The illustrated west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1891-1891, April 04, 1891, Page 225, Image 11

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ing its way up to the object, which never moved a muscle but kept up the
whining noise. When the seal had approached within fifteen or twenty feet
the Indian, for such it proved to be, quickly whirled upon his side, and with a
well aimed throw impaled the seal upon the spear, only wonnding it, however.
He then fastened the seal where he himself .had lain, and secreted himself
in a pit but a few yards away. In a few minutes could be seen in every direc
tion seals bobbing their heads above the surface, and, attracted by its cries,
making for the wounded seal. Soon there were a hundred or more seals sur
rounding it, and it was but the work of a moment for the Indian to rush
among them and with a club kill several before they could reach the water.
Here we weighed anchor and went on our journey, not waiting for a repetition
of the sport, although I felt like taking a hand in it myself."
There were 43,241 skins sold in the Victoria market last year, the catch
of thirty-five vessels, of which 21,676 were caught along the coast and 21,565
in Bering sea, showing that only one-half of those marketed there were taken
from the forbidden waters. Seals are reported in unprecedented numbers
along the coast this spring, notwithstanding the lugubrious prognostications of
those who claim to be experts, and it is not impossible that some theories
may be entirely upset before the season closes.
(to P. s.)
As heaven's splendor shining blue
Her eyes must seem, my friend, to you,
On whom she deigns to smile and give
The food on which young lovers live.
Rose leaves of flame her lips do seem,
As fashioned by Desire's dretim ;
Each botanist would wish, I wiss,
To press such petals with a kiss I
The very eloquence of grace
Her torni, her step, her pretty face ;
It is wonder she were given
A chance to wander out of heaven I
Lkk Kaikoiii.u.
Mellick Those poor people were sadly reduced. Their only cow
was mortgaged and they had not a scrap of fodder for her. The family was
also without food. They placed their empty dishes on the table and gathered
round it and prayed for aid from on high.
Jellick Ah ! There was sublime faith. Of course, while they were
praying a philanthropist drove up and brought them a huge basket of food?
Mellick Nope 1 The sheriff drove up and took the cow for the
Br ifti
She (playing bashfully with the button on his overcoat) But you must
promise me solemnly, dear, that you will not object to my earning money
with my pen after we are married.
HE (in agitated haste) Of course I promise you, darling I swar.
How could you so doubt my devotion?
She (yearning for a compliment)-! have always so wished to be beau
tifuL which makes my plainness so much harder to bear.
HE (consolingly)-Why, now, I never thought you $0 homely as some,
don't you know?
She Why so silent and preoccupied, Mr. Gaggs?
HE The theme that agitates my brain, Miss Thurston, refuses to crys
taliie. If I can make the correct turn in a play upon your name, there is
seventy-five cents in it for me. How would something about hungering and
Thurston for your society do.
" Chawley is so well bwed that he wouldn't eat an owange unless he had
an owange soon."
" Indeed ! Well, 1 know one thing he would do. He would imitate his
employer's writing on a check."
Well, but that wouldn't be ill bwed, you know.".
He Do you remember the first day I met you, Miss Amy ?
SHE Oh, yes ! I shall never forget that day.
H E Do you really mean it ? Oh, Miss Amy
She Yes, indeed. That was the day when Jack Barry proposed to me
and 1 accepted him.
Freshwf.D (pettishly) I can't see why you don't cook as well as moth
er did.
Mrs. Frkshwkii (after a pause) Let's see, George dear, I think you
told me that your father died scxm after you were born."
FRESHWEI) Yes j dyspepsia killed him.
" Mr. Glanders," said that gentleman's wife, rather severely, " I want
you to give that tytwwriter of yours the sack."
' It's very thoughtful of you," replied Glanders, " but I gave her a seal
skin two weeks ago."
0 er that it yes, I'll discharge her to-morrow."
VTt Announosjirunt of Prtloulni of YtllowMont Park Conteit
In Advertising Column.