148 THE WEST SHORE. O F CLOUOH CLOUGH & GRAVES 'j jit I: REAL ESTATE INVESTORS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SPOKANE FALL8, WASHINGTON. a1 TBI PBLTOH Wltn 1211 ILG.Kins.ow, STEAM AND MOT WATER 'DMIXGEXGLVKEH PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. torn rot riouM Steam and Hot Water Heater bUmataafurnlihed for h.atingpri..t,and public buildioge with eteam or hot wal?. 373 Third St., Portland, Or. JCA8T AND SOUTH -TU- Southern Pacific Route. Imti (M LOOtm t.Uam N.ODpm ttOOpm IHAtTA LINK. Traina Iran ad are doe to arrira at V vl , . ArriM I --....... .n i lien-, Halem. AltHinjr. Kueana, kMfold. A.hl.n.l hZZ ram nuN (laden. Mn Jr-nnisoo, M,,)., l. Aogeln Kl I'uo. Hn V. !,rl" Kurt T.Cuaoi Hoeebiiri md war Ullx Iii.. winnioura lur ML Bcw,llniwMiill,ud i? L'S" ,Alh" ""'"J (Dsn ! J?" I'u111" " li"0. li-alpm I Upas UoMiMmllaA way eiaiioua fa aaua DININO Unit ONOOUKN HOUJX PDLLMAN BOPKICT 8LKMPII18, TODKIHT ULKKPINO rum For eoengimntatinn of second cleat pw. - -"" iw ail name, Throogh TirU OllicV IH lint at. .here him., ran t . bun ml All alur. traina arrlferdMar front Oiaad I antral Htaiioa, Fifth and i ale, HAItltOW (UOUsW. a. DIVISION POHTUHD4 w7iuKrri VAL. Hf. rMaaoger Utx, foal a( Jrfferaut at. MOTHKK AM) SONS. Fond MoTHKt-fiid you have a nice lime at your little friend s? Smai.1. Siix-Not very. Ilii mother wai hangm' round moat of th' day.-GiW AVwr. " l-ook here. Thjj piece of meat don't uil me. It i from the back of the animal s neck, said an Austin man to a (nrman butcher." " Mine frien', all dot beef vat I sells Is back of dot neck. IJere vai nodding but horn in front of dot neck." Tesat Siflinp. I'l.KNTV 10 INTKKKST. Mks. (loriiAM I don't sec how you can endure a lilllr place like Liwnvillc. Noth ing to see. nothing to heir, nothing to talk about. Kl'kai. (k'KM Lmd sakes ! Why, our own church has chanced ministers three tinn-s within a year, and the other church is having a row with theirs. Sew York WeMy. Ill No fUfor Rrmiftr nun h rtn.fi for Cooifbi and Coldi. or any trooble of the lnruaf, toao Brown i bronchial Tn.cn ." PnotliScti. Sold only in boxti. THE WEST SHOREPAYS ALL EXPENSES. - v awwBi wvuuik luu un Kiuiu iiiu wwuiiu Nailer; w Ui famma National Park of tha YaUowatooa ia poiHaiiHl b nearlj ararr paraon in wuuuf oui ma aipnaa oi tntting tiia "np to aid from tha park, aa well aa Uinmah it nmnl, tknnunj. . . ..... . . ' " iiw Tuiuna is wirrj maimer. Aa it u, uouianaaot tnoaa woo eaa afford to iratlfj thair deairea rera in iu beaatiai annuallr, Ida ll'at SJora haa parfaotod arranaam.nti wherebj ma of iu raadara nu aojor aU tha plauurea Of a Tll tO thia BTaat Wfirkahnn n n.h,M fu J :. .i : (, - . hhi h uui remaina w asian u paraon who ahall aojo, it. Althoort tha aioaraioa wiU ba frea, it will not be ait to IT ITI 7k. V 7 ' w mmi 10 "c1" oidk hud to Mm it, DOt VltD 10 hudl al(tna. Kntwilk kaik..iK tH.. L -it ... ii.. . j M ' . " iwb wq wiu nna u ue lonffltt or m from the nam " Yellowitona Prlr.' In .l ! wcor,io d U"oah tha park. From anj .UUon on tha Una of tha Nortbarn Paeilo rail war, from tk. Paul to Portland, tha auooeaaful oompatitor T ..',.U" i"B " " MOommodaUona, includim Pullman aleapar and meala In tha dinlni oar. takan to tha n.,t .r,l .k.i. ..j ., . . . ... . ' . ......... numnuiM point ot starting, fraa of all aapm. whataier ucidanul to traid. Thia includes hotel bill., atafe fara for '. ai". "" """"' that i. a Wlimato etpauM in making the trip. In addition tA thia mwiA , V ii i ., . - , nien nnaan eaan pnna to the Iftaan 1T "" pri" ' I WW and thirteen of Sm each. Df-hih,0iLil,,dM '"f Ml " Which " omi""' i" .riT.mu.h Keiiant, wnMhar