THE WEST SHORE. 147 The big mining deal which has been pending in this city during the last month has assumed formidable shape, and the transfer b now as good as con summated. The mines to change ownership are the Amy and Silversmith, owned by a company and located just northwest of the Moulton ; the Gold smith, owned by George Tong exclusively; the Millside, owned by Frank Carey and others ; Little Annie, owned by Clayton Ramsdcll, of Deer Lodge j Tully, owned by John Connell and D. J. Hennesy; Sooner, owned by E. A. Nichols and Charles S. Warren j and the Silver Safe, owned by Patsy Clark and others. All of these claims are situated northwest of the Moulton and have been considered among the best silver producers in the camp. The pur chasers are an English syndicate, and the price agreed upon is $800,000 cash. The deeds have all been made ont in the name of Frank P. Carey, signed by the claim owners and placed in escrow in the First National bank, where they will remain until the money is paid, which will be inside of ninety days. The syndicate has already examined the property thoroughly and is perfectly satis fied with it, but Captain Plummer, of the Elkhorn company, will arrive in a tew days to make another examination. It Is the intention of the. syndicate to put in additional machinery and sink four shafts for the thorough development of the property, which, when opened up, can not fail to prove a bonanza to the syndicate and of inestimable benefit to Walkerville and Butte. The pur chase gives the company 9,000 contiguous feet along one of the best silver veins in the camp, which is ample room to work the ground on an extensive scale and extract therefrom millions of dollars. In the past the Amy and Sil versmith has produced a vast amount of silver and gold, the dividends alone being $249,000. It is developed to a depth of 500 feet, and up to a short time ago was under lease to a number of Butte men, who worked it at a profit until fire destroyed the hoisting works. The Goldsmith is also a heavy pro ducer, is developed to a depth of 400 feet, and for years has been worked continuously by its owner, George Tong. The other properties have not been developed to any great extent, but they are known to be good, and with a little work will become paying propositions of no small proportions. As soon as the money is paid over the work of improvement will be commenced and prosecuted with vigor, and in addition to the large number of men now employed in and around the camp hundreds more will find work through the enterprise of the company. In connection with the sale it is said that the FoftPoudec Used la Millions of Homes AH. JOUNBON, Stock ffrotsr, WhatmaU AtteAer sat Packer, And dealer in sil kinds of fresh and Cured Heats. Btoon, Hams and Lard. Hpeelil attention girna to sap plying ships, lint m near Ash. PORTLAND. OR. INFORMATION!, persons suffering with KIIKUMATlsM In any form, Nenralail or Lombeso. 1 will, without chsree dueot those srtlicted to l tun and permanent oars tape nothing to mil but aim information tehnt to uss that cured mttlf and frinu aler all othtr means had failtd. Address P. W. Psrk hurst, fraternity A Art Publisher, Lock Box 1WI, Boston. Maes. BORTHWICK, BATTY CO, I Washington 8t Portland. Or. INVESTMENT AQENTi AND DEAL BRI IN BKAL BMTATB. A rants for Wood all wn, Rtrhlaad Park ssl Portsmouth: Vllbs, Bend for our Insettment Contract, yield. Mention H'eef Shon. ULL OUTFIT, mo. I I Wris OtMJofee. I I ELECTRIC GOODS mrMsVfMksl v 40 Years the Standard. t k'Al One of the lsrgest end finest Hotels In tht Paoihc Northwest. A. I. Prop. O1 REGOM IN1TSTMENTSL mt annum on inTtttmnta mm in ml Mt.ta through OS. nroTiued we let one- half of all pronts reoMTed - jer and atone ssid eishl per cent, full particulars sop. plisd on sppliratioo to W. u. HTbL C P. O. boi 170. Portland, Oregon. The following references are air en : Bsr. ehuts' National Bank and the Heal Kstat Kiohange, Portland: Seneton John H. Mitohellsnd J. N. Dolph snd Congrstsmu Biuger Hermann. Washington, U. U HOLTON HOUSE, FOURTH A ALOIR tTi., PORTLAND, OR. CHAS. W. ROBY, Proo. hewly furnished tnd nutted throMhouk first class hotel, ele.slor, slectric belle snd modern Impressments, I'hirget moderate tnd courteous itttotlon lusmntssd. syndicate is casting about for a suitable site on which to erect a mill and smelter for the reduction of its ores, and that Butte will be the favored spot. Butte City Miner. Portland bankers and merchants deserve credit for their forbearance