aarynaa !. , Mmw Wftataaftjw,, TNI NATIONAL NFI.ft INtPONTlNI II. lai in dark It., Ohioaao, Ilk HOW HE CAME OUT. Rui.FiNf.H-What's ihc matler, Wooden? Wooden I've just been to ask old Cash box for his daughter. BuuiNt H Well, how did you come out? Woodhn Through the window. Jim Ion Couritr. HIS WISH. Jack What have you for dessert today, dear? Mils. Jack Pumpkin pies, my love; you know that pumpkins always make lovely pies. Jack (aiidly) I wish Mks. Jack-WcII? Jack (solemnly I wish (hat you were a pumpkin. Pittsburg Uullrtin. Jno. H. Barnard. Geo. W. Weidler, BURCARD & WEIDLER, IHSURANOE, Wart St., PORTLAND, OKKtOX. OOMPANIII MPRIMNTt 0. North British & Mercantile 1ns. Co., Lon don end Edinburgh. M rUern AMnraoee ('o., Lordon and Aberdeen Lion Fire Ina. Co., London Kng. Traders Ins. Co., Chi cago. HI, Bta'e Investmeit A liaurince ('o., Ban Kranoiaoo, Cel. Standard Life A Aooident loauranoa Co., Detroit, Mich, Loam edjoatid and promptly paid at thiaoilioa, R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Cheapest and Best Medicine for Family Use In the World. INSTANTLY RILIIVII AND SOON CURII Colds, SoreThroat, Inflammation, Rhenmatiam, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Asthma. DimVnlt Breathing, Kvery Pain. Bpreine. Bruisea. Paine in thi i Beok. Cheet or Iambe I waatheFi'at and ia the only PAIN jiaMKDY that inetantly elope the moat exoraoiatuig pains allays Inflammation and cures Congestions, wi ether of the Lunge, Btomaon, Bowela or other ,lmia or organ. ACHES AND PAINS. For headache (whether sick or nerrona), toothache, nenralgia. rhenmatUm, Inmbago, peine and weakneas in the hack, spine or kidneya, oaina around the liver, plenriay, swell. im of tbe Jointe and peine of all kindt, the application of lladway'e Heady Belief will afford immediate eaae and its oontinoed ne for a few daya effeot a parturient onre. 1NTKHNALLY, a hiJf to a teeapoonfnl in half a tumbler of water will, in a few min. ntee, cure cramps apaama. eonr stomaob, nauasa; Tomiiing, heartburn, nervouaneaa, aleep. leaaneaa. aick headaohe. diairhoe i, oolic, flatulenoy and all internal puna. frlce, ftOe per Bottle. Bold by Drugglate. RADWAY tt CO., 32 Warren 8t., N. Y. Partial wishing to take interest in the e recti -n of a Modern Lager Bier Brewery (Malthomeif poiaible) in any enterprising oily In Wa-hington or Oregon ehould cor respond with John Zonner, ear American Brewer. 2W Worth St.. N. Y. City. MEGONINTESTMLmtr 1 1 per annnm 01 lnreatmenta made in real v eatate throngh ne. provided we get one halt of all profile received ' x' and atom eeid eight per cenL Fnllutrticulare anp nlied nn appliration to W. u. M.a,L Ci P. 0. box HO, Portland, Oregon, The f dlowiog references are given: Mer- chanta' National Bank and the Beal EaUte Eichange, Portland; Senators John U. Mitchell and J. N. Dolph and Cnngreaeman Bulger Hermann. Washington, D. C THE WEST SHORE PAYS ALL EXPENSES. The intense desire to view the natural wonders and the grand and beautiful scenery of tha famous National Park of tha Yellowstone ia poaaeesed by nearly every parson in America, and nothing but tha expense of making the trip to and from tha park, aa we'l re throngh it, prevente thoueande from visiting it every rammer. Aa it ia, thousands of those who can afford to gratify their desires revel in its beajtiee annually, TAa Wat Short baa perfected errangemente whereby one of its readers can enjoy all the pleasures of a visit to thia great workahop of nature free of expense, and it only remaiae to select the person who ehaJl enjoy it Although the eioureiog will be free, it will not be given to one who ia sot wiUing to ahow an earnest desire to receive it by working hard to earn it not with the hands alone, but with the brain. The pereen who will send as the longest list of words in aoonrdanee with the eubjoined rales, will be given a free excursion to and through the park. From any station on the line of tha Northern Paoilo railway, from Ashland, Wisconsin, to Portland, Oregon, the auoceesfui competitor will be taken up, given tret class acoommodationa, including Pullman sleeper and meals In tha dining oar, taken to tha park ud through it and returned to the point of starting, free of all expanse whatever incidental to travel. Thia includes stage fan, hotel biUs for five days ia tha park, and