The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, February 07, 1891, Page 92, Image 6

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.a z. tji
fu r,T i r-ev
Here'l a pretty valentine,
Lovely little miss,
Left upon your queenly Bhrine,
Sealed with a kits;
Copid brought it there, I ween,
Such a sly sylph he,
Isn't it a dainty thing,
All in white and blue?
What a' rogue he wag to bring
Such a gift to you!
And thoee iweet forget-me-nots,
Fairest ever seen,
Woven into wee love knots
What can Cupid mean?
May be it would not be seen
Were it not for me.
What, capricious little maid,
Tears of sweet surprise!
Cupid lingers, I'm afraid,
In thoee hazel eyes;
For each tender, loving glance
Warns me of his art,
As I feel bis poisoned lance
Piercing my poor heart.
There, my wily, young coquette,
Charming and petite,
You have icarcely told me yet
That you think it sweet;
If yon like it not, I see
Do not, dear, decline
That you'll have to take just me ;
I'll be your valentine!
Jiam LaRui Burnett.
Tlili department will appear weekly, and the answers will be given
monthly, In the iuue published the nearest to the twentieth of the month.
All answers to puulea published the previous month must reach this office
not later than the tenth of the month In order to compete for priies.
The following priies will be awarded monthly :
Foi Pi'mijm For the best puule of any kind, two dollars in cash. For
lecond best, subscription to Wist Shore for six months. For the third
best, subscription to Wist fiioxi for three months. Winners will be
announced In the hut issue of each month.
Fua SoLVTioNa For the drat complete set of answers received, two dollars
In cash. For the second, subscription to Wiht Hiiori for six months.
For the third, subscription to Wmrr Huoxt for three months. Answers
must reach tills office by the tenth of Uie month following the publica
tion of the pnules. In cue of no complete list being received the near
est complete will be awarded the priies.
tiaAxn PaiM For the greatest number of puule accepted and published
during the year lHDl, an elegant life site portrait, either crayon or water
color as Die winner may select, executed at the photographic establish
ment of H. C. Towns, corner of First and Morrison streets, Portland,
Oregon. For the greatest number of correct answers received during
the year 1HU1, one of Towne'a portraits as described above. The sec
ond greatest In each of these classes will receive subscription to Win
Hhoie for one year ; the third greatest, for six months ; the fourth great
est, fur three months.
t i
i t
t t
t t t t
riiTiiixY rT.
I'pper rhomboid, across I. A measure, S. A tube. 3. To support.
4. Due. Down 1, A letter. 2. A prefix. 3. A young teal. 4. A color
(modern). 5. A weight. A, A confuted mats of type. 7. A letter.
lor rhomboid, aero I, The least whole number. 2. A blemish.
1 A )oung ahtllfUh. 4 Beverage. Down I. A letter. 2. A prefix. 3.
A place in Belgium.
7. A letter. '
4. A poisonous tree, 5. An adverb, 6. A pronoun.
Upper rhomboid, across 1. A journey. 2. At liberty. 3. An infamous
Roman emporer. 4. To drop. Down 1. A letter. 2. A preposition. 3.
A vase. 4. A chain of rock. 5. An epoch. 6. A boy's nickname. 7. A
Lower rhomboid, across 1. A season. 2. A pit 3. A young woman.
4. A dwelling place. Down 1. A letter. 2. To advance. 3. A boy's nick
name. 4. Combustion. 5. The whole. 6. An exclamation, 7. A letter.
An old proverb or saying.
Fort Wayne, Indiana
No. 12.
1. A plant.
2. To give forth a play of colors.
3. An order of mammals.
4 Nine times repeated.
Primals A wind instrument of music.
Finals A metal.
Connected Chloride of lead.
Srhomt, HIiiAi'njfon.
V. A. N. Guard.
No. 13.
A beautiful whole I embody, I ween ;
By no living man have I ever been seen,
Yet painted and praised by all men am I ;
My truest solution you'll find when jou die.
Curtail me, I then of your strength make a test,
Or I precede the sigh from a true lover's breast.
Now behead me, I leak very badly, and still
In leaking, my mission I truly fulfill.
Behead me again, and by this operation
You resolve me into a devout salutation ;
Reverse me now, and I am one you well know,
A lovely creation of Harriet B. Stowe.
i'(Hl Portland, Ortgon. C B M
No. 14
Ipmk vji aqptger i
The sentence 1 the key to the cryptogram.
klfgWcJgpraJrmPl dPmk T'' aqPt8M IDpe ggTfCP dcdq'g qP cbT0t