and display of business tact during the financial flurry last fall. Their action averted a panic in the northwest, one banking house in the metropolis holding off when they had over three million dollars of claims against various parties, mostly in Eastern Oregon. Had these claims been pressed it would have en tailed ruin on the debtors. In taking the action they did the Portland bank ers displayed good business judgment. It was the first time the financial ability and capacity of the Oregon metropolis was tested so strongly, and the result demonstrated its stability in a way that was creditable to that city, the financial center of the northwest. A storian. POETS OF THEPACIF!C COAST. Tl Wist Bbosi offsrt mosthly print u t purified below for the bMt porau submit ted for competition bj resident! ot the Psclflo ooset, Including DriUih Columbia, Three or four will be ssltoted for publiratioa etch week, and 1b the last issua of the month the names of the priie winners for the month will be announced. All poerai not published will be relumed. The oonteet doses eeoh month on the twentieth. Poems should not tx oeed fort? linet in length. The jadme are persons of literary oultur not ronneoted with In West Baon in en? capacity. The following prim are offend monthly : tint Prtie-A volume ot one of the ittnderd poets, 12-mo, else, handsomely bound In full pedded leather, with full gilt edges. The prite winner may designate hit oholot of the following tolnmn 1 Dsnte, Hilton, Scott, Burnt, Moore, Wordsworth, Brown, tug, Pot, Joan Ingelow, Mm, Hemsne, Mr. Browning, and ftTorit Poemi, a eolurnt of cholte (.elections from til the poett. These tie ell new books, specially leraed it elegant gift editions, tidtre from the iheWei of Btutit 4 Thompson, the well known booksellers of Poitlind. Second Prlie-A lobsoriptioa to Tat VTeif Store for ill monthi, to be lent to enr ad dress. TMrd Priit-k lubeoription to Tht Wat Short for three months, to be tent to try ad. dress. Grand JVfie-ln tddition to tht monthly first prist, tt the end of the year the poem that shall be decided to be the best lent in during tht entire ystr will receive in elegint copy of ont of tht grest clesiic poemi with illnstrttiont by Dora, end tht portrait ot the writer will be published, 10 tint I host who hist resd the poem may hart tht td ditioDil pltssnre ot teting tht feoe of tht ont who hat contributed to their enjoyment, ADWAY'S PILLS. U U AN EXCELIENT AND MILD CATHARTIC. TheCREAT LIVER & STOMACH REMEDY For the euro or til disorder of the wnNCH. I IVFR. BOWRI.a, KIONITI, HLA1IDKK. SttCRVOI It lllnKANKH, LHN OP APfKTITK. HKAUtlH K, CON STIPATION, UONTIVKNKNt, INU10KNTION. llll.IOII8N.HX, FKVKH, IN. PLA M NATION OF TH K HOWstUI. Pit, KM, sod til derangement, of tht latar al Viscera. Purely Vegetali!., containing no mercury, nluerala or Deleterious Druse. PKRPKUI l)l"PNTIN will be accomplished by taking RADWAY'I PILLe) Hyeodolaf DYKPKPAIA.HICK HKADACHE, ItlllLHTuMAVH, MIL. lODHNKKH. will be avoided, e.d the food Ihtt Is Mtea contribute He nourish ing prapertle. for the support of tht (Mural wtstoof I he body. HOLD HV ALL DHUUG1KT8. Price. te per bos, or, on reoelpl of price), will be cent by mail. S boxes for Out Dollar. RADWAY A CO., 33 Warren St., N. Y. THE PORTLAND, PORTLAND, OREGON. A new hotel containing all modern In proTtmtntti trtry room lighted by alsotlio Ityi light tnd tlryt heated by stesmi open Ire plsoss, bath in mitt, tnd on erery floor i sisrstors. Quests sre entertained on either tot Amtrlota or leropsu plan, ft Bestunnt the fin set In tht ollr, CHAH I. IJtUND. Mks. H. June. Willie trlls m my lm Isiml kiiwd you yitlrnluy. JANK-Oh, thiits nil rii;M. mum. I've got lurtl to it no. IWr tervnt. KKKKKKNCKS KXCHAN(iKI). Mks. I'KTrisil I'm nfniid you won't do. Ai'nnirly as I can find out you huvc work l in sis or right lncct durinK the aul ytw. MishMakv Maiiiwy llulil An' how tninny glr r li has yursilf hud In the same kiinir? Nulns, I m lliinkin'. I'u t. IM.KASKII WITH IT. " How did you like little ilun I gnvr your wifr? " I nnrr uw one I Hknl lirtlrr. It dird llir nest ilayWfT. Seeds, Plants, Shrubs, Vines, Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Etc. CATALOCUE FREE. Over MO imp IHiKtrnlliiit gntl ilotcrlliliw nn ot the Innrmt niid bwt maortl lUicki of Howls, Trtwt mil riiinli In Ilia li. a Ikwt Tiilii fur Ilia nioiioy lu our TotUxi NovuJUoa oiid Hpoolul Low i'rloui ColliKlJuiia, 37 YIARS. 28 CBIINH0U8U. 700 ACRES. THE 8T0RRS & HARRISON CO, Painesvllle, Ohio.