svarything that is a legitimate expense in making the trip, In addition to this grand prise there will be given Iftean cash prises to the fifteen next longest lieu, one prise of fa IU one of 10.00 and thirteen of 3 00 each. This is a purely intellectual contest, from which all competitors will derive much benefit, whethsr encoeesfal In winning prises or not CONDITIONS AND RULES. The oontest clows May II, ltM. AU lists mast be acoompanied by a subscription to the Tae H'eaf Sam for not lees than nix months, to be sent to eorae address not now on oar list. Liate must be arranged in alphabetical order, with the total number of words noted at the and. Only words spelled by sains the letters contained In the name " Yellowstone Park " will be coon ted, and no letter can be used in one word mora times than it oocnra ia that aamSk Tha latest edition of " Webster's Unabridged Dictions 17" will be the authority for set- tllng all con testa. Not tha " International " edition. Proper names and awogTaphioal names will not be allowed, Two words apelled alike, though having different meanings, will be coanted as one word, and where a word Is spelled in mora than one way, but oca spelling will be counted. Only English, or fully Anglicised, words, such as are given a separata heading in large type and are defined, will be counted. This excludes all words printed in italics in the unabridged dictionary, need aa authority, or having this mark, " " before them In the new International edition. 1 Wattle marked (06a.) in the dictionary will not be admitted. Only the singular, nominative of nouns ; the Infinitive form of tie verb, withoat the word " to t " and the positive of adjectives, will bo admitted. Prefixes and suffixes will not be admitted aa separate words. Of two lists hating tha earns number of words, preference will ha given to the one list received. The result of the contest will be announced as early in Jnneaa possible, and the ens. easeful oompetitor nan make the trip any time in June, July or August, Make all remittances payable and address all communioatlons Is THE WEST SHORE PUB. CO., POBTLAND, OaidON. Changs of Tims and Faster Barrios to , -., Chicago, Fast trains over the Northwestern Una, 0. St. P. M. 4 0. By now ran as follows : Ckfeano DaslfgM Hrpress The only It hour daylight train between tha Twin Cit ies and Chicago, leaves Minneapolis at 7.00 a. m.; Bt Paul, 7.4! a. m. (dinner in dining car) and arrives In Chicago at 9.4S p. m. This hour of arrival In Chicago gives con nection with mora night trains out of Chi eago to tha East and South than trains of other lines. CTifcooo Pesflhuled Limited, in UH hi., leaves Minneapolis at B.S0 p. m.i St Paul, 7 JO p. m., and arrives in Milwaukee at 7.28 a. m.i Chicago, tSD a. m. This ia tha only complete vesti baled train between the Twin Cities and Chicago, and ooonacta with all fast Line trains leaving Chioago in tha morning for tha East and South, Trains of Northern Paoinc railway oonnaotln Minne apolis and St Paul anion depots with tha through trains over the North western Una. If tickets can not be second from tha agent at your station, over the Northwest ern Line, oall on or addreaa W. H. HEAD, Sen, Aft, 4 Washington Bt, Portland, Oregon. T. W. TEABDALK, 0. P. A Bt Paul From Terminal or Interior Pointa the la tha Una totalis to ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It Is the DINING OAR ROTJTR. It nneTHKOUUH VKSTIBULa TRAINS CVKRI DAT IN TBI TEAS to St Paul and Chicago ! NO CHANGE OF CABS Composed of DIMIMO OARS Caenr- PCLt.kf AN Drawing Room 8LCEP BHa of Latest Equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING OARS, Best that can be onoatruotad and In which acoommodstions are FRESt to holders of First or Beoond Class Ticketa,and ELEGANT DAT COACHES, A CONTINDODB LINE oonneotinf with ALL LINKS, affording DIRECT and ONINTEBBUPTED BEBV1CB. Pullman Sleeper Reservations oan be se cured in advanoe through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICltSM lea, Kngland and kurope ou be purchased at any Xuket Onice of thia Company, W Full Information eooosniiur rates, time of trains, routes and other details fur aiehed on application to any agent, or A, D, CHARLTON, Aaaiatant General Passenger Agent, No. IB First Street, 1 . Cor. WaabjugtoaT i Hiitlat(t Orsgoa. Herbert Bradley & Co.'T,