The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, February 07, 1891, Page 88, Image 2

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Illustrated. Publlihad Every Saturday at Portland, Oregon,
Portland Offlco,
Spoktoo Fill! OfSct,
htw York Offict,
171 Second Strtet.
19 Bill Miin Slrttt.
4I Tribuoa Bulldlof.
Sulneriplion Price, $4 00 per Year, in Atlrance. Single Copy, 10 Cenlt.
Adtlrtu all eommunlcatloM, and male all rrmiltancu payable, lo
MnUrtdor tranmtuUm tkrouak tk mailt at mond clou rata.
With tin Issue of January 31, 181)1, Mr. L. Samuel retired from tlie
management of the Wsst Huoas, and from the Wknt Shokk IYbusiimo
Company, and la no longer connected with either.
The new management of the Wist Siiori la arranging for extensive Im
provement In the pir, lis atyle and character will be materially chang
ed. It will don a new dress of type, improved methods will be employed
In raising the standard of the illustrations, and in every department such
changes will be made aa will bring it to the very first rank of illustrated
j lurnallsm. A few weeks ago the opinions of patrons regarding the treat
ment of features of public interest was asked in this column. In response
to this Invitation it develops that colored lithographic Illustrations are not
the most popular tor a journal of this class, rio the changes to be made
will Include the su)ierseding of that style of color work with illustrations
tnale by photo-mechanical means, enabling us to reproduce pictures direct
from nature that are absolutely true such as are used in the highest class
eastern publications. We are confident that these Improvements will ap
peal strongly to popular favor. It will take some time to perfect the ar
rangements, but they will be marked and permanent.
A self-made man reveres his creator and admires his handiwork.
The Insurrection In Portugal wu too short to earn so long a name.
There la a time for all things, and It Is quite time congress attended to
Those gentlemen at Salem who are wearing collars do not require any
name engraved on the plate for recognition.
With Lotan and Simon tugging In opposite directions the poor turkey of
an Australian ballot law might aa well be a buuard.
Hloux Indiana are going to Washington to see the " great father." The
president will be " great shakes " to see, undoubtedly, for Indiana Is noted
lor them.
Senator Squire la said to have gone to Washington with blood in his eye
lor some of the federal olllclala of the state who are two round to fit hia
square holes.
The directors of the Columbian exposition can already aee where they
ran put $1.1,000,000, which, of course, Includes the putting of some where
they can not see It.
Wyoming baa appropriated $30,000 (or the world's lair. This is pretty
good lor tlie Infant state of the union. Full grown Oregon ought to do no
less than II v times aa well.
ltevolutlon In Chill, revolt In Portugal, mutiny in the Belgian army,
rowdyism by Kngllsh trooa In Bermuda, are soms of tlie items of foreign
military intelligence of tlie past week.
Those who may think tlie Illustration on tlie first page a little unseason
able, art assured that violets are actually In bloom In Oregon, not only In
the picture, but in the gardens. The poem wu written by Ella Hiiglnson.
Both parlies to the bribery case in Olympia have been proved to be im
maculate by the committee ol investigation, though ne.ther gentlemen fully
agrees with the committee on this point.
It is quite a commentary upon affairs at Olympia that a correspondent,
in shaking of the great quantity of mud, felt it necessary to specify that he
referred to tlie streets and not to politics.
The final vote on the Australian ballot bill in the senate will determine
the quettion of whether the president of that body owns It, and whether
the highest legislative branch of the government will be true to the people
or to the bosses.
A contemporary complains that more than half the state revenue Is to
be expended in appropriations. How does it expect it to be expended?
Publishing the laws in newspapers would not consume quite all of it ; in fact,
not nearly as much as some publishers have been counting on.
As the United States supreme court has decided that is proper for Can
ada to teat the Ileliring sea question in that court, Blaine will do well to
moderate his indignation a trifle. He can not feel very much confidence in
the strength of his position if he is unwilling to let the highest judicial
authority of his own country pass upon it.
Although a little late in taking up the subject, the waterway convention
held at Walla Walla this week will doubtless give a great impulse to the
movement cf opening the Columbia river. Oregon is making great progress
in that direction in her legislature, and if Washington will be equally liberal
and earnest, something practical will be accomplished.
When it is thoroughly understood at Salem that the great majority ot
the residents of Portland, East Portland and Albiua earnestly desire consol
idation, and that those who are at the capital working against it represent
nothing but themselves and their own personal, political or business inter
ests, all of which is the true facts In the case, there ought to be no dilficnlly
In passing the bill.
While it is proper that the extent to which employees and employers
may go in any contest that may arise between them should be regulated by
law, It is equally proper tbat those regulations should apply to the latter as
well as to the former, and in this regard Willis's senate bill la defective.
Not only so, but it is entirely too stringent. It is just as bad for employers
to blacklist men as for men to boycott employers. The less ot either the
country has, the greater will be our prosperity and the happier our condition.
Although Multnomah county has been the most enthusiastic supporler
of tlie national guard of tlie state, and though the bill appropriating $10,000
lor its better equipment and support was introduced by one ot its represent
atives, the bill can not be said to be a distinctively Multnomah measure.
That county pays more than one-third of the taxes, but will receive but
little more than one-fllth of the appropriation. If that county Is willing to
give more than It receives for this purpose, the other counties should be
willing to do their share In rendering our national guard an effective mili
tary organisation.
Promoters ol tlie scheme ot a Pacific cable from the United States to
Australia, via Hawaii, must not forget, and probably dq not, that there Is
already well advanced a concerted movement on the part ot Canada and the
Amtralian governments for the laying of a cable from British Columbia to
Australia over practically the same route. A conference of delegates from
tlie various governments will be held in a lew months and the scheme be
placed on a practical basis, each government guaranteeing its proportion ol
the expanses ol operation. The United States can not afford to be behind
in this movement.
Oregon is making haste alowly on the world's tair question. The artist
presents the situation lairly on the last page. Bravely, indeed, did the pio
neer say itlu volat propm,, and Oregon did, Indeed, "fly with her own
wings in those pioneer days ; but not now. While her sister states are fly
hig with st-ong sweep ol wing toward th. height, ol prosperity, Oregon is
en to creep. Whenever an effort is made to provide wing. lor her
fl glit the shears ol the mossback cut them off. Yet, nothing i. truer than
would make the progree. she should. No better opportunity will ever be
H&iz? u,m preMnt- " M
The Wist Inom Word Contest closed January SI. As there Is The attention f ,,,..7
auoh law number of Hats to be amlned, It will be Impossible of " Poeta of tha P.m-r . ' 0lled ,0 th department
to announoo the names ot the prise winners tor two weeks. 08 of this number the nro"nment on page