WEST SHORE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Designated Depository snd Financial Aawt of the United States. President, . HENRY FAILING. Vioe President, H. W. COHBkTT. Cashier. . 0. S. WITH1NOT0N. .Cashier, H.J.COBBm. Letters of Credit issoed ersilabls 1b Xu rope and the Eastern states. Bight Exohenge and Telegraphic Trans, fere Mid on New York, Boston, Chioago, Bt Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, Bu rranoisoo tnd th principal poinU in th northwest. Bight ind Tim Bills dnwn In mini to nut on London, Pane, Berlin, Frankfort-on-thtHein, Hong Kong. Collections made on favorable terms at nil aoooasinls point. Northwest Loan and Trust Co. SO First Bt, Poitlaxd, Ousoi. Capltal,SISO,000 1 Dolla ank Barings deposit reoeired tn mm of 1 and upwards, and interest allowed thereon. Aooonnta kept tnbjeot to oheok. Draft drawn on New York, Ban Francisco and Ku ropean point. Loan made on Keal or Per eonal fleoarity. Thi oompanjr i alio an thoriaed b; ita ehartar to eieonte tnuta of ererj description; eot aa Assignee, Beoeirer, Guardian, Exeoutor and Administrator, or in any other hdnoiary oapsoitj; aesume the oare of real estate, oolleot rente, interests, dividends. ete,s reoeipt tor will and keep them eater without oharge. Omoi Houu-io a. m. to I p. m. J to I p. m. Wednesday and Batnrdara, 8.RMrkle,Pree. J.L.Hartman,Treas, W. 0. Dillingham. Bear. THE OREGON NATIONAL BANK Of PORTLAND, CAPITAL PAID IN, 1200,000. ' TRANSACTS A OSNSRAL BANKING BUSINESS. Iiohange and Telegraphic Tranafen sold on Ban Franoisoo, New York, Chicago and th pricoipal poind in the northwest, Diufta drewn on China, Japan aod Enron. Hakes ooUeotiooa on tamable terms. President, Vioe President, Cashier, . . VAN B. DiLABBMUTT. QUO. B. HABKLI, D. I. BHEBUAN. London & San Francisco Bank, Limtd. Oapitil and Beierve, $2,416,000. Hud Ofrlo, 71 Lombard It London. This bank transeota a General Banking and Xuhsnge Business, makes loans, die, eonnta bills and issnae oommeroiai end trarelere' eredite available in any oity in the world, Portland Branch, No. 48 First atreet W. MACKINTOSH, klanager. 5. ' jj SEATTLE affoidsthe ncheet tisla for profit , ible inveetmsnt. Cen safely invest yonr money 1 in realty or eeoori ties so I as to yield large returns. Write for "Astonish. Ing raota." lismri-Atitoi In. TBBTIIUrT AND HllAnAMTT ("OJ., ' l Commercial St.. CaplUI t IOO.OOO, BeatUa. Wash. 11, JOHNSON, Stock Broker, ITXoieeaJs Bvtener sad Packer, Aod dealer la aU kind of Fresh and Cured Meat, Baooa. Hams and Lard. Bpeolai attantion given to (applying ships, riret et, a ear Ask, PORTLAND. OR. ALISKY'S, The Leading and Only riret OUae R teuraut, lee Ora and Or.ter salooa la e City, lit Firet BL, Portland. tUus A Baanaa, Family Booms, Aider. Propre, tfUODTytT. .ui I Witts aw Caatbtes. I I ELECTRIC GOODS tMtoelf. rertleae. w, IYF.R, WILSON CO., 8H1PP1NQ kaP,0,IU,"d ,. W. A Oos 8. r. W. M. Co, Liverpool. Latest styles. EDpC Best premiums, rnSB UieUr Untnt. CARDS Yali Caid Co., Niw Uatu, Com. Mors mm at coma tozt&St 1 noes the more woT&h. hriahrw. Busy wives who use SAP Q Li O n.5MSr seem to grow old.Try & cskz - A complete wreck of domestic happiness ha often reaulted from badly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifleg which eemed light at air. But by these things a man often Judges of his wife's devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglect when he finds her careless In these particulars. Many a home owes a large part of its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness to 8AF0LI0. r Grocers often snbstltote cheaper goods for SAPOLIO, to make a better prods. Send back such articles, aod Insist on having just what you ordered. Ladd&Tilton, Bankers, PORTLAND, OREOON. usmess. Interest