252 WEST SHORE. The citizens of Olympia, Washington, are informed by " a company having ample capital," that they stand ready to establish a large sash and door factory there if " sufficient inducement " in the shape of land or money is offered, Lane county, Oregon, reports a gross assessment of $0,882,352; indebt edness $1,397,030; exemptions $553,324; net taxable property, $4,029,898. Last year the figures were, $0,609,677, $1,292,192, $515,002, and $4,802,323, respectively, showing practically the same proportions throughout. The thriving city of Hoquiam, on Gray's harbor, Washington, has pur chased a fine large engine and other apparatus for the protection of its buildings from destruction by fire. Such precautions are prime requisites In place which are being built np with frame structures, and Hoquiam has set a worthy example for many older and more pretentious cities in the northwest. The capital stock of the Northwest Industrial Exposition at Spokane Falls, Is $50,000; the building and equipments cost $108,000; the receipts from the exposition were $25,000, leaving a deficiency of $58,000 to be paid by the enterprising citizens managing the affair, or carried over as indebt edness to be wiped out by future exhibitions. The city council is consider ing the proposition of purchasing the property for $75,000 and leasing It to the company for $6,000 a year. Considerable difficulty is being experienced by parties engaged in min ing for opals in the recently discovered fields near Moscow, Idaho, by water filling the shafts almost as fast as it can be removed. Blasting the rock also destroys the crystals. In Hungary and other places where opals are mined the rock is saved Into b'.ocks and taken to the surface of the ground and carefully broken. The same means will probably be employed at Moscow. The parties most deeply Interested in the business are confident that large returns will be made by the mines when properly operated. In advocating the establishment at Boise City of a state mining and go ological bureau, the Kelchum Keyilone says : Such an Institution would aid materially in making known to visitors the great mineral resources of the state, not by collecting and exhibiting rich samples of our various ores which would be a part of its business, but the publication of its annual re ports upon the condition of our mines and mining industry, which would be authoritative, and, therefore, sought after and read by men having means to invest in mines. Besides, it would serve as a preservatory of pet rifactions, fossils, curios, stones and minerals of general and particular in terest, all of which would be helpful in discovering facts and diffusing a knowledge of local geological and mineralogical peculiarities, which could but serve to stimulate prospecting on the one hand, and investment on the other hand of much needed capital in mines already discovered, and their development into sources of vast revenue to our people and state. That our mines are rich beyond possibility of computation will not be disputed; that the state and people should employ every agency in their power to compass their early development ought not to be disputed. 8 Used In Millioni of HomM-40 Years the Standard " Lay off your coat," said the first politician at a Uamocratic conven tion to the Becond You won't feel it when you go out." "That's what I'm afraid of," he replied. "I attended the last Democratic con vention." Lawrence American. "Sou SHE COULDN'T. V Tf .... w iiuuBKMAiD mere a leddy down-stairs wants ter see yer, Airs, uauam." Mas. Gamam-" Show her up." New Housemaid-" Faith, an' I don't know anythin' agin her, mum; I nlver laid eyes on her he- ton. Judge. PKorisoR-Who was SldoniusT Stuuknt There were several of that name. Phopissor-I mean the writer of history and of elegies. Student Oh, that was Sidonlus Apollinaris. His second name was conferred upon him because he was a poet of the first water.