The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, January 31, 1891, Page 83, Image 14

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from all family ties and responsibilities to the Jew who enters the Greek
church, and a permit to travel and reside anywhere In the empire to the
Jewish maiden who becomes a prostitute. But to return to the charge.
The Jew saves his money and the peasant borrows It. When the time
comes for repayment, and the peasant realiies that his lite is hopeless for
the betterment of his condition under his country's rigorous laws, the cal
cium light which leaves the government in darkness Is turned upon the Jew
and the anathema goes forth " Here is your curse, here the people who are
absorbing your substance, open upon them the vials of your discontent."
The third charge declares that the Jews spread nihilistio doctrines.
That there are Jews among the nihilUts is true, undoubtedly ; there are also
prominent members of the royal family identified with the hand of reform
ers; and all the hope that the sweet voice of liberty will ever be heard
whispering through the borders of that land courage to the persecuted and
oppressed-and all persecuted and oppressed are Jews generally, as a body,
are In any way connected with the movement-Is to assert what the very
aspect of their condition emphatically denies. It is no part of such an ad
dress as tills to enter into the question of nihilism, so termed. We all
know how contrary are its true purposes and hopes to those generally Im
puted to it by the uninstructed and noninvestigating. It would be a poor
compliment to my audience should I enlarge upon the fact that nihilism
and socialism are not anarchism. If we could read the lines traced upon
the hearts of those Siberian sufferers whose wrongs demand the sympathy
of all true religion, of all true humanity, we would see that the same nihil
ism burned within the souls of those whose names all freemen revere, who
gave to the world its sacred and inspired statement of human rights, pledg
ing to its cause their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. But these
poor, degraded, down-trodden Jews of Russia the masses of them, not the
fiery hearts and burning brains and aspiring souls, which, I thank the Giver
of all good, are among them, but those poor miserable! who have never
known what it is to draw a free breath who have lived and grown and
wasted and died like their fathers before them, in dread, doubt and hope
lees drudgery; surely the very heavens Bhould blush that as a reason for
crushing them utterly these are the only charges to be brought against
them by the one powerful, autocratic empire of the world. lieflect one mo
ment on the facts reduced to figures. There are nearly fifteen hundred mil
lions of people in the world, and not quite eight millions of these are Jews.
How petty is warfare and persecution and hate against that handful I
The question has probably arisen in your minds " What can we doT "
My friends, accounts have reached us this very month of the opening of
the two houses of parliament of Japan. Steadily, surely and systematical
ly the people of that empire have been taking advantage of every thought,
of every act, of every impulse, of every example which could lead them in
the path of improvement, and secure happiness and constitutional freedom
to their land and its inhabitants. Sweet peace has spread her mantle over
them. All travelers tell us of the beauty of their country, of its simple,
natural ways, of Its courtesy, of its sense of right and of the content and
cheery disposition of all its classes. Here are the spirit and the Influence
which bring forth the flowers of the world. Look back a few years into
the past and see the picture of another land a shattered state carriage, a
horde of frightened officials, the mangled corpse of a man at whose nod but
a short hour before eighty million human beings trembled, and royal blood
upon the Russian snow. Here hqvered the Influence which brings forth
thorns and weeds. Let me read the words In which genius paints the black
horror of this influence, and then I will answer your question as to what
you can do. (The speaker here read Algernon Swinburne's ode, " Rus
sia. " ) No influence that springs from an earnest desire and conviction in
the heart Is lost. Notwithstanding the sentiment of the poem I have read,
more Influence may work regeneration where force and the power of de
struction fall. The civilisation of the world Is but the Index of the accom
plishments of the aspiring spirit, and none of us who feel and appreciate
the scope of a recognized soul within us are too weak to aid the force of that
soul power which guides the world along the path of right and Justice. I
ask your individual ellbrt. Within a short period a large number of the
oppressed people whose cause I have set before you will be forced, is were
their coreligionists in Spain four hundred years ago, to leave their homes
and all the attachments and habits of life to seek new places where the
right to live and breathe and think like men and women will not be denied
them. Wherever they may go, to Braiil, Algeria, Pelastine, Canada or the
United States, and they will possibly divide through all these ways, they
will require the kind consideration of the people among whom they seek
shelter. Do not despise them. In judging of them let the facts of their
late surroundings and their forced conditions give birth to sympathy, pa
tience and allowance. Greet them kindly if they cross your path, let words
of encouragement relnsplre them with hope. Remember that they must
learn gradually the nature of their new conditions. They must be instruct
ed in the laws and Institutions of the countries whose protection they seek,
that they may appreciate the valqe of citlienship and assume It with de
voted loyalty. Our sympathy must be patient, our services unexactlng, our
thoughts unselfish. Then will the clouds which have settled o'er their
hearts vanish and the silver lining of true brotherhood shine bright, Illum
inating our pathways as well as theirs. Within your own circle, your own
home, your own surroundings, be each one a missionary of compassion.