aocecaasfnl in winnim priias or sob CONDITIONS AND RULES. n.Vaai Mil'l'ia f.tia .Pi f II llll fiAvai IWwufo A war "Utioria IM NMk.M IV. . H-a. Ilarh. laiiuelta. Ml.l.t, Uallaa, Moo hiuiA ami Airha, jrllnratdaAwaratallooa attiw Hi an tlta Si'pai ItlSpm II IUn M lllna uatif. T Ualtr.aieapteuadar, Farriaa nwntol with til mint for Hall, wowi and llilwaukta, H. KURHI.KK. I.P.R(HIKH8 Aat,lrat,F.AP,Art, Tha eootaat elo aa Mar it. urn. now on our list. Lif mm b. ran in dphabwUcal ordw, with Ui. toUl nnmbar of word, noted at U "n?M T 1"" ""toinrf in the Mm. Vllowatoo.' oura In .ha. mT 1 ,n on. word mora Um than it - PrOpr DAIDwa) KhA aWtkaTranhinawl . .ill . U. -ii a Two worda iptilod alike, tiiooirfa havina Hi ff aw : . . . d .h.ra.rd i. .pUd i, moV w7bT .X. .in"' OnliKnilUh.orfull,An.lieil u Ti.T. " 'tUln' "'" '1. In th. new Ut,ond rtB " ""0f " b" " Worda marked (06a.) in th. aioii.m. m u. .j. , ,v . ' - hw u..umniwa, Onlr tha ainiular, ftomiuUn of aonna ; tha innniUra form of tie rh .-.i. word "toi" and tha lii i.i . t. 7 . 01 lUnt tha PrwJta. and tnBliaa will not ba admitted aa leparate worda. Oft-oin. tb. .m. namba, ., wor,U, prafca.iu mlnt Tb. raanlt of tha emiuM Bill k. .... , . . THE BEST. n u s-.a,.. av -TT SEED ANNUAL . ITiw will Ha n,.-J EUrF I lie all appUcanta, and lo lasneuoo'sl Lui'.uuiti.. ii is neiirr utao avar. I srery penoa asini banana, , should and (or it Addreai D. M. FERRY 4 CO. I Lanr-il Seeotn-ti In tb. world J Chant of lima and Viator Swrrlot to Chlcafo. Fast train, orar tha North wwttarn Lisa, 0, Bt, P. M. 4 0. Br, now ma aa follows t CTIcojo Daylight Xrpraaa-Th onlr 14 hour darliiht train between tha Twin Cit iaa and Chicago, lam Hinnenpolia at 7X0 a. m.j Bt Paul, T.U a. m. (dlnnar In dlnini oar) and amree in Chicato at 1.41 p, nt. Thia hour of arriral in Chioafo (ires con nection with mora night tratna out of Chi oagototht Eaat tod South than trains of other lines. Cnfeooo Feilllwfed Limtkd, in UK hm, laarea Minneapolis at S.S0 p. m. 8t Paul, .K p. m and arriras in MilwaDke at 7 Jt a. m.; Chicago, MOa. m. Thia ia tha onlr oomplataTtstiboiad train betwteo tha Twin Cities and Chicago, and oonntota with ill Fast Lint traina laaiist Chioago in tha morning for tha East and South. Traina ot Northern Pacific, rail war oouneot in Ulnse. apolis and 8t Paul union dapota with tha through traina orar tha Northwestern Una, If tickets can not ba secured from tha agent at rour station, mar th. !-, am Line, call on or addreaa W. H. HEAD, Geo. Agt, 1 Waahlnatan Rl. Pnril.n4 n T. W. TEABUALS, 0. P, A., Bt Paul. From Terminal or Interior Polnta th Northern Pacific Rv. ml V llJecIeiipig nuifations, tiisitingG wvi.ii r KINTINC ,T A. ANDERSON & CO.K a Mr St., Poutland, Or. MailOrderDepanmentF; Oar Hill Order Ifcpartmani u Wlr organ lead em fmap.weMdlc-ts.io, ftoorls awt liTtVlTor Preea. WaaracbiacilmportaTaof w rarmers i Kp.rhmn (tnm F,riMT.;;rrl","B iJS t. Hunpl. or on reot.pl ot ramirtanoa br maUor u! PINE MILLINIBV rBV iaa w.u IW-; t-ooda, Hata tod Caps, Boota and BhoeaT broH- ... lathe Una to take to ALL POINMTAND SOUTH. It U th niNINO CAB ROUTS. It rone TH HOUGH TKSTIHULM TBAINK BVKRT DAY INTH1 XtUBto St Paul and Chicago ! NO CHANGE OF CAB8 m DIMINO CABS Dnaor. Ka of La teat Equipment. TOURIST 8I.KKPINO CAM Best that can ba oonatnotad and In wnioh aooommodation. art FBBI ckJM'l",0r8woBda LKOANT DAT COACH Kg. CONTINDOUSUNK connwUng with Aii. UNE8. affording DIRECT and DNINTEKHUPTED BEBVICK. PnUmSSrSTp loo oan b ta rond in adranoa through aar agent of the road. nuhad on applaoaUon to anr agent, ot CHABLTOM, Asailtmnt I n Herbert Bradley & Go hms lea,her - W 73'nt8t,PORTUMD.OR.