-iVi . DAniuwAY-Suppose you should come around to my house some day, walk up to my room, and find my lifeless corpse in bed. What would you dot Clevertok-1 would Institute an immediate search for that five dol lars you owe me. Life. AGENTS' rJ St!i J-Sl HlWAJiKITON070HI(.lN.sr: you marry Jac HiTi.t Will me? Rita Rukti.e-TIiIs Issosudi'en glve me time. Jack Husti.i-You can't afford to waste any more time. Yon must be twenty-six now. Say yes, Ulta.-iVt. Z. T. WRIGHT, loot ot Morrieon Bt, Poetlaxd, Ouooe. ADVANCE THRESHERS AND kNOINIU, farm, Ohuroh and School Bills, '"Plf'toi Injcctore a Peed Pomp, "J Oil JrW Tr,h,ni Jnipa, KrieDel fcninee, Boilere and Bums Generatore, Laundry Machinery, Marine Machinery. CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, SET? oiJP'M'iMl in the world, Pow U Breae (iouda and Iron Pipe. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. PORTLAND WIL. VALLEY Ry. TIME TABLK-AUQ-'Bo. ' PORTLAND. 0SBa.m B4U " 10W " 11 U 1 4 90 " S07 " 75 DEPART 7a.m Dan tuoa " 12 p.m. 10 p.m. ao " .w " b1?1 "U Oregonien B. R. point Buburtea Trwna-J Oewego ; t Hi-midi. Saturday m( ht lee u j f(lp Oewego. Jfornei i oonneot wilh til trains for Hell. wood and Milwaukee. Kionraiun partial for Spring Brook ot Camp Wwhiriatou at rediloM rat &KOKHLK11, n.W)AKDMAN, etenairar. A. li. P. A. EDWARD DEKUM & CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, 48 and SI WMhinto Mreet, PORTLAND, OR, Cermanand French Publications always In Stock. mm And Entrarint anoh a enown in thia pa per oan be dona for the raaidanta of tha northweet bjr A. An. dereon A Co., to a A'dft; P rtland, Or. WPnntintde. .uiviifc complete. 1 bill ODTrrr. . tax I I WrUalbrOaaalataa, I I I ELECTRIC GOODS V y Dayton, Hall Mvcrr, I T Sa.frca.lt, PorUand, ALISKY'S, Tha Leading and Onl y First Claae Ree tanrant, lee Cream and O rater Saloon la the City, lit Kret Bt, Portland. Bin A Brahdes, Pamlli Booma, a Alder. Propre. H. JOHNSON, Stock Broker, OTkoieaale flutcker and Packer, And dealer Is all kinda of Fmh and Cored BaaU, Beoon, Hame and Lard. Bpeoial attention (Iran to suppljitif ehipe, Flrat 8U, near A ah, PORTLAND, OR. BORTHWICK, BATTY at CO, I Waahinston Bt. Portland, Or. INVESTMENT AGENTS AND DEAL EKH IN REAL ESTATE. Afenta for Wood lawn, Blihlaad Park and PorUmonth Villa. BUnd tfli - T 1 , nl-. 1 J wuu .ui uui auTvauuvub . vmnuv, nwu inf ten per oent. nek Mention Wat Stim. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY, PORTLAND, OREGON, A Boardlni and Day School for Bora and Young Moo, Thoronihlr equipped for food work la ren department. Bend for new M-pee oaiaintne. i. w. mix. aui. ron. Bt. Bet. B. Wistae Morris, Beotor. . vv.uy.VMb Mail Order Department fes ? Mechanics store W U.ll ni r, . C ... WW'"t.MlajlorBU.Ponl.BJ " "WWVUIIWnilDpOrieMlUr or on mmitt r.'IT ."""W" ' '"-Hi uj mm or ex- PINI MILLINFDV nov ia ... Proiuiona, Uoo( H" Oapt, Boota and Bhoee, Qrooariaa and JAT p graves CLOUGH & GRAVES City of Ellensburgh, WASHINGTON. Vi 1 1. l . . viut, n. .ui.ii.uiuTa, wuulj Ml ox xuiuuw va wwu uia. laaee lie f niwui auivs ivux reara ao. Popolatioa a.um half of whom came the peat rear, lie ranoarsea are, Srat, anncnltarali eeoond. atmk, the tribourr teeuini idu,uiu neaa. buwi ranma well developed are fold, ailrer, oopper, . umiuii, uub 111. imuH 1. ini kinda,oreaeaahni4Utoo dot oeot Kit- amiie, ore aaaapni tu to M per cent, ftiv titaa oountj ia the feoirrapliical oeoter of Waehinaton. The nllm ia the naitar of the conntr, the town the center ot the Teller. Abundant reaouroee to eupport a Terr late REAL ESTATE INVESTORS. CORRESPONDENCE! J 8POKANH FALLS. WAHlTiwri'roV.