THE WEST SHORE. 14!) f , SFJK IQUNT 1Q0D -QHtiioiri; Vt.A.v CI.: M.-f'i.lS THE OREGON NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. CAPITAL PAID IN, 1200,000. TRANSACTS A QSNERAL BANKIS9 BUSINESS. Biohum md Tel(raphlc Tranifsr. 10U on Ban Franoiaoo, Maw York. Uhioaao and tha principal pointa in tha north met Drafta drawn on Chink. Japan ud Kurop. Hakaa oollaetiona on biTonbl tarma. Praaidant, TAN B. DiLABHMDTI. Vioe Praridant, 8K0. E MABKLI. Caahlar, . . D. F. BHKBMAN. Ladd&Tilton, Bankers, PORTLAND, OBBOON, Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposit. OollMtiou made it all pointa, oo faror able terms. Letters of eradit Issned, available In Eu rope and tht eastern states. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic) Trans fan told on New York, Washington, ChU eago, Bt, Lome. Denm, Omaha, ban Fran oisoo and rations pointi in Oregon, Waah Ington, Idaho, Montana and British Col nmbia. JCxohanie told on London, Paris, Barlin, Frankfort and Hong Kung. Frank Daknm, Prw. A. H. Breiman, V.P. Wter Ootoalt, Beo. and Mgr. . THE COLUMBIA FIK( AND MARINI INSURANCE CO. Of FOITLAND, OBKtOLf. Principal ORImi 46 Washington Si, 80BBCRIBKD CAPITAL, 9iX,0U0. Tha ample Haserva and Aw amnlaUona of thia favorite Oregon organisation are in theireehes an absolute guarantee of secur ity to potior holder. Its terms, both M regarda it agent and the iniureref prop ertjr, aa favorable aa oould be desired. Correapoodenoe solicited. Portland ageaoy of theftennan-Amerioan Inenrauca Co, of New York: Dekom 6 OutoalU THK NORTHWEST FIRE AND MARINI INSURANCE CO. Anthoriaad Capital, ISOO.O00. Dlraotora-D. D. Ollphant . Loawan barg, J, MoOrakn, J. K. UiU, I. K. Am old, V. Kmrt, U, L, Pittock, F. M. War. Otnoara J. Loawanbart, praatt J, MoCraken, vir.prttt.: H. F, Karhart.aMr. and manfr.i F, M. Warren, tnaa, K. k entt, aaat, .aoy, Hnooaaaor in OrMon to Sonth Rritiah and National Fira and Marina lna. Goa. ot Naw Zaaland. OFFICE, H Waabinfton 81. IBANK DEKOM, D. P. THOMPSON, H. 0. BTBATTON. PnaidwU Tio Pnaidant Cwhiar. -THE- PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND, ORECON. S. W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. PA 18 INTBRK8T ON TIME DKP081T8. Loans Made on Real and Personal Security. JBT"Acta m TnutM (or Individual), corporations or eette pending litigation or settlement. Commercial : National : Bank. OP PORTLAND. S.W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. President, Vice President, Cashier, Assistant Cashier, D. P. THOMPSON. FRANK DEKUM. R, L. DURHAM. H. 0. WORTMAN. farsight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on tie York, Boston, Chicago,. Omaha, 8t. Paul. Han Francisco and all principal places throughout the North west. Exchange sold on principal cities in Europe and on Hong Kong. THIS PAPEB hB,"AdtStwS Aionor, N and et Manhanta Kiohania, Han FrmnolMo, California, whara oontraota lor adTartiainf oan ba nuda for it Hat No Competitor on Earth. N.E. Skinner,105 Oca. Ant for Paolflo Coast, 10S Wwhinnton Bt, iruasd. Or,, Vf KYKB, WILSON ft CO., BHIPPINO 1H and Commiiaion Marohmnta, Nmr kUr kat Block. Portland, Or. M. W. 4 Cos 8. F. W.M.4(Jo.,LinnooL Hint 'aa m ELL BREI c aak! AAfirnHv -, II 11 uil I II rS 111 'WWVll T 1 sWbi a wmrnm QUICKLY MARRIED a apot.TO la one of the best known city luxuries and each time a cake Is used an hour is saved. On floors, table and painted work It acts like a charm. For scouring pots, pan and metals it has no mnm. if vout store-kesDer doos not keep it you should insist upon bis doing so, as it always gives satisfaction ani its immenso sale all over the United States makes it an nlmost necessary article to any well supplied store. Everything shine after Its use, and evon the children delight In using it In their attempts to help around the