allowed on Urns deposit. Collections mads at all points, un tevor this terms. Letters of credit Issued, available In Ka rons and ths esstsrn states. Bight Kiohsngs and Telegraphic Trans, ten sold on New lurk, Washington, ('hi. earn, Bt. Louie, Dearer, Omens, Ben Fran, eisoo and various points in Oregon, Wash, inghin, Idaho, Montana and British Col umbia. Kichange sold on London, Pari, Berlin, Frank tort and flung Kong, IP lfiHAU... Ti N.u.nnibiuw STEAM AND HOT WATER PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. AOUtT ros rLOBIDA Steam and Hot Water Heater Estimstee furnished for heating private and publio buildings with stsemor hot water, 100 Fourth 8t., Portland, Or. IBANK DEK0M, D.P.THOMPSON, H, 0. 8TBATTON, President. Tie President Cashier, -THI- PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. S.W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. PATS 1NTKRR8T ON TIME DEPOSITS, Loans Made on Real and Personal Security. 'Acts as Trustee (or Individuals, corporations or estates pending litigation or settlement. Commercial : National : Bank, OF PORTLAND. S.W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. President, Vice President, Cashier, Assistant Cashier, D. P. THOMPSON. FRANK DEKUM. R. L. DURHAM. H. 0. W0RTMAN. f sJTKIiiht Eichann and Telegrsnhio Transfer sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha. HL Paul. Ban Francisco and All principal places throughout ths North went. Exchange sold on principal cities in Europe tnd on Hong Kong. The Actual Pacific Coast Terminus of the GREAT NORTHERN Having fairly started en her second year, FAIRHAVEN points to the following marvelous RECORD OF HER FIR8T YEAR'8 CROWTH. Population (June 1st, Cnited B'atee Census) (.HI, now orar 6,000 Asseseed Valuation of Taishls P'operlr within (Str limits 7,MIHU Eight Milee of Blreete Urailsd, Plankl .nil Hldewalksd.. 'Ill 111 Great Northern Itailwar Hhops soil Terminal Works tVI.UU Wster Works, with osvsoitr for luklu) piwpls , IUU,IUI four Lumber Mills, capscilj ereni twenlr-foor hours miUIUfset 1.(Ttl Hotel Keirhsrsa. brisk, stons and iron. Sre stories high. Will) Vonr Ohurohes and ons Hehool Huilding Suuuu aUeotrie Light, ire and local dajoent, nest plant In the tttate KWOO Gas Worts, with oapaoitr for UKl.tlU people i.ui) four ll.ii ks. two Nstionsl. oapllal , klUOl Twooli-lour two end threa-storr brick buinea blocks. ., mult) Three Omen Dorks , UU IM) Boons of two end three-ston frame business bloc as, oust. ing each it (HI to IB ntn Hundreds of lieeidenoee, ousting each ILOUO to IJ,IUI These ere only the more prominent items, and Fatrharen starta on her eeonnd reer vitkimt a dollar rf HimUd or otkrr Mtbtrd. ' and $! 000 Is her Uly Treasnrj, with the following en terprises among the manr inaugurated to double ber wealth end triple her population br the oloee of 1HWI i Fatrharen Hteal and Iron Companj'e rnrnaess lltl.n) l omplele Hewersse Hystera simiii IlwlncMlnwil It.ilwsjr. , JMIIHI Additional ImpnirsmsoU h ths (Iraat Nurthsra llailwar, 6111.11U Rriok and Htone Hnsinsss Hliioks uniler war snd projsoted SVI.HU Coal llunkera with rinllr ceiauiigi of llUI tons I11IUU Another Public Hchw l lluidling., hino ImproTemente to ltiai and Iroa Uinee Hii.uU TeomoreChurchre.,..,. tf.UO Histere of Peoe Uiwital t0 fire Milee more of Hlreet ImpruTSUlsotS Slllllj Unirsrsigr of fsirharen IHi.llll rairhannFoundrrandUaohlnsHhop u,(U0 Reoolleot that Fairhaven always does more than it promisee. That It has directly tributary all the resouroM to make It the one great olty of the Puget Sound country The Coal of Pennsylvania, The Iron of Michigan, The Timber of Wisconsin, and A Matchless Harbor with Room for the Shipping of the World.