Tell to others the truths which I have told to you. Let the flame of broth
erhood wax strong until It shall melt even the Icy barriers of despotlo ego
Ism. The world is so small, our stay in It so brief, we can not afford to har
bor hate, we have no time to waste in conflict We are Journeying to some
thing so much broader and grander that our finite minds fall to conceive Its
purpose or extent. Christians, Jews, Pagans and Turks, our footsteps wend
the same way ; why should we Jostle one against the other?
As I said in opening, I feel I have spoken to those who evolve thought.
Give it lorth freely. Here Is a test of the power of our age, of Its real pro
gress, of Its title to Its claims of having moved nearer to the right than ages
that have gone before. Shall the result find us bound still closer together
In the bonds of common lite, or shall the spirit of, discord triumph and the
history cf the world be again blotted with the foul marks of periods over
which we would gladly draw the mantle of forgetfulness?
Local and eastern capitalists have organised the Butte City Water Co
with $2,000,000 capital.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Wt otrrr a full atook of tha Pr Bui
F. L POSSON & SON, 209 Second St., Portland, Or.
Gin at a Trial Onto.
SuooMwn to Millw Brat.
CtUlotM Fna.
- IWad1liftoa8t.PorUt11d.Or.
Aetata lor WoodUwa, HlthUad
Para ud PorUnoalh VUla,
Band tor ooj IsmMmnt Contract, rlald
lQ tan par out. oat. Mention Wut Stum,
U U, IN CVPCIICUT lain Mlin fliTuiriTin
nil LAULULlll HIUI lillLU UHinAnilU.
Forth onraor all dlaordora of tht STOMACH, I.IVKR. BOWELS KIDNltva
Ml iMri riNlj rllil,fnntlnlD( u m.rrurr, mlnaralt or ll.t.rlnna
IOIISNENM. WIII b. ar.ldod.and th. food Ih.t I. Mu. oontribnu It. ."urlahl
Of proptrtlot for tht aopBorlof tht aalurai aula of ih. uii ui . .
RADWAY V CO., 33 Warren St., N. Y.
Farmers I Mechanics Store
SU444 rlnt, M Tailor BU. Portland.
inlttd ud andar otrtfnl tnparrialoa. Ban pi at
or oo raoaipe or rtmituuioi by auu or a
FINI MILLINERY. DRY AMD raunv nnflna to
Frarwou' 8""' ,u,'iUl 8oo' Halt and Oapt, Boota ud Hoots, Qrootriat ud
r-. n i n . i .. , ,
vui mmu wiw uwpanmani a. niuj ortmnil
frat tpun tppUoatioa, ttooda taut 0. O. D,
praaa. Wtandiraotlmportanof
VtoaAvaar, WMlt Bktm
and roofer,
And daalar It ill ktndj of fata and Oarad
Maata, Baooa. Him. and Lard. Spatial
ettaattoa gtvta to tupplin taint.
Mr St, Mar Atk, POBTLABD, OB.
A Boardltf tad Day School for Bora
aad Voaag Ma.
TWmftilr tqolppad for food work la
twrt dauartmasL Hand for lira K-paat
ttulotat. J.W.HllIU).PrloT
at. Bat. B.WuTia Moaaia, Boot or.