WEST SHORE. 101 Funk Detain, Pres. A. H.BrejmaiLV.P. Peter Ootoalt, Beo. and Mgr. . THE COLUMBIA FIRI AND MARINI INSURANCE CO. OF POlTLiltD, OllOOI. Prlnolpal Offloai 46 Washington St. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $5CO,0Ua Th ample Basem and Accumulations of this farorit Oregon organisation are in themeelree an absolute guarantee of moon itjr to polioj bolder. In terms, both u regard! ita agents and the insurers .it prop arty, aa farorable ai ooold be desired. Correspondence solicited. Portland agenor of theflerman-Anierioan Insurance Co, of New York ; Deknm & Outoalt. THK NORTHWEST FIRB AKD MARINE INSURANCE CO. Authorised Capital, 1900,000. Direotora-D. D. Oliphant. J. Loewen berg J. MoCraken, J. K. OiO. P. K. Am. old, V. Kggert, H. L. Pittook, F, M. War ren. Othoers J. Loewenberi, preeti J. MoCraken. ri'e prest: K. P. Karhart, secy, and mangr.i F. 11. Warren, trees,; E. Ky. erett, asst. eeoi. Buooeseor in Oregon to Booth British and National Fire and Marina Ins, Coe. of New Zealand. OFFICE, M Washington BL FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Designated Depositor; and Financial Agent of lie United States. President, . HENRY FAILING, Vloe President, H. W. COHHKTT. Cashier, . O.I.WITHINQTON, Assist. Cashier, H. J. COilBk.Tr. Letters of Credit issued available Is Eu rope and the Eastern states. Bight Eiohange and Telegraphie Trans fers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, BL Loon, St. Paul, Omaha, San Franoisoo and the prinoipaipoinU in the northwest. Bight and Time Bills draws in sums to nut os London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Hain, Hong Kong, Collections made on fsrorabls terms at all aooeasible point. THE OREGON NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. CAPITAL PAID IN, 1200,000. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Eiohange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Ban Franoisoo, New York, Chicago and the principal pointa in the northwest. Diana drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes oollsorJonj on farorable terms. President, . VAN B. DiLASHMUTT. Tioe President, GEO. B. MAHKLE. Cashier,. . D. F. BHEBHAN. Northwest Loan and Trust Co. W First St., PoiTLutD, OuooR. Capltal,l20,CO0 1 DollarSaylngatanK Barings deposits reoeiTed In sums of 11 and upwards, and interest allowed thereon. Aooount kept subject to oheok. Drafts drawn on New York, Ban Franoisoo and Eu ropean pointa. Loans made on Heal or Par sonal Security. This company is also au thorised by its oharter to execute trusts of ererydeeoription; aot aa Assignee, Beoeiyer, Ouardian, Eiecutor and Administrator, or in any other ttdnoiary capacity; assume the oare of real estate, ooUeot rente, intereste, dividends, etc.; receipt for wills and keep them safely without charge. Omoi Houia-io a. m, to I p, m. Tto I p. m. Saturdays. 8. B. Mark la, Pres. J. L. Hartmas, Tnaa. W. O. Dillingham. Secy. Ladd & Tilton. Bankers.. PORTLAND, ORROON, TiuDsact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points, on faror able terms. Letters of credit issued, unliable Is Eu rope and the eastern states. Bight Eiohange and Telegraphlo Trans fers sold os New York, Wuhington, Chi cago, St. Louis, Dearer, Omaha, San Fran oisoo and rariona pointa in Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, Montana and British Col umbia. Eiohange sold on London, Paris. Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. FBANK DEKDM, D, P. THOMPSON, H. C. BTBATTON, President. Tioe President THE- PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND, ORECON. S. W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. PATS INTEREST OK TIME DEPOSITS, Loans Made on Real and Personal Security. WActt as Trustee (or individuals, corporations or estates pending litigation or settlement. Commercial : National : Bank, OF PORTLAND. S. W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. President, Vice President, Cashier, Assistant Cashier, D. P. THOMPSON. FRANK DEKUM. R. L. DURHAM. H. 0. WORTMAN. aHTSIiiht Exchange and Teletrranhlo Transfer anld on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, tit. Paul. Ban Francisco and all principal places throughout the North west. Exchange sold on Drinciual cities in Enron and on Hong Kong. THISPAPEB"J.t?AiS Agency, H and H Merchants Exchange, San Franoisoo, California, where oootraota tor advertising can be made tor it Hat No Competitor on Earth. N.E.SkinnerMra5."o7;. Oen. Agt for Peciflo Coast. M EYEB, WILSON A (X).. 8HIPPIN8 and Commission Menh.nt.. Km Mar. set Hlock. Portland, Or. H. W. Or, 8. F. W.M. A Co. Liverpool. 'I.' a. - ' i-i J. J. VTTW.NTJiT' $f&good house-wife. who uses iSAPOUO. it Is well sa.id.-The mouse is muzzled in her houseVTiy ft&nd keep your house clewvAII grocers keep ir- eanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can't find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised at youi success. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ALISKY'S, The Loading and Only First Class Res tsuaat, loe Cream and Oyster Saloon la lb City. It! First St., Portland. Batm A BlairDa, Fern ill Booms, SB Aider, Propra. rip! STRETCH! TEAR! NO FIT! These an some of the troubles of many ladles with poor Kid Glorae, Ws are no shoving the latest arrirals of the genuine " ALE1AND1UE " Kid Gloree, which tor Bore than forti rears hart stood la the lead of first olaas goods. OLDS & KING, Portland, Ortfoa, Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison SL, Portland, Oanoi, ADVANCE THRESHERS AMD ENGINES, farm, Ohuroh and Bohool Billi, Inspirators. Injectors and Feed Pumue, Coal Oil Engines, Traharn Pomps. Kriebel Engines, Boilers and Steam Oeoeretora, Laundry Mtchintry, Minns Machinery, CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Blackamith Forge and Drills, Beat All Grass, and Compound in the world, Pow ell's Brass Goods and Iroa Pip. SEND FOB CATALOGUE. Coinmenoing Monday Ave., Feb, B.'Ul First appearance her of the Comedian, Donnelly & Cirard, IS NATURAL CAS IN A NEW MITER. pany. week oommencing Monday, Feb, a llomantio melodrama, in lire a. la, entitled ENOCH ARDEN. The Mueee-tjongs Denoea and Banned Bpeoialtles, Every Saturday Children's Day. Ha tines Wednesday and Saturday, 1:10 p. m. Ad. miesion-Hueso, ltlo. Seat in Theatre, 10, SO and W ota., aconrding to looatinn. Box Besto-MatinesKos Evening too. Scats re served eix dars in adranoe without extra oharge at boi orhoe. Telephone 6W. Doors open daily 7 p.m. Uusee perform anoe begins at 1 JO. lhaatre begins at 8 JO. Dl I VP Dialognn; Tahleam, Bprakcrs rlflf N 'or School, Club and Parlor, I W Uctout. Catalogue fro. T. 8. Dennison, Chicago, III. Drug Cure (to man at night bell) What's wanted down there? Man Do you want to save a man's (hie) lite? Drug Cure Yes; what's the matter? Man Come down quick (hie) then, and (five me some whisky. S'loons all (hlc) cloeed.-pocA. . HARD ON THE NERVES. Sua How uncomfortable it must (eel to have mustache about one's Hps! Hi Oh not at all so, I assure you is it, now?-an(irrf lampoon. THE POT AND THE KETTLE. " Yon have such ridiculous names out in Washington. Bnohomish and Klickitat, for Instance." "Ah! Where are you from?" " From Sagadahoo county, Maine, sir. What of that? "-Puck. A FEMININE DEDUCTION. Aunt Uattik Mary, I am sorry you are going to marry that man. I'm afraid widower won't make yon happy. Mary Oh, I'm sure he will make a good husband. Yon know he nev er cared much for his first wife. Juthji. THE NEW MINISTER. . First Fair Parihiiionir Isn't the new minister handsome? Bicond Ditto Ditto Isn't he, thongh? Tiiikd Ditto Ditto They say he's engaged to a girl In Wayback. Omnkb The, homely old tiling. Yania Bladt. '