The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, January 31, 1891, Page 76, Image 8

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Under this beading the'last issue of etch month will contain number
of the beet poems entered for competition in the Wsht Siiors poetic eon
(Mt. Only residents of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana,
Utah, Ariiona, Nevada, British Columbia and Alaska are eligible to com
pete. The conteet closes on the fifteenth of each month.
The following prizes are offered each month, making twelve first prizes
daring the year 1891 :
First Priii. A volume of one o( the standard poets, twelve-mo. site, hand
somely bound in full padded leather, with full gilt edges. The price
winner may designate bis choice of the following volumes: Dante,
Milton, Bcott, Burns, Moore, Wordsworth, Browning, Poe, Jean Ingelow,
Mrs. Hemans, Mrs. Browning and Favorite Poems, a volume of choice
selections from all the poets. These are all new books, specially issued
as elegant gift editions, and are from the shelves of Stuart A Thompson,
the well known book sellers of Portland.
8(00X0 Pans. A subscription to Wist Hiiors for six months, to be sent to
any address.
Third Puts. A subscription to Wsst Siiori for three months, to be sent
to any address.
Oiaxd Puis. In addition to the monthly first priie, at the end of the year
the poem that shall be decided to be the beet sent In during the entire
year will receive an elegant copy of one of the great classic poems with
illustrations by Dore, and the portrait of the writer will be published,
so that those who have read the poem may have the additional pleasure
of seeing the face of the one who has contributed to their enjoyment.
The judges are persons of literary culture not connected with Wiht
Hiiors In any capacity. The following poems have been selected for publi
cation from the large number entered In the January competition :
(riRHT nuts).
Pipe, little iwd ot mint, nor ttay
Deepdring, Uiit do etnogth be found
In Urn. Tb mateaty of Bound
To weakling inetrumeota altar
Hath been denied, Yet, ehouhl'tt thou play
Thy elender not mldtt chorda profound,
And it rios Iran, It ahall b bound
And oarrtad on n royal way.
Low an tha twittering of dawn,
Dhy heralds of tha warbling boon,
And tialeet blooma, dew famed, ar bora
A boat tha fiat of cutely flower.
Life naadi mutt hen of all aoma ned
Than pipa that, olaar and Una, ar rand.
OoWoad, Miornia. Mio WTaup.
(mi'onii I'Rir.i).
Dath-drip-eplaah-the lauihlnf nter run,
Uliins furtln Iwaaka to tha wtUow'i balr,
Klialns Iba modet blnaballa on tha bun,
And tripping thoaghtleea pabblaa nnanr.
Tha Book. bird trial kit baM to oatak tha toned.
That bt mar ntn hont It a eoothing lajr (
Rat Mom bnteee, eiagiag hug and lout.
To fain oaTarst baar tha aolta any.
The bar In wblaiian atorata to tha oak.
Filling tha air with lactate from bit hraath i
Thie, too, tha crafty aaphrra grup aad hold
Bmhalntins parfaina, kaapins nyinpha from death.
Teat Uenet Twalta! Peal the mido'ty chine
Tha aaamar ana amllaa don wltb abtarlnt IV I
Tha aoaa, la qalat grating, ralia thtlr baailai
Aerue la Said tha ran ulna honta neigh,
Upo a malla ben, bait In grows,
Vurtatful ol tha lima, ar plaoa, or eeeo.
Kaellnaa a rtttoa of anak wnliaeet
Tha alna miaul alalm bar a tylraa iiuaaa,
Tha birda all nrbkt whan aha tlha bat ana i
Tna walan lara tar Lay Inaar tlpa i
Tha wltablnt brinta, faanlas bar to eleep,
Bnela Ihalr anal matla on her dainty Up.
JNrAvww, ( WCVato. Auoa 0. How tan.
I ttand in tha old time plaoa,
Whert tha rot wnitht droop and iwajr l
Cuettinilr thar touch my teoe
And the yean hare flown tway.
Mr lorer again bendt low,
While I tear tha bloaaonu apart,
At idlr the bndt I itrow
" Do tha rotea hart a heart ? "
A word and a thrill hrub-
BhaU I tpaak him " rea " or " najr ? "
11 cheek tteala the roae't blnth ;
With mr area 1 bid him ttay.
Lott'i ttar in the twilight slowt I
A kiai it left on mj brow I
A heart I hare found in tha rote
Mr quetlion it aniwerad now.
Oregon Cilu, Oreoon. Mm. C. 0. Batman.
In tha bruh felloe by the lane
I hear tha ttormbirdt erring,
And I know the winter rain
Soon will beat when thou art lyiog ;
For the wind and rain an near,
When the atonnbirdi an B-orying.
A bnn, bright, winter rota
Tape tha window whan I'm lining ;
III heart with baautr glow.
While the autumn houre are fl itting ;
It tapi the tilent nana
Of the window when I'm titling.
The touth wind kietee light
III pelalt ourrad and folded,
Like a plclun warm and bright,
Cloea in tha heart eofolded
Like a dream of lore and youth.
In the heart of age enfolded.
And it tpeaki to ma of the,
Whil the itormbirdi n averring,
Though thy fact I can not an,
Thy memory it lying
In the winter ot my heart,
Beit, brighten and undying.
I dream of thee eo dear,
Before the woodnre glowing ;
I baar tha hard belli olear,
And the cattle aof tly lowing ;
The eoundt foreleU the rain,
While the fin in brightly glowing.
In thought I pan the lane,
When ttormbirdt an arying,
At to tome eacred fan,
To the gran whan thon art lying,
Through fragrant pine wood aitlee,
When the luneet glow it dying ;
Whan on can not hear tha noiat
Of a footfall on tha mown ;
Whan tha pica lean lightly poiea,
Like a flit ot lueiet Bonat ;
Whin lie rabbit or tha eqsirrel,
Witt, lilent footaUp, crotaee ;
When tha brake, with qniT'ring frondt.
Betide the gmeetone whitpan
The arlll matin tonga,
And at an tha etdder naptre.
That tha night wind toftly taught
Tha laarai to chant ia whiipera.
There eo quietly yon Bleep,
While tin netleei wind an tighing,
In tha grate to dark and deep.
Nor heed the ttormbirdt crying,
Hor tha team that tall like rain,
And my heart within ma dying,
Tha row tape on tna nana,
And the itormbirda an Burying,
And I tow will hear tha rain
Beat through lb wind't low tighing,
While ma learn flutter don
On the gran when thon an lying.
i,(o.l,,cui(oi. ARRiMoaatnoaBaio.
Tha nry air Uaa golden, ttiU and cwect,
With dnamlacas. at It Iwen etaeped in thought :
Tha nry mountain! ban a fuller meaning,
Touched with the glory by the enatt wrought)
And fold on fold the white toga, cneping upward,
stand ken and than like prly gatee ajar,
While roey llghta and purple tinted thadowa
Brighten ami darken Uke a paling ttar.
The fair, ewaM billtidM in their mrald glory
Shownonrybrightneet Ilk, Uwrnby't heart,
And erlmooa eloada, lit. treated mt liana, alowly
In the oft blue Mat! by themtalra apart.