10(i WEST SHORE. WE SPOKANE EXPOSITION. The first representative exhibition of the products and induttrlea of the great Inland empire of the northwest, 1b now in progress in Spokane Falls. The coaat country from San Diego to Victoria hae bad its fain and exposi tion! wherein were displayed more or leu complete representation! of the character and extent of the country'! resource!, but the great inland country west of the Rockies has not before attempted an industrial exposition at all commensurate with the vaetnesi of its natural and developed wealth. The scheme of holding an exposition in Spokane was suggested late last spring, and the Northwestern Industrial Exposition comiany was organized on the tenth of June, and capitalized at $0,000. A lite valued at $00,000 was given for the building, plans were adopted and contract! let, and the active work of organizing an exposition that would be properly representative of the country was begun at once. The directors Insured success from the start by engaging the services of Mr. Charles W. Robinson, an experienced and coniUmt manager of enterprises of tbii nature in the east. Mr. Robinson was fresh from Europe where he had been studying special and general feature! of the exposition business, in the Interest of New York in the wot id's fair contest. When be left Paris he bad in bil possession what the manag ers of the Paris exposition declared to be the most comprehensive and ac curate statistical Information on this subject that had ever been collected in Europe. He took bold of the Spokane exposition with perfect knowledge of every requisite for success, and under bii direction the matter assumed definite form from the beginning and grew to the proportions that so many thousands have studied and won dered at from the first of October. The exposition building is locat ed In the eastern part of the city, and when construction was begun the site wai in the midst of huge pilei of basaltic rock. A great transformation has been wrought in that locality since that time. Street leading to the exposition grounds that were then totally im passable are now among the most perfect in the city. The pile of rock have been razed and all the surrounding! made comfortable and pleasing, The building Itself occupies a ground area 200x300 feet, and lias three floors devoted to ex-lilblU-ttlO.OOO aquar feet. On the first, or basement floor, are the displays of wagons and carriage!, fann and mill machinery, bini of permanent grain exhibit!, the aqua rium, the engines for driving exhi bition machinery, and tliedynainot that light the entire building and run an elect rlo railway nearly five miles long. The engine! furnish 450 horse-power. This electric rail way lands passengers directly at the south entrance to the ex position building, while the Rosa Park road, another electric line about four nillrs long, passes near the north entrance. On the lower floor of the build ing Is also a considerable space where a palace of delusion! mystifies people. The second floor Is mainly devOed to exhibits representing the different section! of Washington, Idaho and Oregon. Of Washington, Yakima county pretend " the result! of Irrigation," while Whitman bu an equally impos ing display, " raised without Irrigation." The best grain displays are from the l'alous country and the Dig Itend. Whitman county baa the moat complete grain exhibit In the exposition, among the selected samples being one (torn a field that produced 101 bushels per acre of wheat this year. Her fruits and vegetable! are also in the front rank. Yakima has mineral water and an Interesting display of vegetable and fruits, and specimens of tobacco that are pronounced by experts superior to the best Cuban production ; her sorghum and watermelons are notable. Yakima county present! quite a variety of minerals, among which are fine specimens if the only anthracite coal found in the northwest Kittitas, however, has the most Imposing coal exhibit In the exposition, It being a solid block of bituminous coal 2l,x4xl2 feet, from the Roalyn mines. There are a large number of rich specimens of gold, silver, copper and Iron ores from Kittitas, as well ss a varied line of fruita and vegetables, collected and placed on exhibition by the energy of Klleiisburgh business men. Lincoln county produi Hons Include a very cred itable exhibit of grains, truiU and vegetable, two very amusing black bears and several massive heads of mountain sheep. Adams county displays among it cereals and vegetables an Immense cougar at one of Its produc- BULOCI BLOCK, SrOKANl FALLS, WASH. tioni. Nil Perce county, Idaho, has a very luscious Iruit display for its main feature; It has a squash weighing 149 pounds. Freewater, Oregon, tbowa among other things, mammoth broom corn and sugar cane, and some very fine fruit. Medical Lake, the popular summer resort near Spokane, has a imall lake in the exposition with appropriate surroundings and many specimens of the products of that curious sheet of water that is so strongly medicated in nature's alembic. A miniature of the state asylum stands on the bank of this lake. The Puget sound country ii well represented at Spokane Falle. Seattle people have taken special pains to arrange a very creditable display, and one that is unique in many ways. Its shipping interests are represented by a model of the steamer CUy ofPutbla, complete in every detail so far as ap pearance goes. A sect ion of fir tree shown is eleven feet in diameter. Lumber, coal and iron resources are shown to advantage, as well as her manufactur ing interests. The press of Seattle has an excellent display. Tacomaisnot behind in its timber exhibit, and it shows a fine box of hops, specimen! of asbestos, sandstone and coke, and a number of manufactured articles. Olympia and Thurston county show attractive samples of building stone, tin ore, wooden water pipes, miniature cranberry marsh, etc. Port Townsend has a papier macht miniature of itself and surroundings In relief, and so on through an array of the best of every kind from every section, that is bewildering in its magnitude. The ores on the third floor form one of the most Interesting features of the expoiition. They are of all kinds, from the Coeur d'Alenes, the Col ville district, the Kootenai, the Metaline, the Okanogan, the Clarke's Fork, Manager Robinson, who takes special delight in art, aayi the shipment of pictures for titles exposition was the first one he ever opened without disappointment. On hundred paint ings were brought here from New York, and are the works of such artiste as Poors, Wiggins, Moran, Kluth, Darget, Fox, Rouzee, Hasbrouck and Rem ington. Probably the pictures by Frederic Remington, being striking features of western life and handled with consummate skill, are the moat popular in Die gallery, though the art critic would prefer others. The col lection embraces a pleasing variety of subjects, and many different schools are represented. There is nothing in the gallery that causes either the people or the press to discuss the propriety of the display. There are 158 pictures by lecal artists, and these constitute a collection that would be worthy of attention In any exposition gallery. They comprise oil, water colon, pastels and crayons. I-overs of art find a treat In the Spokane gallery, the like of which they seldom have an opportunity to enjoy. Be sides tli paintings there are a large number of specimen! of art needlework, Inlaid work In wood and miscellaneous article of more than ordinary merit in the art gallery. While there is no museum proper or zoological display there is a large numtier of interesting ipecimens of the taxidermist'! art and some amusing animals. Th black bean from Lincoln county attract much attention, as do two pretty, spotted fawns. A big, green crane runs at large bearing such printed announcements as " I buy my candy at Sweet A Sour' " or " I read the Jform'ng Echo," and varying the monotony of Its existence by biting too familiar persons. the Salmon river, and many other mines. The crystal sand found in the country tributary to Spokane is displayed In considerable quan tities, and seme of Its nses are Illustrated. In the mineral depart ment one may get a good idea of the manner of obtaining and treat ing various ores. The Colville smelter exhibits a considerable number of pigs of lead-silver as turned out from that institution. There are several valuable mineral cabinets in this department. The whole exhibit is very Interesting and It speaks with much force of one of tbe important factors in Spo kane's growth. A great deal of space is occupied with displays by Spokane business men in the various mercantile and manufacturing branches, and there is not an unattractive one among them. The displays of dry goods, furnishing goods, carpets, furni ture, musical instruments, edge tools and glassware, contain many unique and pleasing features. The art gallery is certainly the best ever seen west of Minneapolis.