house. ALISKY'S, Th. Laadln and Onljr rtrat Olaaa Ba tanrut, lea Oraaa and Oratar galoot la tha Oitj. 1U Ftrat Bt, Portland. Bitm a Bum, Faotlf Booma, V aldar, Propra, ripI STRETCH! TEAR! NO FIT! Than art soma of tha troshlaa of tuni ladiaa with poor Kid Qlona, Wi an sow ahowinf tha lataatarrlTala of th fanoin " ALJUANDBI " Kid Oloraa, whioh for mora than forty nan hara itood la tha laad of ant elaai tooda. OLDS & KING, Portlaad, Oraf. Z. T. WRICHT, Foot of Morrlaos SC. PoaTUuro, Ouaos, ADVANCE THRESHERS AND BNOINB, Firm, Obaroh ud Bobool Belli, Inaplratora, Injaoton and Faad Pnmua, Coal Oil KnaHoaa, Trahara Pompa, Kriabal Knfinaa, Bollara and BUaai UaoaraUira, Laundry Machinery, Marine Machinery, CBKMICAL FIRM BNOINU, Blaokamith ForrM and Drilla, Baat Ail Oraua and Oompoand ta tha world, Fow aU aBraaaOoodaaBdlnm Pi pa, IHND FOB CATALOGUE!!.om When ym mowd In you promised lo mv me on the first of every month. You have been here three inonthi and I have not teen a cent. Now I don't prtHxue to put up with such irrt'cukirity, TKNANT-Well, I don't ice any Irreifu. Ltrity aUmt thill. TV.vdi Siflinip. Northwest Loan and Trust Co. BU Vint Pobtiavrd, OanooH, Cnpltnl.ta.0,000 1 Dolla BaTinta depoeita reoaired tn anma of 1 and npwanta, and Intareet allowed thereon. Aooounte kept euhjeot to oheck. Orafta drawn on New York. Han tfranoieooand Ku ropean pointa. Loani made on Heal or Per oDal Heourit. Thia oompani italic an thoriaed br ill charter to ai scute trusts of rerydripUoniaotaAtifTtea, HaoeiTer, (.nantian, Kxenntor and Administrator, or tn an other tMuoiary oapMitrt aainma tha oare of real eatata, eolleot raDta, intaretta, difidend. ato.i reoeipt for will and keep them aafelf withoat oharte. Ornun Uorjaa-10 a. m, to I p, m, T to I p. m. Batardara. tt.aUarala.Pree. J.LRartrnan.Traaa. W. 0. Dillinfham. Heo. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, , Daaignatad Oopnaitonrand Financial Afsnt of UiaUnitadBtataa, PraaidMt, . HENRT FAIMNU, Vic Pnaidant, H.W.COHHKTT. Caahiar, . 0. 1. WITHINUTON. AaaiakCaahiar, H. J. U01U1VIT. Lattan ot Pradit iainad aTalUbl is lu mp, and tha Kaataro atataa. Hiiht Eichana and Talaanphia Traaa. fan aold on N.w York. BoMon. (ihiwifo, Bt, Lonia, BL Paul, Omaha, Han FranclMW and tha prinoinal nolnta in tha northiraat Hiiht and Titna Billa draws In auma to auit on London, Paria, Bwlin, FrukforU oO'thMain, Hong Huns. Oollaotiona mara on faTonbla tarnu at all anaaanibla pointa. cam 4ll' ? IwVJ.Ii 1 1 T 1 ffxlf 'I ' New MnssM-Thtata lnmalio Com pan. Week eommeneinc Monday, Mar, 8, ilte great aiuotiooal drama in four aota, L' ARTICLE 47, Tha Muaaa Bon Uanoaa and Batnad BpMialliM. Krary Batordajt Childran'a Dajr. Matinaa WlDij and Haturdajr, 1:10 p. tn. Ad-miHion-MuM. luo. Bnata in ThMtn, 10, ft) and in ou., aootirdiiti to looation. Boi Bto-MalinMaV)iKTanln rteata ra. aamd aix d.ya in adranoa withont axtn ohaiwo at not oftirja. '1'al.phon. AM. Doora npan daily 7 p.m. MuMprform anoa iMflua at 1 JO. ThMtn baiina at HO. AND RETAILERS 6th Ave. and 20th St., NEW YORK, WILL MUIOVI". APHIL 1, 1891, Ta their IManlSeral FlnPraaf ll.llal.i oooupjliiov.rJtu)iwo(iKrio).)lo i WEST 125th 8T.f Bet, Ia.i aid Tth A.m. Wtth Incnvued farllltka anil a lancer aort mml of lh.i l., w. ran U.rnt won proln aiul tMiur wr.lo. than ei'r batora, iuo 300 Dollars In PREMIUMS wlU bt orftred la Purrliavra thrown n. C. F. KOCIIaVCO'H 11,1,1 HTHATKII FASHION CATALOGUE, A Ualdaarhawlakar Dry Coods from New York and hMlhm n.llm1 lei of ehnni-li 1 the nnM amiiuma to a . tiled aum i prlre. Irjile.dltr UtUi (mm Mf Whtr l,..n Puhllaiil r)reh in, ft. and Milled fiw0ii iii.I Ir.ii.m ; It.lhia ami lllu.lrl lna. till "! .';' lllhiHirauh. .nil w.M.louH, rtrrjlMnj Dee,M tor Utllea'. Own' anil ClilMwi'l waar and aoora twuti HoUMiliwiln Ch.Ml., el. la wnilua plMa. nwuttua Hit. papw